Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1860: , The heart of killing!

These twenty people, with sabers hanging around their waists, their faces were cold and without the slightest emotion.

These men are all loyal servants trained by Liu Junming, and they are also the guards of the villa, named "cold-blooded guards."

Liu Junming turned around and glanced at the twenty people, then pointed to the ten people on the left, and said: "Ten of you, go and chase Duan Linfeng for me immediately. You must kill him and get his head back for me!"


Ten cold-blooded guards responded, and then left quickly.

After the ten people left, Liu Junming looked at the other ten and said: "You should know the treasure, Xuanwei jade pendant in our valley, right?"


The ten cold-blooded guards responded concisely and concisely.

Liu Junming nodded and said, "Now, in a city called Ninghai in the secular world, there is a young woman in her early twenties who has a piece of Xuanwei jade pendant exactly like the young master in her hand.

I suspect that the woman who created such a jade pendant was trying to commit a crime...So, this time, the ten of you went to Ninghai to find the woman wearing the Xuanwei jade pendant and kill her. Did you hear that? "

"heard it!!"

Ten cold-blooded guards responded loudly.

"very good!"

Liu Junming nodded, then waved his hand, "Go!"

Ten cold-blooded guards turned around quickly, leaving the back garden without saying a word.

After all the cold-blooded guards left, Liu Junming breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned around, looked at the sky with a gloomy expression, and muttered: "Whoever it is, dare to obstruct my plan and kill me!"

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the rear.

Hearing the sound, Liu Junming frowned, then turned around.

I saw a woman who was dressed in luxurious clothes and looked graceful and luxurious came over.

This woman, named Ruan Xinyan, is Liu Junming's wife.

"Xinyan, why are you here?" Liu Junming asked lightly.

"Junming, is it really important for you to be the master of the valley?" Ruan Xinyan looked at Liu Junming and asked.

"Women, what do you know?!"

Liu Junming replied impatiently.

"I don't understand the ambition of your men... But, do you know how I came here for so many years?"

The woman looked at Liu Junming with red eyes, and said: "For so many years, I can only watch our children, but I can't recognize each other. Do you know the pain?"

Liu Junming sighed softly, held on to Ruan Xinyan's shoulder, and said: "Xinyan, soon we will be able to recognize our child.

When our child has taken the seat of the Valley Lord, and then when I kill Liu Quanxiu's family, we can recognize our child. "

"You are crazy! You are really crazy!!"

Ruan Xinyan broke away from Liu Junming's hand and said, "Quan Xiu is your twin brother, how can you bear to kill him?

Also, Quanxiu's children have been sent to the secular world, why are you still reluctant to let her go? Jun Ming, stop, stop killing.

As long as you tell the truth and take that child back, Quan Xiu will definitely forgive you..."

"shut up!!"

Liu Junming stared at Ruan Xinyan fiercely, and said: "You'd better keep silent and don't talk nonsense to me, otherwise, I will kill you!!"

After speaking, Liu Junming bypassed Ruan Xinyan and left the back garden.

Ruan Xinyan fell to the ground feebly, she stared into the distance blankly, tears could not stop flowing...


Secular world.

The Western Regions of China, the frontier regions.

It has a vast area, spectacular landforms and rich resources.

Moreover, because it is adjacent to Miandian, the three countries, Nepal and other countries in the south, and the Kashmir region in the west, the land border is more than 4,000 kilometers long.

Because of this, China has sent soldiers to stay here all the year round.

Because criminals such as smugglers and drug dealers operate in the frontier all the year round here, the mission of these fighters is to combat these criminals.

And not far from the national boundary, there is a magnificent snow mountain named Gang Rinpoche.

Because the peak of Gang Rinpoche is covered with snow all year round, and whenever the sun shines on it, it emits a sacred multicolored glow.

Moreover, this mountain is different from the surrounding peaks. This mountain is surrounded by white clouds and fog all the year round. Therefore, this mountain has always been recognized as a sacred mountain in the world. It is also recognized by Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, Bon religion and ancient Jainism. As the center of the world.

Moreover, this mountain has never been up, because this mountain is sacred in everyone's hearts, white and spotless, and just being close is a kind of blasphemy against it.

It was past nine o'clock at night.

The night is shrouded, and everything is silent.

The starry sky is bright and the moon is in the sky, presenting a picture-like scenery.

And on the peak of Mount Gang Rinpoche that no one has ever been to before, a figure appeared unexpectedly.

This figure was wearing a white gown, and her face was covered with a white veil, which made it hard to see her face.

However, her exposed skin was as clear and translucent as white snow, and her eyes were like a stream of clear water. When she looked forward to her, she had a graceful and agile aura, which made people feel ashamed of it and dare not blaspheme.

From a distance, this woman is super dusty and refined, with a blue silk draped on her shoulders, dancing with the wind, like an angel falling in the mortal world, making people only dare to look far, not to play with it.

The woman sat there quietly, looking at the stars and bright moon, she was as beautiful as a painting, not like a person in the world.

On the woman's left hand, a white sword that was only one finger wide and three feet long was firmly inserted in the rock.

This white long sword, under the moonlight, exudes a cold light.

And this woman's right hand held a palm-sized white jade gourd.

The woman picked up the gourd and took a sip of wine, and then took a sip of wine.

Then, the woman raised her left hand, revealing slender fingers, as if she was thinking about something.

A few minutes later.

The woman raised her eyes and looked into the distance, and whispered: "Feier, it seems that you still have a few catastrophes... However, Master will not help you anymore, I hope you can survive by yourself..."

Then, the woman calculated it again.

Suddenly, the beautiful brows of the woman frowned.

"Dead robbery...dead robbery..."

The woman murmured to herself, then sighed softly, and said: "Feier, let's see you then..."

But at this moment, at the foot of the mountain, there was a sound of footsteps and loud noises.

"Brothers, run! Don't let the Chinese Warriors overtake us! As long as we run out of the border, we will be safe!"

"I'm paralyzed! Who has leaked the news and attracted all the Chinese Warriors!"

"FUCK! Stop talking nonsense and run quickly!!"

Hearing the sound, the woman looked around and saw fifty or sixty foreign men fleeing frantically outside the border.

Each of these men carried a gun, and some of them carried packages.

These guys look fierce, and at first glance they are not good people.

And behind these foreign men, there are more than 20 Chinese soldiers pursuing them.

"Brothers, chase, don't let them run away, you must catch them!!"

A leading soldier yelled aloud, and led the other soldiers to chase and shoot at the same time.

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Under a burst of fire, several guys were hit in the leg and fell to the ground, screaming.

"The paralyzed! All counterattack me! Kill them!!"

A leading beard yelled and roared, then raised the machine gun in his hand and fired frantically towards the rear.

The other guys also stopped, raised their guns, and started shooting.

Da Da Da Da! ! ...

The bullets shot at the Chinese soldiers like a dense storm!

"Quickly disperse! Be careful to avoid!!"

The leading soldier yelled.

Suddenly, all the Chinese soldiers were suppressed by fire, and they could only scatter and evade one after another.

"Go! go! go!"

Seeing that these Chinese soldiers were suppressed by the firepower, the leader yelled a few times, and led a group of men to continue to flee.

By the time the Chinese soldiers reacted, the men had already run away, and they were only 50 meters away from the national border.

"Chasing! Go chasing!!"

Upon seeing this, the leading soldier roared angrily.

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