Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2031: , The sea area of ​​the temple!

However, when the bullet hit the three of Freud, it caused no harm at all, except for a clinking sound and a little spark.

At this time, the three of Floyd, Harrison and Jones in the air just let Jesses and other fiend knights shoot, and did not fight back.

"A bunch of rubbish, rubbish, just with a few broken guns in your hands, you also want to penetrate our war armor?"

Freud looked at Jesses and the others condescendingly, and said with a crazy smile: "Hahaha, I think you are just fantastic!"

Harrison and Jones both burst into laughter.

In their eyes, these guys are like ants, and they kill them if they want.

Hearing the harsh ridicule, the purgatory knights gritted their teeth, and the anger in their hearts suddenly burned.

They can't wait to directly knock these three guys wearing iron bumps into a pile of scrap iron.

However, now it is at sea, and these guys are flying in the air again, and they can't fight directly with them at all.

"Jesses, their war armor is too strong, our bullets can't penetrate their armor, what should we do now?" A purgatory knight looked at Jessie and asked.

"Everyone, ignore these three guys and move forward!"

Jesses's face sank and continued loudly: "Kelton, you quickly get in touch with the head of Cameron, and quickly report all the situation here to the head!"


Everyone began to execute orders.

The six lifeboats immediately accelerated, and did not pay attention to the three of Freud, but continued to drive quickly toward the Lost Island.

However, Floyd, Harrison, and Jones were like cats catching mice, just following closely behind them, but they didn't act immediately.

After chasing for a nautical mile, Freud smiled evilly and said: "Okay, don't waste time, kill them so we can go back and return to life."


Harrison and Jones nodded.

"and many more."

Freud suddenly stopped Harrison and Jones.

"What's wrong, is there anything else?" Harrison asked.

"How about we still play a game?" Freud said with a smile.

"what game?"

Jones smiled and said, "Let's talk about it."

"Next, we will come to Bibi to see who kills more people, how about?" Freud said with a slightly abnormal smile.

"Well, this game is very interesting."

"Hehe, it sounds pretty good."

Harrison and Jones both nodded in response.

"Since you all agree, let's start now."

Freud smiled evilly, then raised a mechanical arm and aimed at an infernal knight.

"Aim, launch!"

The voice fell off.

call out!

A red high-temperature ray shot out from the palm of his hand, and the target was directed at the purgatory knight being targeted.

The purgatory knight felt the threat of death and was about to evade.

But it was too late.


The high-temperature rays of death pierced through his heart mercilessly!


Accompanied by a scream, a blood hole appeared in the place where the purgatory knight's body was pierced, and the blood flowed continuously.

Soon, his body crooked and fell directly into the sea with a "plop".


Seeing this scene, the other fiend knights screamed in grief.

"Take a horse! Fight with them!"

A fierce rage appeared on the face of a purgatory knight, he turned around, raised a slight charge, and launched a frenzied shot at the Freud trio.

The other purgatory knights were also enraged, one by one raised their guns and started shooting.

The impact of "ding jing dong dong" kept ringing.

However, this ignition power did not pose any threat to the Freud trio at all.

"The first one, over!"

Freud said lightly, then raised his arm again, continued to aim at the next fiend knight, and fired again!

call out!

When the second high-temperature ray came, the purgatory knight flashed to the side!

Only a "bang" was heard, the high-temperature ray was missed, and the purgatory knight suddenly escaped the catastrophe.

"Oh-fuck! The shot was missed!"

Freud cursed a little annoyedly.

"Hahaha, Freud, you are too inaccurate, look at me!"

Harrison laughed, then raised the mechanical arm and shot a high-temperature ray at the purgatory knight just now.

The purgatory knight hadn't slowed down just now when he saw a second high-temperature ray shoot over.

He wanted to avoid it again, but when he thought that if he did, the brother behind him would be shot.

Therefore, his originally deviated body immediately returned to normal.

With a "pouch," the purgatory knight's chest was pierced.

The blood flowed and dyed the lifeboat red.


Seeing the death of the second brother, the other purgatory knights were bleeding in their hearts.


A fiendish knight roared a few times, and then suddenly exerted force on his legs and jumped up, but he wanted to catch the three of Freud.

However, when he jumped into the air, he became a living target, and Freud and others easily shot through his heart.

"The third……"

"the fourth……"

"the fifth……"


A series of icy voices rang in the air, like the murmur of death.

Accompanied by these icy voices, the purgatory knights were killed one by one, some fell on the lifeboat, and some fell into the sea.

Freud, Harrison, and Jones carried out a tragic unilateral massacre of the purgatory knights on these lifeboats.

No fiend knight can stop this massacre...


at the same time.

The Lost Island, the underground laboratory of the castle.

Da Da Da Da! !

In the huge laboratory, there was a burst of keyboard percussion.

I saw that Elena was walking in front of several optoelectronic computers, with a serious expression, constantly typing on the keyboard.

At this time, you can see several loading bars displayed on several huge screens.

"Seventy-five percent..."

"Eighty-two percent..."

"Ninety-three percent..."

Time is slowly advancing.

Until all the bars were loaded to 100%, a mechanical sound rang out from the entire laboratory.

"After loading, all fortifications have started!"


Hearing this voice, Ai Elena let out a sigh of relief.

The fortifications on the island have all been activated, as long as it does not face a devastating blow, the entire island is absolutely invincible.

However, what makes Elena puzzled is why there is no news from Cameron's detection team?

Just when Elena was puzzled, she only heard the sound of "Didi".

Elena quickly walked to an optoelectronic computer and picked up the communication device.

"Your Excellency Elena, something big happened!!"

Cameron's anxious voice came.

"What happened?!"

Elena asked hurriedly.

"Your Excellency Elena, there is news from the detection team I sent just now. The guys who are approaching our Lost Island now have the ambition to destroy our temple!

Now the battleship I sent out is no longer found, I am afraid our battleship has been sunk by those guys! Cameron said in hatred.


Elena was shocked, her face suddenly became cold, and said: "Who is the offender?!"

"The offenders include the Delta Force, the Black Army Mercenary Group, the Dark Dragon Killer Organization, the Dawn Bounty Hunter Organization, etc.... There are too many criminals, it is impossible to know how many people they have come..." Cameron Replied.

Elena's face sank, and she immediately issued an order: "Cameron, you quickly inform Jonathan and Kevin, and quickly gather all the purgatory knights, ghost guards, and dark soldiers on the island, and gather in front of the castle!"


Cameron responded.

Then, Elena directly hung up the communication device.

Now, what the "Super Eye" shows is that the entire lost island is surrounded.

That is enough to show that there must be a lot of enemies here.

If you rely solely on the people on the island, you will certainly not be able to solve this crisis.

Can't wait any longer, we must quickly summon all the brothers back!

Without any hesitation, Elena quickly turned on an optoelectronic computer, and then quickly tapped the optoelectronic keyboard, sending out distress signals...

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