Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2040: , Who can stop?

On the sea, on all sides of the Lost Island, a total of 19 organizations, 68 steel battleships, have completely blocked the waters surrounding the Lost Island.

Such a force is quite terrifying.

Even some small and medium-sized countries will be shocked when faced with such a terrorist force.

What's more, the people of these nineteen organizations are all executioners who wander around the underground world and kill people without blinking.

At this time, on each of the warships, the leaders of nineteen organizations were cheering for their own people.

"Supersoldiers of the Delta Force! The Infernal King of the temple sabotaged our plans time and time again, and also killed many of us. The Purgatory King and our Delta Force have feuds!

Therefore, this time, as I lead you, it is bound to punish these heinous demons, destroy the temple, and destroy the purgatory king of thieves! ! "

Ares waved his fist and loudly encouraged the soldiers of the Delta Force on several battleships.

"Destroy the temple! Destroy the purgatory king!!"

"Destroy the temple! Destroy the purgatory king!!"

All the soldiers of the Delta Force raised their arms and shouted.

"Warriors of the dark dragon, today is the day when our dark dragon rises! As long as we win this battle, our dark dragon killer organization will become famous all over the world!

And the status of each of you will rise, gaining unimaginable money, status and wealth! So, warriors, follow me and attack the enemy! ! "

Thunder Dragon was in high spirits and shouted loudly.

"Dark Dragon! Dark Dragon! Dark Dragon!"

All the killers of the Dark Dragon Killer organization waved the sharp blades in their hands like chicken blood, and roared loudly.

The head of the Black Army Mercenary Group glanced at everyone in the Black Army with a **** hand, and said in a shock: "Warriors of the Black Army, let's go to the underground world and become mercenaries. Why?"





A group of mercenaries from the black army rushed to respond.

"That's right!"

The **** hand nodded and said loudly: "Our black army has been low-key for too long, and everyone who has been in the underground world for a long time seems to have forgotten us!

Therefore, today, we will take this opportunity to follow other organizations to completely destroy the temple, eliminate the purgatory king, and let the name of our black army start again in the world!

As long as the plan this time can be successful, as long as we can win this battle... everything you want can be obtained! "

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

All members of the Black Army Mercenary Corps shouted loudly and their morale was high.

at this time.

To the north of the Lost Island.

Several battleships are also slowly advancing towards the lost island.

These warships are planted with flags belonging to their own organizations.

The leading organizations that attacked from the back were the **** organizations of the island country and the Red Sun Martial Arts Museum.

On top of several battleships with black-bottomed demon totem flags, the **** tyrant in a black kimono was looking at his own people coldly.

"Today is the day for us to avenge the temple! The purgatory king of the temple destroyed our base, killed countless of us, and has a deep hatred of our hell!

Therefore, our goal today is to destroy the temple and kill the purgatory king! "

The murderous spirit in the eyes of the **** tyrant skyrocketed, and he raised his voice: "I only need to land on the island later, regardless of whether it is a man or a ghost. If you see it, you will kill. Do you understand?"


All the ninjas of the **** organization nodded and responded with vibrating voices, murderous.

At this time, the flags of the red sun on the white background were planted on several battleships nearby.

Each battleship was covered with island-country martial arts uniforms in three colors of black, white and gray, and each samurai wore a samurai sword around his waist.

In the forefront of these samurai, there stood a man wearing a white martial arts uniform with a long and thin body, a long braided head, and a silver long knife in his hand.

This man is the master of the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall, Shenzong Hideichi, codenamed "Ruroin".

Ronin just stood there quietly, revealing the aura of a strong man from all over his body. Compared with the **** tyrant, the aura was only stronger than the **** tyrant.

The other samurai looked at Ronin in awe, standing straight on the deck without saying a word.

In the island country, people only know the "Sword God" Chiba Fengshen, but they don't know the "Magic Sword" Shenzong Shuichi.

Although Shenzong Hideichi's name is not as big as the Qianye Fengshen, but in the understanding of kendo, he has already surpassed the Qianba Fengshen.

At this time, Ronin moved the samurai sword in his hand into the air and said in a shocking voice: "Dear brave samurai, please join me today to kill all the demons on the island and promote the power of the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall!

As long as today’s battle is victorious, our Red Sun Martial Arts Hall will not only become the number one martial arts gym in the island nation, but also the name of our Red Sun Martial Arts Hall all over the world!

So, brave warriors, join me in the battle to kill the enemy! "

"Slay the devil! Make my name known!!!"

"Slay the devil! Make my name known!!!"

All the samurai in the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall, as if beaten up with chicken blood, shouted one after another.

At this time, the organization leaders on other warships were also cheering for their own people.

For a time, on the sea getting closer and closer to the Lost Island, the momentum was overwhelming, and a shout rang from all sides of the entire Lost Island.

The lost island, above the castle.

Elena, Cameron, Jonathan, Kevin and others were furious when they heard this arrogant shout.

"On horseback! This group of beam jumping clowns are so arrogant! Is he really bullying for our temple?!"

Cameron's eyes were red and angry.

"Your Excellency Elena, we don't have to wait any longer, let's shoot at them now, and kill these dogs!"

Jonathan also waved his fists and roared.

Elena looked into the distance quietly, her pale blue eyes filled with icy chill.

The reason why she never chose to go to war was because she was waiting.

Waiting for the arrival of Wang and Alston.

After all, whether the enemy is in number or the number of battleships, it far exceeds the current guarding power of the temple.

If we start fighting early now, it will definitely cause heavy casualties.

"Your Excellency Elena, what are you waiting for?"

Kevin stared at Alina closely and said, "Don't hesitate, let's go to war now!"

Just when his voice fell.

cough! !

A piercing sound crossed the sky!

I saw that the battleship on Ares had launched a missile towards the Lost Island!

That missile is like a meteorite flying from a distance, dragging a long flame tail, and the target is pointing straight to the direction of the castle!

However, just as the missile flew onto the island, the fortifications on the island were already triggered instantly!

I saw that on a small hill around the castle, a rising anti-missile system directly launched an interceptor missile!

Next second.

boom! !

The two missiles collided together instantly and exploded in the sky!

The fire is soaring, the smoke is rolling!

"Your Excellency Elena, these guys have already begun to provoke, we can't wait any longer, we must suppress their arrogant flames!" Cameron said angrily.

Elena's eyes were cold, and she was completely irritated.

She seemed to have waited for a while, procrastinating for a while.

However, the situation at this time did not allow her to wait any longer.

Since you can't wait any longer, let's fight.

The temple has encountered countless big and small battles, and who has never been afraid of?

Elena took a deep breath, and then shouted coldly: "Cameron, let everyone listen and fight back!!"


Cameron responded, then picked up the communication device and roared: "Everyone, shoot me at the enemy!!"

When Cameron's voice fell.

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A series of dull voices sounded on the beach of the Lost Island!

At almost the same time, a total of 24 warships on all sides of the Lost Island launched missiles at the same time!

A total of 24 missiles, centered on the Lost Island, are launched in all directions, like fireballs flying out one after another!

However, Ares, Bloodhand and Thunder Dragon seemed to be ready for the battle long ago.

When these twenty-four ballistic trajectories were halfway through, their sixty-eight warships had already fired sixty-eight Tomahawk missiles at the same time...

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