Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2042: , The war begins!

After several rounds of firepower contests, the firepower on Ares had already suppressed the firepower on the temple side.

The people of these nineteen organizations laughed presumptuously.

"Hahaha, did everyone see it?"

Ares laughed wildly and said loudly: "The temple is nothing but this! Today, we will win!!"

"Sure victory!!"

"Sure victory!!"

"Sure victory!!"

Everyone on the battleship raised their arms and shouted.

The victory in the first round completely dispelled their worries and boosted their confidence.

They will win this battle!

As there is no more firepower offensive and defensive battle, the 68 warships of Ares and others have been close to the Lost Island!

The densely packed steel battleships surrounded the entire lost island, airtight, not even a fly could fly out!

Nineteen organizations, each of which has at least two hundred people, totaling more than three to four thousand people!

The point is that these three or four thousand people are not ordinary people, but are powerful and murderous warriors who have been in the underground world all the year round!

"Hahaha... the ants of the temple! Surrender! You are done!"

"Your temple has been majestic for so many years, today, you will be removed from this world!!"

"Fuck it, demons!!"

These people stood on the deck of the battleship, laughing frantically, shouting, showing off their might.

Seeing the provocation of Ares and others Chi Guoguo, the purgatory knights, nether guards, and dark soldiers on the various battleships around the island were furious!

As a member of the temple, they have their pride in their bones!

Now that the enemy is coming, they are not only not afraid, but they have aroused the infinite fighting spirit in their hearts!

Even though they have only six or seven hundred people, and they are far from the enemy, they are fearless!

Even if there is a big gap between the number and strength, they are not afraid of a battle!

They have absolute loyalty to the temple and the purgatory king, even if they sacrifice their lives, they will not hesitate!

"Brothers! Defend the temple to the death! Come with me and kill the enemy!"

"Destroy them! Never let them land on the island!!!"

"Those who provoke the temple, kill without mercy!!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!!"

The squad captains on the fierce knights, nether guards, and dark warships all gave orders.



All the Purgatory Knights, Nether Guards, and Dark God Soldiers took up their weapons and rushed towards the people of 19 organizations including the Delta Troop, the Dark Dragon Killer Organization, the Black Army Mercenary Organization, the Hell Organization, and the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall. !

"Kill them all! Don't keep one!"

Having put on a set of the most advanced and improved black war armor, Ares took the lead in raising the mechanical arm, and a "pouch" shot through the heart of an infernal knight.

"Come with me, kill!!"

"Kill these demons!!"

The leaders of Bloodhand, Thunder Dragon, and other organizations also led their own people to meet the Purgatory Knights, Nether Guards, and Dark God Soldiers.

A fierce battle has completely started!

Since it was a close combat, everyone did not use guns and ammunition, but held swords and daggers, and launched the most primitive combat!

Some attack directly with their fists and feet!

Qiang Qiang! !

Bang bang bang! !

Happiness! !

There were clear clashes and dull hits!

Cruel contests have begun on all sides of the entire Lost Island!

The battle lasted only a few minutes, and there were already many dead bodies on the beach, on the battleship, and in the sea!

Scarlet blood is everywhere, pungent and harsh!

Among the people in these organizations, only the people from the Delta Force have the most terrifying combat effectiveness.

There were only about a hundred people in the Delta Force, but nearly half of them were wearing war armors.

The value of one set of war armor exceeds ten million U.S. dollars, and the value of fifty sets of war armor is immeasurable.

It is conceivable that for this war, the financial resources invested by the Delta Force were huge.

"Go to hell! Go and die to me!"

"Garbage! Ants!"

Freud, Harrison, Jones and others of the Delta Force raised their mechanical arms and continuously fired high-temperature rays, electromagnetic cannons and other lethal attacks at the soldiers of the Purgatory Knights, Nether Guards, and Dark Gods.

Shoo! !

Bang bang bang! !

Anyone hit by a high-temperature ray will be directly penetrated by the body!

Those who were hit by the electromagnetic artillery were directly electrified by thousands of volts and turned into coke!

They died horribly, and they were basically killed by one blow!

Some temple warriors avoided the high temperature rays and electromagnetic cannons of these steel warriors and tried to engage in close combat.

However, it was only discovered when they were fighting that the war armor worn by these guys was too strong.

On the contrary, these steel warriors, with every punch and foot weighing a thousand catties, directly smashed the heads of these warriors and smashed the bones of these warriors.

The fierce fighting continued, and soon more than twenty minutes passed.

Because the difference between the numbers of the two sides is too large, basically every warrior in the temple has to deal with several attacks.

No matter how strong the warriors of the temple are, they can't stand the attack of multiple people at the same time.

Therefore, it didn't last long at all, and the soldiers of the temple fell into a pool of blood one by one.

Some temple warriors with broken arms and legs are still fighting stubbornly, even at the last moment, they have to pull back.



Screams kept ringing.

Originally more than 700 fierce knights, nether guards, and dark soldiers, after 20 minutes of fierce battle, there are only more than 300 people left, which is a full half.

On the other hand, the people of the nineteen organizations have died, and less than a hundred people have died.

However, even though the gap in the number of people is still widening, none of the remaining temple fighters still chooses to back down, but continue to attack stubbornly.

At this time, Ares saw that the victory was divided, and didn't want to entangle with these ants anymore.

Instead, they immediately summoned the leader of the Black Army Mercenary Organization, the Blood Hand, the Thunder Dragon of the Dark Dragon Killer Organization, the Hell Tyrant of the Hell Organization, the Ronin of the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall, and the God of the Dawn Bounty Hunter.

"Everyone is a resounding master, it doesn't make sense to let everyone stay here to kill ants.

Now, please follow me to the castle to capture Elena! You know, maybe Alina has the whereabouts of Minova and ‘void’ in her hands! "Aris said with a smile.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go, you must control Elena before the purgatory king and those demon kings arrive!" said the blood hand.

Thunder Dragon, Hell Tyrant and others also nodded.

"Well, it shouldn't be too late, let's go!"

Ares nodded.

However, before leaving, Ares explained to the leaders of the other thirteen organizations, and asked the leaders of these thirteen organizations to continue to lead people to guard here.

Then, Ares led the Blood Hand, Thunder Dragon and others to rush towards the castle.

Running all the way, soon, Ares and others came to the market town on the island.

"What's the matter, why is there no one here?"

The Blood Hand looked around, but no one was found in the market town.

Their goal today is very simple, that is, to kill everyone on the island and completely occupy the entire island.

"The people on the island must be hiding...Aren't these people very good at hiding? I have to see where they can hide..."

Ares smiled fiercely, then opened the electronic eyes of the war armor and scanned around the market town.

Soon, his electronic eyes locked the air defense territory.

"Go, there is a building more than a thousand meters away from the south of the market town. I feel that there is activity there. Go, let's go and take a look!"

Ares waved his hand, and then took the Blood Hand and Thunder Dragon and others and ran straight towards the south.

Just a few minutes later,

The six Ares arrived in the air defense territory.

Looking at the three-story cylindrical metal building, Ares squinted and said, "It seems that this building should be a defensive fortress researched and invented by Professor Minova, and the people in the market town are sure Hidden inside..."

"Hehe, what's the use of this iron bump, let me open it!"

The **** hand smiled contemptuously, and then rushed towards the building, and then banged directly at the door of the building...

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