Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2030: , The Lost Island!

"The captain is a member of the Delta Force, as well as the Black Army Mercenary Organization, the Dark Dragon Killer Organization, and the Dawn Bounty Hunter Organization..."

A purgatory knight glanced at the twenty-odd battleships and frowned, "Why are these guys here, what are they going to do?"

Sauron squinted his eyes and said, "I'll talk to them first to see what these guys want to do. Once they find something is wrong, report to the headquarters as soon as possible. Do you understand?"


The fiend knight responded, and then hurried back to the cabin.

At this time, hearing Sauron's warning sound, Ares and others couldn't help laughing.

"Your temple is too arrogant, just send someone like you here, do you want to scare anyone?" Ares responded with a smile.

Sorenyang said: "Our temple does not want to scare anyone, I just remind you that this is the sea area of ​​the temple, and you are not allowed to get closer!

If you still want to go your own way, you are at your own risk! "

"At your own risk?"

Ares sneered and said: "I don't bother to go around with you, you guys will listen to me, this time, we have gathered so many people, there is only one purpose..."

"What's the purpose?"

Sauron was shocked and realized that something was wrong.

"Our purpose is to remove your temple from this world!" Ares said loudly.


Sauron's face changed drastically, and he said angrily: "You are so brave, you dare to say such crazy words!"

"Now, we will give your first gift to the temple, I hope you will like it..."

Ares smiled evilly, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said faintly: "Fire!!"

The voice fell.

cough! !

An elongated sound of breaking through the air sounded!

I saw that a Tomahawk missile was launched directly from a battleship on Ares's side!

The missile drags a long flame, like a comet tracing a high parabola under the night sky, and the target is directly at the battleship where Sauron and others are located!

Seeing that the other party opened fire without saying anything, the faces of Sauron and others suddenly showed a look of horror and anger!


Without any hesitation, Sauron picked up the walkie-talkie and gave the order.

In fact, without Sauron's order, the fiend knights in the cabin were ready.

cough! !

I saw that Sauron's battleship also launched an interceptor missile, and shot it against the opponent's Tomahawk missile!

Next second.

The interceptor missile and the Tomahawk missile collided fiercely, as if two comets collided!

Boom! !

A thunderous bang exploded under the night sky!

The flames soared into the sky, and suddenly illuminated this sea area!

After stopping the Tomahawk missile, Sauron did not hesitate anymore, but immediately issued an order to the people on the battleship: "Listen, everyone, quickly get on the lifeboat and leave here, and go back and report the situation to Your Excellency Elena!"

"Captain, what about you?"

A purgatory knight asked quickly.

"I can't leave!"

Sauron's face showed a look of death, and said: "I will stay here to procrastinate for you! The purpose of these guys is to destroy our temple, we absolutely can't let them succeed!!"

"Captain, if you don't go, then we won't go either!!"

"Yes, we won't go!!"

The other fiend knights clenched their fists, gritted their teeth and responded.

"Why, don't you even listen to me?"

Sauron's face became cold, and he roared angrily: "Fuck! Fuck me away!!"

at this time.

Ares and others have ordered the launch of the second Tomahawk missile!

The purgatory in the cabin also fired a second interceptor missile!

"Boom" there was a loud noise!

The second Tomahawk missile also collided with the interceptor missile, and then exploded!

The strong impact force shook the entire warship slightly!

"What are you waiting for! Fuck away! Get out!"

Sauron roared again at a group of fiend knights.

"Brothers, go!!"

The deputy captain Jesses shouted, and then led a group of purgatory knights to quickly put down the six lifeboats and jumped on it!

However, just when these six lifeboats had moved away for a certain distance, the battleship on Ares' side fired two Tomahawk missiles at the same time on the battleship on Sauron's side!

Boom! !

With a loud noise, although the first Tomahawk missile was intercepted, the second Tomahawk missile still hit Sauron's battleship!

boom! !

With the explosion, Sauron and a few fiend knights who controlled the missile system in the cabin were engulfed by the fire together with the battleship!

The entire battleship turned into a ball of fire, blazing on the sea!

"team leader!!"

"team leader!!"

At this moment, the purgatory knights on the six lifeboats that had been driving a certain distance away saw the scene of the fire blasting into the sky not far away, and they roared one by one, tears in their eyes directly.

"Don't stay, go quickly!!"

Deputy Captain Jesses clenched his fist tightly and snarled.

at this time.

Not far away.

"Hehe, it seems that there are still people who want to escape."

Ares squinted and smiled, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Floyd, Harrison, Jones, you three, put on the armor of war and come to me!"

After speaking, Ares hung up the intercom.

The Blood Hand looked at the flames slowly extinguishing on the sea in front, and said indifferently: "It seems that now we have completely forged an enmity with the temple..."

"Why, Mr. Bloodhand, do you regret it?"

Ares glanced at the **** hand and asked.

The blood hand smiled helplessly, and said: "What's the use of regret now? I'm afraid the people in the temple already know that we are here.

So now we have no choice but to work closely together and finally win...."

"Hehe, don't worry, Mr. Bloodhand, the temple is not as terrible as we thought." Ares said confidently.

"Is it?"

The **** hand shrugged and said, "I hope so."

Klang Klang! !

At this moment, there was a vibration on the deck.

When everyone turned their heads, they saw three Freud, Harrison and Jones wearing silver-gray, black and red war armors approaching.

These three people were wearing war armors, tall and mighty in figure and size, and their bodies shone with cold metal light, revealing a terrifying murderous aura.

"Sir, what's your order?"

Freud, wearing a black war armor, asked with a mechanical voice.

Ares raised his hand, pointed at the six lifeboats in front, and said loudly: "Destroy them at all costs!"

"OK, meaningless."

Freud raised his eyes to the six lifeboats in front of him, then looked at Harrison and Jones, and nodded.

Then, the three of Freud, Harrison and Jones immediately activated the jet device, and the three of them rose into the air and pursued the six lifeboats in the distance.

They are fast, almost a few hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.

at this time.

Six lifeboats are rushing towards the lost island.

The purgatory knights on the lifeboat all had their faces calm, with a sad expression on their faces.

Although Sauron is their captain, he is also their brother.

Everyone trains together, grows together, performs tasks together, and defends the temple together, and they have already forged a deep relationship.

However, tonight, their brother died under enemy fire.

This made them extremely sad and angry.

"Brothers, cheer me up! We must avenge the dead brothers!!" Jesses shook his voice.


Everyone responded loudly, with high morale, and the flames of revenge flashed in their eyes.

"Look! What is that?!"

At this time, a purgatory knight turned his head and looked at the sky not far away, exclaiming.

Everyone turned their heads, looked up, and saw that three guys in war armor had approached them.

"Damn! It's a steel warrior from the Delta Force!"

Jesses frowned and said loudly: "Everyone, take up weapons and fire on me!!"


Everyone responded and quickly took out their guns and fired at the three of Floyd, Harrison and Jones in the air.

Da Da Da Da! !

A shuttle bullet shot at the Freud trio like a dense storm...

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