Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1842: , Like ants!

With one punch, the wind will fly!

Moreover, it flew more than ten meters away!

The Coral Snake, Black Dog and others present were all surprised!

In any case, Gale is also the deputy commander of the Frenzy Mercenary Group. As the deputy commander of the A-level mercenary group, his strength will naturally not be weak.

But it was so, the gale was blown away by Ye Fei with a punch.

Moreover, before the shock in the hearts of the Coral Snake, the Black Dog, etc., they heard a "click, click, click" of bone cracks!

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads to look at the gust of wind on the ground, and saw that one of his right arms had already become **** and bloody, and the bones pierced from the flesh had also been broken inch by inch!

Gulu Gulu Gulu...

The Coral Snake and the Black Dog couldn't help swallowing, their hearts beating wildly, and their bodies trembling!

With just one punch, one of the gale's arms was scrapped, so scrapped so simply and neatly!

But the point is that when they saw Ye Fei just now, they didn't seem to use much force, they just raised their fists casually to greet him!

The Coral Snake, Black Dog and others thought that the wounds suffered by the violent wind were just like that.

However, the next second.


The violent wind lying on the ground was about to split his eyes and opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood mixed with visceral debris was directly sprayed out.

The Coral Snake, Black Dog and others all watched this scene dumbfounded, their faces full of astonishment.

Could it be possible that Ye Fei just punched him, not only abolished the arms of the wind, but also shattered the internal organs of the wind? !

At this moment, Kuangfeng struggled to prop up his body with one hand, and raised his eyes to look at Ye Fei. His eyes were full of panic and awe. They were completely different from the arrogance and dissatisfaction just now!

Only he himself knows the most, how terrifying Ye Fei's seemingly random punch just now is!

Even if I practice for another ten or twenty years, I am afraid that he will not be able to withstand his punch!

"Refining... The Purgatory King... Sure enough... It really deserves its reputation..."

The gust of wind slowly finished the last sentence, and then his hand softened, and with a "boom", he fell heavily to the ground.

When he fell to the ground, he had already died.

"Strong wind!"

"Deputy Head!"

Everyone in the frenzied mercenary group shouted, and then hurried over.

A mercenary probed the breath of the violent wind, his face turned pale, and said in horror: "Dead...dead..."


The faces of the head of "Frenzy" Kuangxiao and a group of mercenaries showed incredible expressions.

How is this possible?

The strong wind can't even bear Ye Fei's punch?

How strong is Ye Fei's strength? !

Kuang Xiao and others turned their heads to look at Ye Fei, except for anger, they were all in awe.

At this moment, all the mercenaries such as the silver ring snake and the black dog understood that the purgatory king can become a generation of legendary kings, not by luck, but by relying on real strength.

Although it was just a punch, a punch can already prove a lot of things.

However, Ye Fei, who blasted the violent wind with a punch, did not have any fluctuations in the expression on his face, as if he had killed a chicken.

After all, this is a violent wind, and I can't blame anyone.

Ye Fei glanced at the silver ring snake and the black dog and others indifferently, and said indifferently: "Give you a chance, stop yourself..."


This sentence silenced the Coral Snake, Black Dog and others. is it possible?

As mercenaries, how could they choose to self-destruct?

This method of death is really useless to them.

The Coral Snake was silent for a while, his eyes rolled, and then raised his head to look at Ye Fei, and said: "Purgatory King, if we take people away now, can you let us go?"

"Yes, as long as you can let us go, we promise that there will be no next time!"

The black dog also took another sentence.

When Kuang Xiao, Xue Sha and others heard what the Coral Snake said, they had no objection.

After all, after seeing Ye Fei's strength, their thoughts were the same as the silver ring snake.

Because the purgatory king suddenly intervened in this matter, and wanted to survive, he had no choice but to let it go.

However, Ye Fei only glanced at the "Purgatory" headquarters in the distance when he heard the words of the silver ring snake.

There are broken bricks and tiles everywhere, blood flowing everywhere, as well as dead "purgatory" mercenaries, purgatory knights, nether guards and dark soldiers.

The whole thing looked messy and dilapidated.

Afterwards, Ye Fei closed his gaze back.

He looked at the Coral Snake quietly, and asked faintly: "Do you think I should let you go?"

The Coral Snake, Black Dog and others all looked at each other, not understanding what Ye Fei meant.

Ye Fei pointed his hand to the front, his voice was cold, without a trace of emotion: "You brought so many people here to slaughter my brother's people and bomb my brother's headquarters... You still want me to let go. You guys?

Haha, are you all whimsical and daydreaming? "

After speaking, Ye Fei paused, and then vibrated: "You have only one choice, and that is to stop yourself!"

When the Coral Snake, the Black Dog and the others heard it, they frowned, and a fierce color flashed across their faces.

"What a murderous purgatory king... We have more than two or three hundred people here. You said let us die, just let us die... Is our life so cheap in your eyes?!"

The silver ring snake squinted his eyes, then suddenly drew out a desert eagle, pointed it at Ye Fei, and roared angrily: "Purgatory Lord! Since you refuse to let us go, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Brothers! Listen to my orders, no matter who he is, kill!"

The black dog waved his hand and gave the order directly.


The Coral Snake took the lead and fired a shot!

A silver bullet with sparks shot towards Ye Fei!

However, as soon as the bullet flew over, Ye Fei lifted his right hand, and Volley clamped the bullet with his index and middle fingers!


Seeing this scene, the Coral Snake was directly stunned.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and opened his mouth, but he couldn't say a word.

Not only the Coral Snake, but the others were also shocked.

Nima, if they just dodge the bullet, they wouldn't be surprised.

Because many of them can do it too.

However, none of them can accurately clamp the flying bullet with two fingers.

And today, it was the first time I saw it!


With a soft drink, Ye Fei waved his right hand!

call out!

The deflated bullet in his hand shot directly at the Coral Snake!

At this time, the silver ring snake was still in consternation, and there was no time to react!

Therefore, in the next second, only a "pouch" was heard, and a bullet shot directly through the center of the eyebrow of the coral snake!

The bullet shot in from the center of the eyebrow of the Coral Snake, and then shot out from the back of his head, bringing out a dazzling flower of blood!


The silver ring snake fell straight to the ground, without a scream before he died.


The Black Dog, Mad Owl, and Xueshang screamed in horror.

"Shoot me! Shoot!"

The black dog collapsed in fright, and shouted desperately.

All the mercenaries reacted, raised their rifles, and fired at Ye Fei's group!

Da da da! …

Two or three hundred people shot at the same time, bullets roared like a dense rainstorm, with the cold killing intent of death!

However, the moment these mercenaries chose to shoot, Ye Fei and his party had already moved!

They spread out in all directions, with absolute speed, from both sides, they rushed towards these mercenaries!


Before the first round of bombing was finished, there were bursts of screams in the crowd.

When the Black Dog, Crazy Xiao and others turned their heads, they found that Ye Fei and his party had rushed into their camp at some unknown time, and they had begun a massacre!

Ye Fei, Zhang Baokun, Lu Qinghong, and Tang Yu are all four people. Whenever someone approaches, they will be killed in a flash. There is no sluggishness!

As for Yan Luo and others, in the face of these ordinary soldiers, it only takes a few tricks to kill one!

All in all, this is not a close match at all, but a unilateral massacre!

"Hahaha, let me die!"

Zhang Baokun got excited, he slammed into the crowd, and slammed into the crowd, stupefied that all the five or six mercenaries who stood in front of him were knocked into flight!

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