Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1654: , The crisis is coming!

Gu Qingcheng squinted Ye Fei and said angrily: "Hmph, I didn't think about arguing with him. I just wanted him to help analyze this matter, but he was talking nonsense to me."

"Hey, Qingcheng, why am I talking nonsense?"

Ye Fei immediately stopped doing it, "I'm also helping to analyze the problem, okay?"

"You... what do you call an analysis problem?"

Gu Qingcheng became even more annoyed when she heard it.

"Hey, I said Qingcheng..."

Ye Fei was about to speak, and Qin Menglan quickly interrupted: "Okay, you two should stop quarreling. At this critical juncture, shouldn't we find a way to solve the problem first, and what problem can noise solve?

Also, Ye Fei, you sir, can't you let Dian Qingcheng? "

Ye Fei smiled helplessly, and said: "Sister Lan, have I been letting her go all the time? Besides, I never thought about arguing with her. It's obvious that she was like a gunpowder, and she just tantrums me inexplicably, okay?"

"Who wants you to let it? How can I take gunpowder, obviously you want to quarrel with me, okay?"

Gu Qingcheng's face became cold, and he went back directly.

For some reason, when Gu Qingcheng saw Ye Fei's arrogant appearance, his heart got angry inexplicably.

Especially when she thinks that in the past few days, the man secretly concealed what she was doing at home, she was even more upset.

What does this guy think of his home, his harem?

I'm so angry!

Hearing what Gu Qingcheng said, Ye Fei was unhappy, and his petty temper came up.

This Nizi, if he doesn't fight for three days, he will go to the house to reveal the tile, right?

Ye Fei took a deep breath, glanced at Gu Qingcheng, and said, "Qingcheng, there is a problem with the company, then we have to find a way to solve the problem. What is the use of you spreading your breath on me?"

Gu Qingcheng immediately exploded, "You... shut up! I don't want to talk to you!!"

"I said you two, it's enough. If you noisy again, then put me down and take a taxi to the company by myself!" Qin Menglan yelled.

When Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng heard this, they immediately stopped arguing, and then rolled each other's eyes and closed their mouths.

Seeing this scene, Qin Menglan shook her head dumbly.

These two people are really enemies.

On the next journey, the car remained absolutely quiet, Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng didn't care about anyone.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Fei drove to Allure International.

I saw five black cars parked in front of the company.

Two Volkswagens, two Sagitars, and an Audi.

At a glance, I knew that it should be the car that Daiju and others drove over.

Gu Qingcheng glanced at him, frowned, and said, "It seems that Dai Ju is a menacing force this time..."

With that said, Gu Qingcheng glanced at Ye Fei and said, "Ye Fei, drive the car to the underground parking lot. Let's go straight up later!"

Ye Fei nodded, then drove the car to the underground parking lot.

After parking the car, Ye Fei followed Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan to take the elevator upstairs.

After a while, the elevator reached the thirtieth floor.


As soon as the elevator door opened, and as soon as the three of Ye Fei got out of the elevator, they saw several high-level staff rushing over.

However, when they saw Qin Menglan, they were obviously shocked, after all, Qin Menglan hadn't seen it for a long time.

However, they all knew Qin Menglan's position in the company. When Gu Qingcheng was away, Qin Menglan had the final say.

Although Qin Menglan is only an assistant, his power is similar to that of the vice president.

Moreover, Qin Menglan's work ability is also obvious to all.

Therefore, each of these high-level officials did not dare to be big, and greeted Qin Menglan quickly.

"Hello Sister Lan!"

"Good morning Assistant Qin!"

"Welcome Assistant Qin back to the company!"

Although Qin Menglan was very gentle and intellectual in front of Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng, her temperament changed completely when she returned to the company.

Become aura, and very capable, at first glance, just like Gu Qingcheng, she belongs to the type of a strong woman.

"Well, hello."

Qin Menglan smiled faintly, and then said: "Don't be stunned, how is the situation now?"

Several senior executives nodded repeatedly and began to report.

"Mr. Gu, Assistant Qin, and Dai Ju and the people have checked in our company and found no problems." A senior said.

"Ah, very good."

Gu Qingcheng nodded, and then asked: "Then our six cosmetics manufacturing factories in Ninghai, have they found any problems?"

As soon as these words came out, several senior executives looked tangled and hesitated to speak out.

Gu Qingcheng just took a look, and felt something was wrong.

There was a bad feeling in her heart.

Could there be a problem with the factory?

Gu Qingcheng frowned slightly, and said coldly: "If you have something to say, just say it, hesitate?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Gu!"

A high-level cadre nodded and immediately said, "Mr. Gu, the people from Dai Ju just went to our cosmetics manufacturing factory to check.

People from Dai Ju said that they found in our cosmetics factory that several chemical substances harmful to human skin were added to the raw materials of our cosmetics.

Therefore, Bureau Dai requested that our factory be shut down for rectification, and the required requirements must be met before the factory can be reopened..."


When Gu Qingcheng heard this, his face suddenly sank, "This is impossible! Our cosmetics have always been made in strict accordance with the production standards, using Chinese herbal medicine processing, and no chemical substances harmful to the human body have been added at all.

What exactly is going on? ! How about the heads of several factories, what did they say? ! "

"Mr. Gu, I have contacted the heads of several factories just now. They said that they don't know about this matter either..." a high-level executive replied.

"Trash! It's all a bunch of trash!!"

Gu Qingcheng became very angry, "Since they are the person in charge of the factory, they should strictly control our products! Can they shirk the responsibility if they don't know anything?!"

As he said, Gu Qingcheng raised his eyebrows and said to a young woman with short hair: "Minister Li, you immediately contact the heads of the six factories. Please be sure to ask them to give me an explanation!

If you can't give an explanation, just let them go straight to me! ! "

Although most of the high-level people present were older than Gu Qingcheng's age, they were so frightened that they didn't dare to let go when they saw Gu Qingcheng getting angry.

After all, Gu Qingcheng is the president of the company, their immediate boss, and their ability is very strong, so they respect and fear Gu Qingcheng.

"Yes, Mr. Gu!"

Minister Li wiped off his cold sweat, nodded, and hurriedly went and called.

"Minister He, where is Dai Ju now?"

Gu Qingcheng looked at a woman with burgundy curly hair and asked.

"Looking back, Bureau Dai is now in your office." Minister He responded.

"okay, I get it."

Gu Qingcheng took a deep breath, nodded, and then said: "You all go and work on your own affairs. If you have any problems, tell me immediately."

"Yes, Mr. Gu!!"

Several senior executives responded in unison, and then hurriedly went to their own affairs.

"Sister Lan, let's go, we will meet this success in the future." Gu Qingcheng said to Qin Menglan.

Dai Chenggong is the head of the Ninghai Administration for Industry and Commerce. He is responsible for the management of all Ninghai enterprises and other profit-making organizations. He holds a lot of power in his hands.

"it is good."

Qin Menglan nodded, then looked at Ye Fei, "Ye Fei, you go with us too."

"What is he doing with him, should he go and beat that Dai Chenggong?" Gu Qingcheng said abruptly.

When Ye Fei heard this, he raised his brows, and said with a smile: "If there is a need, I will be happy to help."

"Ye Fei!!"

When Gu Qingcheng heard this, the blue veins on his flabbergasted forehead appeared.

"Ye Fei, what are you talking nonsense!"

Qin Menglan blanked Ye Fei, and said, "I will go in later, and you can just stay aside honestly. Remember, no violence is allowed!"

"Yes, yes, sister Lan, I know!"

Ye Fei nodded happily.

Seeing Ye Fei's appearance, Qin Menglan really had a headache. There was something serious in the company. This guy was not worried at all. He was really heartless.

Gu Qingcheng didn't want Ye Fei to follow, but seeing Qin Menglan's request, she didn't take care of it anymore, and went straight to her office.

"You were so angry just now, didn't you?"

When Gu Qingcheng left, Qin Menglan asked Ye Fei.

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