Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1859: , Xuanwei jade pendant!


Shen Qianchen froze for a moment and said: "The second master, the Xuanwei jade pendant of our Yunxia Valley is a treasure handed down from generation to generation, and its material is made of black ice white jade from the extremely cold land.

Moreover, the one who created the Xuanwei jade pendant was a top jade craftsman in the ancient martial arts hundreds of years ago.

Only the jade craftsman knows how to make the Xuanwei jade pendant, so how can people in the secular world know? "

Liu Junming frowned slightly, and then smiled and said: "Old Shen, it is possible that the jade craftsman has accepted his apprentice in the secular world, so there will be an identical jade pendant.

Or in other words, the jade craftsmen of the secular world happened to create white jade that is exactly the same as our Xuanwei jade pendant. Although it looks the same, the material is actually different..."


Shen Qianchen still didn't believe it.

"Old Shen, don't think too much about it. We only have one piece of Xuanwei jade pendant in Yunxia Valley, so how come there are two pieces, right?"

Liu Junming smiled, and then pretended to ask casually: "By the way, which city in the mundane world of Maolin and Zixuan have they experienced?"

"Second masters, the two of them are in the secular world of Ninghai City."

Shen Qianchen replied.

"Oh, pretty good."

Liu Junming nodded and said, "Let them both experience and practice well. In the future, Yunxia Valley will be protected by them."

"Yes, second master, I will tell them."

Shen Qianchen nodded, and then said: "Second Master, it's too early now, I won't bother you to rest."


Liu Junming nodded.

After that, Shen Qianchen didn't say any more, but jumped out of the wall.

After a while, Shen Qianchen left the villa.

After Shen Qianchen left, Liu Junming's face became gloomy.

He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of anger.

"How could it be... why is that child alive... shouldn't she have died more than twenty years ago?!"

Liu Junming muttered to himself, and the anxiety in his heart became stronger and stronger.

It seems that that guy lied to me...

Liu Junming directly used Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission and yelled: "Linfeng!!"

After the sound fell, within a few minutes, only a black figure swept over from a distance.

Soon, this figure appeared behind Liu Junming.

The visitor was a cold-looking man wearing a black gown with a belt around his waist. He was tall and tall, over 1.8 meters tall, with long black hair tied behind his head.

It's just that there is no expression on his face, cold, as if covered with a layer of frost.

This man is Liu Junming's personal guard, named Duan Linfeng.

"Master, what's your order?" Duan Linfeng asked respectfully.

Liu Junming held his hands on his back, looking at the bright moon in the sky, without saying a word for a long time.

Seeing Liu Junming not speaking, Duan Linfeng also remained silent.

It took a few minutes.

Liu Junming sighed softly and asked, "Linfeng, how long have you been following me?"

"Master, I followed you when I was fifteen, and it has been 22 years now." Duan Linfeng replied.

"Then over the past twenty years, how have I treated you?" Liu Junming asked indifferently.

"You treat me like a mountain, and Linfeng will never repay you in this life." Duan Linfeng lowered his head slightly and said.

"Linfeng, since you know I'm so good to you, why are you lying to me?"

With that, Liu Junming turned his head and looked at Duan Linfeng with a cold expression.

"Master, how dare your subordinates lie to you..."

Before Duan Linfeng finished speaking, Liu Junming roared directly, "You still dare to quibble!"

Duan Linfeng's expression changed, he hurriedly knelt on one knee, and said: "Master, my subordinates don't know what they did wrong, I hope you can tell me!"


Liu Junming looked angry, and went straight forward, grabbed Duan Linfeng by the collar, picked it up, and roared: "You dog, I asked you to kill that kid more than 20 years ago, why didn't you? Do it!!"

Duan Linfeng's face changed slightly, and then quickly said: "Master, the subordinates have obeyed your instructions and have killed that child!"


Liu Junming directly threw Duan Linfeng on the ground, then slammed his foot on Duan Linfeng, and said coldly: "You dare to lie to me! Since you said you killed that child, why did Shen Lao do it? The apprentice saw that child in the secular world!

There are two pieces of Xuanwei jade pendant, one piece is in the hands of the young master, and the other piece is in the hands of the child!

The child that Shen's apprentice saw in the secular world happened to be wearing a Xuanwei jade pendant!

Since you said you killed that child a long time ago, why is the second Xuanwei jade pendant still there? ! "


Duan Linfeng looked at Liu Junming in astonishment, and was speechless.

"Say, aren't you good at lying, why don't you tell me now?"

Liu Junming looked at Duan Linfeng coldly, with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

"Master, that child is the daughter of the Valley Lord, the eldest lady, how could I kill her?"

Duan Linfeng looked at Liu Junming with a pained expression, and said, "Furthermore, the eldest lady is in the secular world. She doesn't know who she is, and can't pose any threat to your plan. Why would you refuse to let her go? Woolen cloth?"

"You **** shut up for me!!"

Liu Junming stepped on his right foot violently, only to hear a "click", and the sound of rib fracture sounded.

A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Duan Linfeng's mouth, but even if the bone broke, he did not groan in pain.

Liu Junming stared at Duan Linfeng fiercely, and roared: "I tell you, there is no big lady in this world! There is only one child of the Lord Gu, and that is the young master!

So, I tell you, no matter where that child is, he must die! "

"Master, I beg you not to kill them all... Your plan is almost successful, and the young master will soon become the next valley owner, but why are you still reluctant to let the young lady go?"

Duan Linfeng looked at Liu Junming with sadness all over his face.

"Anyone who might hinder my plan must die!"

Liu Junming stared at Duan Linfeng fiercely and said, "Since your heart is not with me, and you still know so many things, then you should die for me too!!"

With that said, when Liu Junming was about to step on it hard, a panic flashed in Duan Linfeng's eyes!

His hands slammed to the ground, his body rolled volley, lifted Liu Junming's right foot, jumped up, and stood firmly on the ground!

"Dog stuff, how dare you resist!!"

Liu Jun yelled angrily, and the figure chased up, patted Duan Linfeng with a palm.

Snapped! !


With this palm, Liu Junming almost used seven or eight layers of power, and his power was terrifying!

But Duan Linfeng didn't stop him at all, he used his body to hold the palm abruptly!


A mouthful of thick blood sprayed out from Duan Linfeng's mouth, and his body flew out directly.

However, just as Liu Junming was about to take advantage of the victory, he saw Duan Linfeng twist his waist and abdomen, and slammed his feet on the wall a few times.

With two "pops", Duan Linfeng's body jumped onto the wall.

He clutched his chest and said with a pale face: "Master, the palm just now should be your kindness... But, I'm sorry, Master, I can't let you kill the eldest lady..."

After speaking, Duan Linfeng turned around and jumped out of the wall, and then quickly fled towards the distance.

"Bastard! Where to run!!"

Liu Junming shouted and rushed up quickly.

However, when he jumped on the fence, he saw a black figure already running away, and if he wanted to catch up, he might not be able to catch up at all.

Because he clearly knows how strong Duan Linfeng is.

Although the palm of his own just now could cause him to be seriously injured, it was not enough to kill him.

However, the matter has come to this point, and he has a slaying heart for Duan Linfeng.

"Damn dog stuff... do you think you can run!!"

Liu Junming gritted his teeth, and then jumped back into the yard.

He pondered for a while, and then yelled, "Come here!!"

Whoosh whoosh! ! ...

The sound of breaking through the air sounded one after another.

I saw that men in purple gowns came from a distance and stood behind Liu Junming, a total of twenty people.

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