Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2039: , Tensions!

"Brother Fei, we will definitely work hard!"

Leihu nodded solemnly.

"That's good."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and after greeting Leihu and others, he drove out of the hospital.

After leaving the hospital, Ye Fei went straight to Allure International.


But at this moment, a prompt sounded.

Ye Fei took out his phone and looked at it, and found that it was an encrypted email from the temple.

According to Ye Fei's understanding, Elena would usually make a direct phone call if something happened.

Since the message is sent by mail, it must be something except the temple.

Ye Fei frowned, and then quickly clicked on the email.

However, at the moment when the email was browsed, Ye Fei was struck by lightning, and he slammed the brakes and stopped in the middle of the road with a "chick".

In an instant, the temperature inside the car dropped directly, as if it had reached a few degrees below zero.

A desolate killing intent suddenly swept out of Ye Fei's body, if it had any substance.

Ye Fei's face suddenly became extremely desolate, without sorrow or joy, as if completely empty.

What is even more weird is that his pupils gradually changed from dark brown to glamorous scarlet, and from scarlet to burning golden flame.

If anyone who knows Ye Fei sees him at this time, he will definitely get frightened and kneel directly on the ground.

At this moment, Ye Fei revealed the smell of death all over his body, as if what appeared in front of him was a picture of a sea of ​​dead mountains and blood.


Endless anger.

Ye Fei originally thought that after this zero-point meeting, basically no one would provoke himself or provoke the temple.

However, what he never expected was that there are still some ants in this world who are not afraid of death, daring to challenge the authority of the temple in vain.

Maybe, I really have been silent for too long.

Someone is so daring to challenge their own temple?

Really knowing whether to live or die.


Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a wicked smile, "You guys, do you want to start the holy war of the year? Ha... I, Ye Fei, stay with me to the end..."

Ba Ba Ba! !

At this time, because Ye Fei was in the middle of the road, the vehicles behind were forced to stop abruptly. He honked his horn while cursing.

"I'm paralyzed! What do you do if you park the car in the middle of the road?

"Go to death by yourself, don't hinder others!"

"Uncle Cao! Quickly give way!"

Hearing the cursing sound from the rear, Ye Fei slowly turned his head and looked towards the rear.

The drivers were originally going to continue to scold, but when they saw Ye Fei's eyes, they were so scared that they swallowed back the scolding words from behind.

They were just ordinary people, but they still felt the murderous aura in Ye Fei's eyes.

This murderous horror is terrifying, as if it can tear them to pieces in the next second, making them feel chills in their hearts.

Ye Fei just glanced at these people faintly, did not say a word, but made a "boom", started the car, and left directly.

Looking at Ye Fei who was leaving by Juechen, these drivers trembled, and the cold sweat oozing from behind wetted their clothes.

At this moment, Ye Fei pushed the speed to the extreme, ignored the traffic lights, and drove towards the company all the way.

It would have taken more than twenty minutes of the journey, but Ye Fei was abruptly compressed to within ten minutes.

After arriving at the company, Ye Fei parked his car in the underground parking lot, and then went directly to the president's office.

Ye Fei didn't even knock on the door, so he pushed the door and walked in.

"Ye Fei, what's the matter?"

Gu Qingcheng, who was working at the desk, raised his eyes to look at Ye Fei. Seeing that the man's expression was a little bit wrong, he also realized what should have happened.

"I'm going to the temple these days." Ye Fei replied lightly.

"What are you doing back to the temple?" Gu Qingcheng asked strangely.

"The temple was besieged, and Elena sent an emergency signal. I must hurry over. I think Alston and the others should be rushing there too." Ye Fei said concisely.

Because Ye Fei had heard about it before, Gu Qingcheng also knew that the temple was very important to Ye Fei.

Gu Qingcheng didn't say much, but looked at Ye Fei and asked, "Are you going to leave now?"

"Yes, now."

Ye Fei nodded.

Gu Qingcheng didn't hold back too much, but got up and walked over, hugged Ye Fei tightly, and said softly, "Ye Fei, you must pay attention to your safety.

Also, let Allston and Barr pay attention to their safety, so you must not have an accident..."

Ye Fei smiled softly and said, "Don't worry, Qingcheng, I will protect everyone and protect the temple."

After speaking, Ye Fei kissed the woman's red lips heavily.

Gu Qingcheng did not resist either, but responded enthusiastically to the man's kiss.

This kiss lasted for a few minutes, and Ye Fei let go of Gu Qingcheng, "Qingcheng, wait for me to come back."

"Well, I'll wait for you to come back."

Gu Qingcheng nodded vigorously.

After that, Ye Fei didn't say much, turned around and left the company.

When he came downstairs in the company, Ye Fei was about to go directly to the Ninghai Navy District to borrow a helicopter and fly to the temple.

However, as soon as Ye Fei got off the stairs, a call was made to his cell phone.

Ye Fei took out his phone and looked at it, and found that Shi Junze was calling.

The call is connected.

"Boss, have you received the news?"

As soon as the call was connected, Shi Junze's voice came over.

"I have received it, and I am about to rush to the temple." Ye Fei said solemnly.

"Boss, Feng Tu and I are rushing to Ninghai in a transport helicopter. Let's wait until we get there." Shi Junze said.

"All right, when will you arrive?"

"There will be a while."

Shi Junze replied, and then said: "Boss, we will meet directly in the Ninghai navy district then."

"Okay, no problem, see you later."

After speaking, Ye Fei hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fei took advantage of this waiting time to explain to Zhang Baokun and the others, telling them that in the few days he was away, he must always pay attention to the movements of the Kowloon Club.

After that, Ye Fei went to a few women to talk about it, and asked everyone to pay attention to their safety and contact them directly if they had anything to do.

After finishing all this, Ye Fei took the car and came to the Ninghai Navy District.

After that, Ye Fei waited for about half an hour at the helicopter airport of the military region, and a military helicopter flew over and parked on the airport.


"Brother Fei!!"

As soon as the cabin door opened, Shi Junze and Bai Fengtu jumped out of the helicopter and walked towards Ye Fei.

"Interesting, the old man from the Dragon Lord actually agreed to let you rescue our temple?"

Ye Fei glanced at Bai Fengtu and others with interest.

"That's not it, even if the Dragon Lord doesn't agree, we have to go!" Bai Fengtu grinned and said.

"Shunze, aren't you making a deal with that old man?"

Ye Fei squinted at Shi Junze.

"Boss, I didn't make any deal with Dragon Lord."

Shi Junze gave a dry smile and said, "Boss, it doesn't seem to be the time to talk about this, right?"

Ye Fei looked at Shi Junze suspiciously, and didn't ask any more, but said: "Okay, what's the matter, let's talk on the plane, let's go!"

After that, Ye Fei and his party got on the transport helicopter, took off, and flew towards the direction of the temple...


at the same time.

Lost island in the heart of the Pacific Ocean.

Around the entire island, there are steel battleships parked, and on the battleship and on the shore are the purgatory knights, the nether guards and the dark soldiers.

Everyone looked solemn and looked into the distance.

At this time, Elena, wearing a simple black dress, was standing on the top of the castle, holding a high-powered telescope, looking into the distance.

And beside her, came Cameron, Jonathan and Kevin.

After looking at it for a while, Elena put down the binoculars, her eyes were cold, and she said coldly: "Those guys are already here, tell my brothers, ready to meet the enemy! Once those guys get close, just shoot!"


Cameron, Jonathan and Kevin responded, and then hurried to give orders.

In the sea three nautical miles from the Lost Island.

On all sides of the Lost Island, steel battleships were slowly advancing towards the island like steel beasts.

Every battleship was full of people, and all kinds of flags were planted on the battleships.

These people have extremely excited expressions on their faces.

Because, they are about to declare war on the temple, as long as they can destroy the temple, they will rise from there...

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