Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2043: , Destroy the world!

Puff! !

The **** hand slammed on the metal gate of this building with a loud noise!

However, this metal gate did not show any damage, not even a mark!

Bloodhand looked at this undamaged metal gate, his whole person was stupid!

He is called the Blood Hand because the power of his fist is terrifying, and the power of a punch is at least a ton!

No matter how tough the steel is, dents will appear under the bombardment of his punch!

But this ordinary-looking metal gate was hit by one of his punches, and there was not even a little bit of it.

Even the Hell Tyrant, Thunder Dragon and others were stunned, obviously unable to believe what they were seeing.

The **** hand frowned, and then blasted several punches at the metal gate.

Puff puff! !

After a booming sound fell.

The **** hand looked up, and the metal gate still showed no signs of damage.

"Damn, what the **** is this door made of, is it too **** strong?"

The Blood Hand retracted his hand and stopped the attack.

"I'll try."

Ares said lightly, then raised both arms, and at the same time fired high-temperature rays, which shot towards the metal gate.

However, these two high-temperature rays, which had originally shaved iron like mud, hit this metal gate, but they couldn't penetrate it at all, leaving no trace of burning.

Immediately afterwards, Ares fired several electromagnetic cannons towards the metal gate, and hit them with electric whips, but they still didn't work.

"It's weird, I'll try it!"

At this moment, Ronin rushed to the metal gate with a samurai sword in his hand, and then slashed towards the gate with a sharp knife!

Huh! !

The sound of breaking through the air!

With one slash, not only the speed is as fast as lightning, but the power is even more fierce!

clang! !

A crisp sound exploded!

I saw that Ronin slashed the door with this knife, and except for a few sparks, it still didn't leave any trace on the door.

"Baga! I don't believe I can't open this door!"

Ronin looked angry and raised his katana, ready to continue cutting.

"Mr. Shenzong Shuichi, stop."

Ares frowned and said, "This building should have been built by the woman from Minova.

If we continue to spend time here, it will not only make no difference, it will also waste our time.

So, let's catch the woman Elena first. "

"Then what to do here?" the **** hand asked.

"Leave it to someone else."

Having said that, Ares contacted people from other organizations, explained the situation here, and then rushed towards the castle with the blood hand and Thunder Dragon and others.

At this time, in the air defense territory.

The residents of the island were shivering in the corner.

When Ares and the others smashed the door just now, they were so frightened that they dared not make a sound or the atmosphere.

At this moment, I heard that there was no movement outside, and I was relieved.

"Oh Maiga, fortunately it's strong enough here, otherwise we'll all be dead." An old man patted his chest and said.

The others nodded with lingering fears, feeling like they were escaping from death.

at this time.

Above the castle.

Alina, Cameron, Jonathan and Kevin are looking into the distance, angry and gloomy.

The enemy still attacked.

Seeing the brothers and sisters falling into a pool of blood one by one, Elena's hearts were cut like a knife, as if dripping blood.

"Cameron, Jonathan, Kevin, the three of you, hurry up and support your brothers and sisters! If this continues, our people will die!" Elena said loudly.


Cameron shook his head and said: "Your Excellency Irene, we must protect your integrity!"

"Yes, Sir Elena, if something happens to you, why do we have the face to face the king?"

Jonathan also took another sentence.

"Your Excellency Elena, let us protect you!"

Kevin's eyes were red and said: "If we leave, those guys will definitely come to you. If something happens to you then, even if the three of us are dead, we won't be able to explain to the king!"

"I'm okay, you hurry up to rescue brothers and sisters!"

Elena's eyes were cold, "This is an order!"

"Your Excellency, your other orders, we will listen! But this order alone, forgive us for not agreeing!"

Cameron knelt on one knee and said vigorously.

"Your Excellency Elena, let us stay by your side!!!"

Both Jonathan and Kevin also knelt on one knee.


Elena was stunned by anger.

However, she is even more angry with herself. If she has combat power, she can join the battle instead of becoming a burden.

However, she suddenly thought that she seemed to be able to fight, and Wang had also talked about it.

It's just that, it seems that for some reason, I can't use the power in my body casually.

What is the reason why I can't use the power in my body casually?

Elena frowned, wondering why.

She really desires that she can gain that power now.

But how can that power be obtained?

While Elena was thinking about it, Cameron's face sank and said: "Your Excellency Elena, someone is coming!"

"More than one."

Both Jonathan and Kevin also felt that someone was approaching.

Within a minute, I only heard "swish swish", and the sound of breaking through the air sounded one after another.

Elena, Cameron, Jonathan and Kevin looked up and saw six figures appearing at the door of the castle.

Except for Ares, who was wearing a war armor and couldn't distinguish his appearance, Elena recognized the other five people at a glance.

"Bloodhand, Thunder Dragon, Hell Tyrant, Ronin, God... So it's you!"

Elena's beautiful eyes gleamed with sharp cold light, "Do you guys know what this place is? Don't you fear that your organization will be removed from this world?!"

"Hehe, beautiful Miss Elena, of course we know where this is."

Ares smiled and spread out his hands, saying: "Isn't this the Lost Island, the headquarters of the temple? And you don't have to scare us.

We are fully prepared. Even if the Purgatory King and the Demon Kings return, we can easily destroy them..."


Cameron screamed, and said: "It's just a delusion to say that you can kill our king with the clowns!"

"Is it a delusion, you will understand when your thief's purgatory king arrives."

Ares smiled, then looked at Elena, and said: "Beautiful Miss Elena, you can't run anymore, surrender obediently.

As long as you surrender obediently and tell us where Professor Minova and her ‘void’ are, we promise not to hurt you, how about? "


Elena sneered and said softly: "When did you hear who said that people in our temple will surrender? I tell you, even if they die, our temple warriors will never surrender!"

"Is it?"

Ares smiled coldly and said: "Since you don't surrender, don't blame us for being polite! Friends, kill those three guys and capture Elena alive!"

"no problem!!"

Bloodhand, Thunder Dragon and others nodded.

"A group of brave guys, I think you are looking for death!!"

Cameron was already so angry, he jumped, his sturdy body landed steadily on the ground!

Snapped! !

At the moment he landed, his legs slammed on the ground, and his body, like an arrow from the string, rushed directly towards Ares!

Seeing Cameron rushing towards him, Ares smiled coldly, quickly raised his arms, and fired two high-temperature rays at Cameron!

Shoo! !

Cameron's eyes sank, and his body leaped to the sky, avoiding these two high-temperature rays!

puff! puff!

These two high-temperature rays missed and hit the wall of the ancient castle behind, directly burning the wall with two holes!

"Die me!!"

After avoiding Ares's attack, Cameron directly raised his fist and slammed Ares's head down!


Ares just snorted and raised a robotic arm casually!

He only heard the sound of "poof" and blocked Cameron's punch!

Seeing that the punch was blocked, Cameron twisted his waist and his right leg swept toward Ares' body like a fine steel whip!


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