Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1858: , The mystery of life experience!

"Well, it's weird."

Chen Zixuan nodded, scratched his head, and said, "But, isn't there only one piece of the treasure handed down in our valley, and it is in the hands of our young master, but why does that woman also have one piece in his hand?"

"So this is what makes people feel strange!"

Du Maolin thought for a while and said, "This matter is probably not easy. I must get in touch with Master as soon as possible and ask what is going on."

"Yes, right, ask the master, he must know."

Chen Zixuan nodded repeatedly.

Afterwards, Du Maolin picked up the phone and made a call.

The phone rang for a while and was connected.

"Is it Maolin?"

A majestic voice full of breath came over.

If you just listen to the voice, the other party should be an old man.

"Master, this is Maolin."

Du Maolin replied respectfully.

"Maolin, you and Zixuan didn't have a good experience in the secular world, so why did you suddenly call me?"

The old man said in a deep voice, and then said: "Have you not experienced it well, after arriving in the secular world, you only know that you are eager to play?"

The fat man Chen Zixuan on the side is a warrior, and his hearing is very good.

He heard the conversation between Du Maolin and the man on the phone clearly.

Therefore, Chen Zixuan was taken aback and shook his head at Du Maolin.

Du Maolin stared at Chen Zixuan, then smiled and said: "Master, Zixuan and I are not entertaining. We have a good experience and practice.

I am calling you this time to tell you one thing..."

"What's the matter, don't hesitate, just say it."

"Yes, Master."

Du Maolin nodded, and then said: "Master, Zixuan and I met a woman today, and that woman had a piece of white jade exactly like the young master in her hand.

But isn't the piece of white jade worn by the young master the only treasure handed down in our valley? That’s why I found it very strange, so I wanted to ask Master you what is going on. "

"Exactly the same white jade?"

The old man said in a puzzled manner: "Are you sure that the white jade in that woman's hand is exactly the same as the one worn by our young master?"

"I'm sure, both the shape and the material are exactly the same, and even the peony patterns carved on the white jade are the same." Du Maolin replied.

"This... how is this possible? Isn't there only one piece of the treasure handed down in our valley, how can there be a second piece?"

The old man said suspiciously, and then asked, "Maolin, did you ask what that woman's name was?"

"Master, because that woman seemed to be very wary of me and Zixuan, so I didn't ask too much." Du Maolin replied.

"Okay, I see. I will tell the second master about this matter. If I have any notice then, I will contact you again."

"Yes, Master."

"Well, let's do this first, you must have a good experience in the secular world, and you are not allowed to be greedy."

After speaking, the old man hung up the phone.

When the phone was hung up, Chen Zixuan leaned forward and asked, "Maolin, what did Master say?"

"Master said that he would respond to this matter with the second master, and he also asked us to wait for notification at any time." Du Maolin replied.


Chen Zixuan nodded and said, "Then let's go back."

"it is good."

Du Maolin nodded, then turned and left the alley with Chen Zixuan.

After just a few breaths, the two disappeared into the alley.



On the edge of the easternmost part of Guwujie, there is a secret and deep valley.

Here the mountains are rolling, the trees are shaded, the streams are gurgling, and hundreds of flowers bloom throughout the valley.

And in this valley, there are many retro-colored pavilions and other buildings erected, carved with beams and painted buildings, like a ghostly craft.

Because of the high terrain here, it is surrounded by clouds and mist all year round, making it like a fairyland on earth.

And this valley, named Yunxia Valley, is not only isolated from the secular world, but also has little contact with other big and small schools and major families in the ancient martial world.

However, people in the ancient martial arts also know that there is such a place as Yunxia Valley, but most people do not know where the specific address of Yunxia Valley is.

So, over time, most people forget that there is such a place.

At this moment, on top of one of the high mountains in Yunxia Valley, an old man with a thin body and gray hair, wearing a gray robe, was standing on it.

The old man's name was Shen Qianchen, and he was the left guardian of Yunxia Valley and the personal guard of the second head of Yunxia Valley.

His martial arts are very strong, and he is one of the best in Yunxia Valley.

Shen Qianchen looked at the sky full of stars with a suspicious expression on his face.

"How can there be a second Xuanwei jade pendant in this world?"

Shen Qianchen squinted his eyes and murmured: "Go and ask the second master."

With that said, Shen Qianchen stepped on the ground with his right foot, and his body leaped high like Qingyan.

Hearing a "swish" sound, the figure in front of him appeared on another mountain more than 100 meters away.

Then, after a few more ups and downs, Shen Qianchen disappeared between the valleys.

It is about half past eight in the night.

The bright moon was in the sky, and bright stars dotted it.

In the Yunxia Valley, a magnificent villa was built.

This villa is called "Luoxia Villa", and the owner of the villa is the second head of Yunxia Valley, Liu Junming, who is also the brother of the owner.

At this moment, in the back garden of this villa, a middle-aged man wearing a white robe with gold rims, a stiff figure, a long hair tied behind his head, three-dimensional facial features, and a majestic manner is practicing.

Boom boom boom! ! ...

The sound of muffled thunder blew in the empty back garden, as if the air was crushed and the sound of sonic boom!

The man is like a floating leaf, flipping in the air in the back garden, moving at high speed.

With every palm he slapped, the power he burst out was extremely fierce and terrifying, directly smashing several stone piers erected in the garden.

The stone chips fluttered, the dust was full, and the momentum was particularly shocking.

And this middle-aged man is the owner of the villa, Liu Junming.

As the second master of Yunxia Valley, his strength is naturally not weak, and his combat power index ranks in the forefront of Yunxia Valley.

However, at this moment, a figure wearing a gray robe appeared on the wall.

"Hehe, Shen Hufa, you are here."

Liu Junming smiled slightly and looked up at the figure above the wall.

This figure is the Zuo Hufa who came from the valley, Shen Qianchen.

"Second Master, your'falling cloud palm technique' has taken a step further, really gratifying!" Shen Qianchen stroked his white beard and smiled authentically.

"Hehe, Shen Lao is really laughing. Compared with Shen Lao, my martial arts is not worth mentioning."

Liu Junming smiled and shook his head.

"The second master is really overly modest."

Shen Qianchen jumped down from the wall and came to Liu Junming, saying: "If the second master is my age, his martial arts attainments will definitely be more than a little bit better than the old man and me."

"Hahaha... Mr. Shen, you just listen to what you say."

Liu Junming laughed a lot, then tidyed up his clothes, and asked curiously: "Old Shen, what's the matter with you who came to me this night?"

"Well, second master, I do have something to report to you."

"Shen Lao, we are all our own, if you have something to say, just say it." Liu Junming said with a smile.

Shen Qianchen nodded, and then said: "Second master, my apprentice Maolin called me just now and said that he met a woman in the secular world.

And that woman, like our young master, wears a Xuanwei jade pendant... So, I want to ask the second master, what is going on?

Isn’t there only one piece of the Xuanwei jade pendant of our Yunxia Valley heritage? Then why does a woman in the secular world have the Xuanwei jade pendant of our valley? "

Hearing Shen Qianchen's words, Liu Junming's expression suddenly changed.

His eyes flickered, then he raised his eyes to look at Shen Qianchen, and said, "Shen, are you sure Maolin saw the second Xuanwei jade pendant?"

"Yes, second master, Maolin said that the jade pendant worn by that woman is exactly the same as the jade pendant worn by our young master, even the material is the same, and a peony is also carved on the jade pendant..."

Shen Qianchen looked at Liu Junming with a puzzled look, and said: "That's why I hurried to find you the second master, wanting to ask what is going on."

"Hehe, it may be a counterfeit."

Liu Junming smiled and waved his hand.

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