Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1841: , Heavy casualties!

at the same time.

On the way to the headquarters of "Purgatory".

Four black jeeps are driving fast on the road.

In the front car.

Ye Fei was dangling a cigarette, looking at the desolate scene flashing outside the window, frowning.

Came here from Siberia, it took too long.

He was very worried about whether the people who stayed at the headquarters of Purgatory could hold it.

"Yan Luo, how long will it take to get to the headquarters from here?"

Ye Fei spit out a mouthful of smoke and asked lightly.

"Wang, it will take at least half an hour."

Yan Luo replied respectfully.

"No, it's too long."

Ye Fei shook his head and said in a deep voice: "If we delay on the road for a minute now, the headquarters will be a bit more dangerous.

So, we can't delay any longer... Yan Luo, is there a closer and faster way from here to the headquarters? "


Yan Luo nodded and said, "However, it will take a walk in the desert. If you walk in the desert, you can almost save half of your time."

"Wherever you go, just go faster."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Then go to the desert!"


Yan Luo nodded, then picked up the walkie-talkie to contact the people in the other cars.

Then, four cars drove on the concrete road for a while, then turned left and drove into a desert road.

The yellow sand is rolling, and the car is still difficult to drive in the desert.

However, fortunately, Ye Fei and his group drove an off-road vehicle, so they were not affected much.

After driving for twelve or three minutes, four jeeps left the desert and slowly drove into the valley of death.

After driving for a while, Ye Fei saw a large group of men in various camouflage uniforms standing there more than a thousand meters away in front of him.

Moreover, there are many armored vehicles parked there, even six or seven tanks.

In addition, there are many other lethal weapons such as shells.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Fei suddenly understood in his heart.

There is no doubt that these guys are the "Viper" and "Hellhound" guys.

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Yan Luo, park the car in a hidden place, let's walk over and get ready to fight!"


Yan Luo responded, and then gave Ye Fei's order to the people in the other cars.

"Brother Fei, are you finally going to fight?" Zhang Baokun rubbed his hands and asked excitedly.

"It's not a fight..."

Ye Fei shook his head and said coldly, "It's a murder."

"Yes, it's murder!"

Zhang Baokun nodded, his eyes flashing like a beast.

Lu Qinghong and Tang Yu also looked solemn and prepared.

Ye Fei pointed to the large group of mercenaries in the distance, and asked, "Bao Kun, Qing Hong, Tang Yu, have you seen those people?"

"I saw it."

Zhang Baokun nodded in response.

Lu Qinghong and Tang Yu also nodded.

"In a moment, I hope you will destroy them by all means!" Ye Fei shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes, Brother Fei!!"

Zhang Baokun responded in unison.

After that, Ye Fei and his group parked the car in a secret place, got out of the car, and approached quietly in the direction of the "Viper" and "Hell Dog".

at this time.

The Coral Snake, Black Dog, Crazy Owl and Xueshang and others were watching the battle not far ahead, and smiled with satisfaction at the corners of their mouths.

Although the losses were relatively large at the beginning, after a saber-toothed tiger took people up to help, the strength of the two parties was once again pulled apart.

Moreover, the two sides no longer engaged in a gun battle, but began a close combat.

However, because of the day and night, the physical strength of the bullet marks and others has dropped sharply.

So, for a time, Bulletmark and others were besieged by eight or ninety saber-toothed tigers, red wolves, and wasps, and they were caught in a difficult battle.

"Hahaha, it seems that the guys in'Purgatory' won't last long."

The Coral Snake smiled and said, "Brothers, I don't think we need to wait any longer... Let us all go over, and wipe out all the remaining rubbish!"


All the mercenaries were excited.

After fighting for a day and night, the battle is finally about to end.

Moreover, the final winner is them!

The era when the purgatory mercenary group dominates one side is about to pass!

However, at this moment.




Suddenly screams rang out.

"what happened?!"

Hearing these screams, the Coral Snake, the Black Dog and others quickly turned around and saw more than 30 mercenaries falling on the ground!

Moreover, every mercenary has a silver throwing knife with only the length of an index finger stuck in the throat!

Blood was flowing, and every mercenary was killed by a single blow!

Afterwards, the Coral Snake, Black Dog and others saw fourteen men walking towards them!

These fourteen men had murderous auras on their faces, and the coercion and aura released from their bodies made many mercenaries tremble!

If this murderous aura is real, it seems that they will be killed by these people in the next second!

And walking in the forefront is a Chinese man who is about 1.8 meters tall, thin, and looks a little handsome.

The man looked very ordinary and seemed to be without any threat.

However, when the Coral Snake, Black Dog, Crazy Owl, and Xueshang saw this man, they couldn't help but turn pale, and their body couldn't stop trembling!

They all know the Chinese man in front of him!

In the world, they have all heard of the legend of this man, and they have also seen this man at the Zero Point Conference!

However, what makes them wonder is, isn't it that the purgatory king has disappeared, why has he suddenly appeared now?

" are refining...refining...the purgatory king?!"

The Coral Snake tremblingly asked.

Although he had met Ye Fei, it was years ago, so he was a little uncertain.

There were still many mercenaries who had only heard of Ye Fei's legend, but had never seen Ye Fei himself.

But when the Coral Snake uttered the four words "Purgatory King", all the mercenaries present trembled in their hearts, and they were directly stupid.

All of them were holding guns, but no one dared to shoot at this time.

Ye Fei didn't seem to see the guns in these people's hands, but when he walked only about five meters away, he raised his eyes to look at the Coral Snake and the others.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to know me..."

Ye Fei looked at the silver ring snake, showing a slight smile.

"You... are you really the King of Purgatory?!!!"

Seeing Ye Fei personally admit that the silver ring snake's face turned paler, he swallowed his throat and his heart beat wildly.

As for the Black Dog, Mad Owl and Xueshang beside him, cold sweat broke out on the palms and back of his hands.

King of Purgatory!

He really is the King of Purgatory!

Is it possible that the purgatory king who has been silent for so long is coming back again?

If so, what kind of storm will the world set off? !

"Coral snake, black dog, mad owl, blood sorrow..."

Ye Fei faintly said four code names, and then coldly said: "Who gave you the courage to let you attack the'Purgatory' headquarters?"

"This this……"

The Coral Snake froze for a long time, but couldn't let out a fart.

No way, the name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

The title of "Purgatory King" alone brought him a lot of impact.

The top ten kings, each of them is a super strong existence.

In this world, there are so many organizations of various mercenaries, killers, pirates, bounty hunters, etc., only ten people can become kings.

Ye Fei sighed lightly, and said: "It seems that I have been silent for too long...that will make you guys like ants jump in front of me...I have to say that you are really courageous. Big……"

"It is said that the purgatory king is very strong, but I have never seen it before. I just listen to others all the time... How much moisture is in this, I only know after personally competing!"

At this time, the deputy commander of the frenzied mercenary regiment strode out gale.

He stared at Ye Fei closely, and said, "Didn't you say that you are the King of Purgatory? Come on, let's Bibi, I want to see how strong you are!"

"Why are you trying to die?"

Ye Fei watched the wind quietly, as if talking to himself.

"Hmph, I think you are looking for death!!"

The violent wind yelled, and then ran up toward Ye Fei.

"Strong wind, don't!!!"

The leader of "Frenzy" Kuang Xiao roared.

However, it was too late.

Feng Feng's punch has already blasted towards Ye Fei's heart!

However, at the moment when the storm came over with a punch, Ye Fei just casually raised a punch and greeted him.

boom! !

A muffled thunder sounded!

Next second.


The violent wind flew directly like a cannonball for more than ten meters, and then fell heavily to the ground!

A splash of dust!

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