Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1655: , A couple!

"Is it so obvious?" Ye Fei smiled and asked rhetorically.

"What do you think?"

Qin Menglan rolled his eyes and Ye Fei said, "Can't you just talk to Qingcheng? The company had something wrong at the beginning of the new year, and Qingcheng must be very uncomfortable!

In addition, you deliberately angered her again, it's weird that she didn't blow her hair. "

Ye Fei shrugged helplessly, and said, "Sister Lan, why didn't I talk to her? It's obviously that she was angry with me for no reason, okay?"

Qin Menglan squinted her eyes and said, "Ye Fei, the real reason for Qingcheng's anger at you, don't you know it?"

"What's the reason?"

Ye Fei looked puzzled, a little unclear.

"You have been fooling around at home these days, do you think Qingcheng doesn't know?"

Qin Menglan shook her head and said, "The reason why Qingcheng didn't get angry at you at the time was because she was trying to save you face.

After all, Xiao Lengyu and the others were there at the time, and Qingcheng could only close one eye and pretend not to know. "


Upon hearing this, Ye Fei was speechless.

Well, I thought I had done a good job of confidentiality measures.

Unexpectedly, the women already knew about it, they just pretended not to know, just like the shadow queen of Escar.

Qin Menglan sighed lightly and said: "Qingcheng was originally a very conservative woman, but you are fooling around under her nose. It's strange that she is not angry.

If you want Qingcheng to be your woman, you should pay attention to it in the future, and don't make her angry! "

After speaking, Qin Menglan turned around and walked towards Gu Qingcheng's office.

Ye Fei sighed and shook his head, then quickly followed.

When Ye Fei, Gu Qingcheng, and Qin Menglan passed by the office area, they saw all the employees of Allure International whispering to each other, unwilling to work.

First, it was the reason for the first day of work in the New Year.

Secondly, on the first day I went to work, something went wrong with the company, which made everyone panic.

"Hey, Xiaoxue, have you heard that something has happened to the company!"

"Ah? What's the matter? Tell me!"

"Early this morning, Dai Bureau of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce brought people to investigate our company and said that our company was suspected of violating discipline and regulations!"

"What?! There is still such a thing, what should we do, the company won't really have an accident, right?"

"Who knows, it is said that people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau really found a problem in our company..."

Seeing everyone absent-minded, Gu Qingcheng frowned slightly.

She glanced at her employees faintly, and then said: "Don't whisper, don't guess.

As you think, the company did have a small problem. However, this little problem is not a problem for our company at all.

Think about it, everyone. In the past few years, how many things our company has encountered, didn't it come over in the end?

Which company will not encounter any problems? As long as it goes through smoothly, it's fine, it's not a problem.

Therefore, I hope that everyone will not be disturbed by this little thing, and just do their own job well. "

Gu Qingcheng's words were very straightforward. He didn't forcefully fill the chicken soup, he just talked about the matter.

But the more so, the more stable the hearts of the people.

When the employees of Allure International heard Gu Qingcheng's words, their restless heart was calmed down.

"Mr. Gu, don't worry, we haven't seen any big winds and waves. This little thing will not affect us at all!"

An employee stood up and said something loudly.

Someone took the lead, and other employees stood up one after another, saying that there was no problem, and they would work at ease and advance and retreat together with the company.

"Since everyone can think so, then I'm relieved. Okay, everyone can start working."

After speaking, Gu Qingcheng didn't say much, and went to run his own company.

But Ye Fei and Qin Menglan followed.

Coming to the door of the office, Gu Qingcheng was about to push the door in, when he heard a shout from inside.

"This Gu Qingcheng is really not a thing! She thinks she is who she is. I, Dai Chenggong, will come over in person. It doesn't matter if she doesn't greet him personally, she's still late and let us dry here!"

"Hehe, Dai Ju, you calm down. The staff of their company just said that Gu Qingcheng is on the way and will be there soon."

"Quiet? I'm a smirk. In the past, when I went to other companies, the bosses of other companies treated me enthusiastically. Only this Gu Qingcheng made me wait for her here for so long, it's simply outrageous!

Waiting for her to come here later, I have to educate her and correct her wrong thinking! "

Hearing this, the faces of Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan both turned cold, and their chests fluctuated with anger.

But Ye Fei squinted his eyes a little funny.

If you don't give him some color later, he really treats himself as a person.

At this moment, Gu Qingcheng took a deep breath and calmed down for a moment. Then, without knocking on the door, he opened the door and walked in.

The yelling inside suddenly stopped.

I saw three middle-aged men in black or gray coats sitting in the office, each of them combing their hair behind their heads, making them shiny, especially the leather shoes on their feet. .

One of them had a fat body and stopped having a beer belly. The middle-aged man with a bald head was sitting in the middle of the sofa. The expression on his face looked very uncomfortable, as if someone owed him money.

And this middle-aged man is Dai Chenggong, the head of the Ninghai Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

When Dai Chenggong saw the three of Gu Qingcheng coming in, he didn't stand up either. Instead, he said in a weird manner: "Yo, President Gu, it was early!"

Seeing Dai Chenggong's appearance, Ye Fei was stunned to go up and give him a kick.

However, when he thought of Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan's words, he had to bear it down for a while.

Although Gu Qingcheng felt very uncomfortable, Dai Chenggong was the boss of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau after all, and she did not dare to offend him.

As a result, Gu Qingcheng showed a professional smile and apologized: "I'm sorry, Dai Ju, I don't know you will be here today, so I was late for a while. Please forgive Dai Ju."

"It's alright, don't follow me."

Dai Chenggong waved his hand impatiently, and then said: "Let's get down to business!"

"Okay, Dai Ju, please speak." Gu Qingcheng nodded.

"Gu Qingcheng, we found a big problem in your Allure International cosmetics factory. Do you, the president, know?" Dai Chenggong squinted to Gu Qingcheng and said.

"Just learned a little bit."

Gu Qingcheng replied, and then said: "Dai Ju, our Allure International has always been a disciplined and conscientious enterprise. The cosmetics we produce have always been made with pure Chinese herbal extracts, and we never add any chemical ingredients, let alone adulteration on the human body. Harmful chemical ingredients..."

"Gu Qingcheng, since you said no, why did my people find a problem in your factory?" Dai Chenggong asked.

"That must be someone behind the scenes who wants to punish us..."

Before Gu Qingcheng's words were finished, Dai Chenggong sneered and interrupted: "You dare to quibble! Gu Qingcheng, Gu Qingcheng, before, I was very optimistic about you Allure International, and I thought you would become Allure International in the future. Our leading enterprise in Ninghai...

But now it seems that all this is nothing but bullshit. In the future, it will still be a question of whether you can continue to drive Allure International..."

"Dai Ju, what do you mean by this?"

Gu Qingcheng's face sank and said, "Even if our company really finds some problems, as long as we make corrections, it won't be impossible to continue driving, right?"

"one day."

Dai Chenggong said lightly.

"One day? What day?"

Gu Qingcheng felt a little baffling.

"I only give you one day. If you can't give an explanation to the people of society and give me an explanation, then your company won't even want to open it in the future!"

Dai Chenggong's voice became a little louder in vain, and the coercion of a high-ranking person was immediately released.

Hearing this, Gu Qingcheng lifted his spirits, looked at Dai Chenggong in amazement, frowned and said, "Dai Ju, one day is too short.

I hope you can give me three days. When the time comes, I will definitely give you an explanation..."

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