Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2044: , Don't keep one!

Huh! !

Seeing Cameron swept across, Ares did not evade, but clenched the steel fist and blasted towards Cameron's right leg!

boom! !

Cameron's right foot slammed into Ares' steel fist, and a dull sound erupted!

Ding Ding Ding! !

The power of Ares's punch is at least a ton, so Cameron can't control his body, staggering back!

What's more, what made Cameron even more shocked was that he felt that his right leg seemed to be worn out, and it was painful and numb just after he received a punch!

He stared at Ares, trying to find out his weakness, and then attack.

However, what made Cameron anxious was that Ares wearing a war armor had no weaknesses at all.

"Hehe, you want to defeat me based on your strength, it's just whimsical!"

Ares sneered, and then with a "swish", his body rushed towards Cameron like a missile.

At the moment of approaching Cameron, Ares waved the steel fist and slammed it into Cameron's chest.

Cameron's face sank, and he quickly set up his arms to block.

boom! !

With a muffled noise, Cameron couldn't stop this violent force at all, and his body flew upside down. With a "boom", he fell heavily on the wall of the castle.


At the moment he landed, Cameron spouted a mouthful of blood.

Under this violent impact, he felt that all his internal organs seemed to have shifted, and his whole body seemed to fall apart, and the pain was unbearable.

"Hahaha! Rubbish is just **** after all!"

Ares laughed frantically, raised his mechanical arm, condensed a group of hot high-temperature rays, and shot it towards Cameron's chest!

call out! !

However, at the moment this high-temperature ray lased over, Cameron exhausted all his strength and rolled forward abruptly, avoiding the vital part.

However, his speed was still half a beat, only a "poof" sound was heard, and his shoulder was directly penetrated by this high temperature ray.


Cameron let out a scream, and the blood on his left shoulder was dripping, and his left arm was directly abolished.


Jonathan and Kevin saw that Cameron had fallen. They exclaimed, and without hesitation, they jumped down quickly.


Elena clenched her fist tightly, anxious in her heart.

what to do?

How can I do?

If this continues, Cameron, Jonathan, and Kevin will die.

Although he was called the Goddess of Wisdom, listed as one of the eight great demon kings, and the steward of the temple, in the battle, he did not play any role and became a burden instead.

This feeling of not being able to help at all made Elena feel very uncomfortable.

At this time, below the castle.

"Dare to hurt my brother, I can't spare you!!!"


Jonathan and Kevin roared and rushed directly towards Ares.

"Hey, guys, your opponent is us!"

"Three on one, it's not so glamorous!"

Bloodhand and Thunder Dragon, who had been watching the battle on the side, smiled, and then stood in front of Jonathan and Kevin.

"Get out of here!!"

The fiery-tempered Kevin roared, body like lightning, and slammed his fist towards the blood hand.

"Only you, want to beat me with a fist?"

The blood hand smiled indifferently, and then without a word, he raised his fist and blasted towards Kevin.


With a punch, the wind howled, like a shock!

boom! !

The two fists hit together hard!

Kaiwen thought he could withstand the punch of the blood hand.

However, the next second.

Kevin was shocked and felt the terrifying power coming from the fist of the blood hand.

This force was so sharp that he couldn't resist it at all.

He slammed his feet to the ground, trying to block the punch, but his body was uncontrollable, and he flew out directly with a "swish".

With a loud "bang", Kevin's body fell heavily over ten meters away.

At the moment he landed, he felt a sweetness in his throat, and suddenly a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

With just a punch from the blood hand, Kevin was injured.

He stared at the **** hand tightly, shocked in his heart.

What exactly is going on?

Why are the leaders of these A-level organizations so powerful?

Could it be that these guys have been hiding their strengths all the time?

However, without waiting for Kevin to think about it, the **** hands have already arrived in front of him.

"My strength can already be compared to the king...It is impossible to defeat me with you..."

The blood hand looked at Kevin condescendingly, and then kicked it directly.

Kevin's face changed, and he quickly raised his arms to block.

However, the power of the blood hand was quite fierce, and this kick directly kicked Kevin out as a ball.

There was another roar, and Kevin's body fell again ten meters away, blood vomiting in his mouth, his body was already covered with dust, and he was very embarrassed.


Kevin panting in pain, he supported his body and slowly got up from the ground.

After that, he endured the pain in his body, used all the strength of his body, and rushed toward the **** hand once again.

However, after a few tricks, Kevin flew out again.

However, Kevin did not fall because of this, but got up again and again and launched a counterattack toward the **** hands.

But the blood hand is like playing a game, knocking Kevin away again and again.

I don't know how many times he flew out, and Kevin was already covered with scars.

He lay on his back on the ground, breathing heavily, his chest fluctuating, and the blood in his mouth kept pouring out as if he didn't need money.

And the other side.


After fighting a few moves, Thunder Dragon smiled contemptuously, kicked sharply, and swept towards Jonathan's waist!

Jonathan flashed his body, avoiding this foot!

But at this moment, Thunder Dragon suddenly appeared behind Jonathan like a ghost.

When Thunder Dragon approached, Jonathan suddenly felt a chill in his back.


Jonathan's face changed, and he turned around to launch an attack.

However, just as Jonathan turned around, Thunder Dragon's punch hit Jonathan's back fiercely.

Only a muffled sound was heard, and Jonathan's body leaped forward and flew out.


Because Thunder Dragon's punch was not small, the punch directly vomited blood to Jonathan.

Although the strength of Kevin and Jonathan is not weak, but the strength of the blood hand and Thunder Dragon is too strong.

They were completely crushed by these guys.

At this moment, they realized that the reason why these guys dared to hit the temple seemed to be really ready.

"Kevin! Jonathan!"

Cameron saw that both Jonathan and Kevin were knocked to the ground, and the anger in his heart burned directly.

Whoosh! !

He wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, gave up continuing to attack Ares, but slammed his legs to the ground, like a cannonball, rushing towards the Thunder Dragon!

boom! !

At the moment when he approached Thunder Dragon, Cameron slammed his punch towards Thunder Dragon's chest!

As the leader of the Purgatory Knights, Cameron's strength is not weak, even if he is seriously injured, his strength can still be displayed a lot!

Therefore, when this punch blasted out, the air trembled for it, and the speed of the punch was so fast that there were only afterimages!

Seeing Cameron slamming and killing him, Thunder Dragon smiled disdainfully and easily raised a punch to greet him!

Cameron was directly shaken out after hearing a muffled sound of "bang"!

At the moment Cameron retreated, Thunder Dragon didn't let him go. Instead, he flipped his wrist and added a sharp dagger. Then his figure flashed, and he swept towards Cameron!

Swish! !

Accompanied by the dazzling cold light!

When the Thunder Dragon returned to the original place again, Cameron had already been scored dozens of knives!

The whole body is full of blood, dripping with blood, it looks like it was fished out of a pool of blood!

Moreover, just after the frantic attack just now, the veins of Cameron's two legs and two arms have been severed by Thunder Dragon!


Cameron hissed miserably, and could no longer stand steady, and fell straight to the ground...

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