Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2069: , The puppet army!

Hearing this sound, the onlookers turned their heads and looked around, and saw a few young men step by step, calmly and forcefully walking towards the Hongri Martial Arts Hall.

Among these people, there are foreign men and Chinese men, and they are all different in height and body shape.

When the tourists on the scene saw these people, they felt that these temperaments were supernatural, aggressive, and definitely not ordinary tourists, so they unconsciously gave way.

Therefore, these people are Ye Fei, Alston, Barr, Algernon, Arnold, Shi Junze and Bai Fengtu who came from the uninhabited island.

As for the other 1,000 mercenaries, killers and pirates, Ye Fei arranged them on the high seas near the island nation.

After all, there are too many people. If all of them enter the island country, it will definitely attract the attention of the people on the island country and cause some unnecessary troubles.

Therefore, Ye Fei just came here with Alston.

Only a few of them are enough to defeat the samurai at the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall.

At this moment, Ye Fei stepped forward and helped up the three Chinese young men who fell on the ground, then smiled faintly, and said: "Dude, let you see later, what is the real Chinese martial arts!

As for the three-legged cat kung fu of these turtle grandchildren, in front of our Chinese martial arts, they are not even a fart! "

When these three young men heard Ye Fei's words, they didn't believe them.

However, when they saw Ye Fei's confident eyes and the temperament in his body that was different from ordinary people, they dared to believe what happened.

"My buddy, as long as you can defeat these turtle grandchildren, I will persuade you and call you big brother!" a young man suffocated his anger and said.

"Don't worry, buddy, these guys are not farts in our Fei brother's eyes. Our Fei brother can crush them to death with a little finger!"

Bai Fengtu stepped forward and answered with a smile.


When the few young men heard this, they were speechless.

Isn't this scornful fellow speaking too uncomfortable?

A little finger can crush someone to death. Who can you deceive?

"Damn Chinese boy, how dare you call me a dog!"

At this moment, the warrior who beat others stared at Ye Fei furiously.

"You are praised for calling you a dog."

Ye Fei met the gaze of the samurai, smiling and saying in fluent island language: "In my eyes, you are not as good as a dog..."


The samurai was furious, "Boy, I think you are **** looking for death!!"

With that said, the samurai walked up angrily, raised a punch, and blasted towards Ye Fei's face!

However, before the samurai's fist was blasted out, Auston on the side stretched out a big hand directly, like lightning, directly clasping his neck!

"Just relying on you, do you want to do something to my boss?"

Alston stared at the samurai fiercely, and then lifted it up with a light force with his right hand.

Because Auston's height was close to two meters, and the samurai was only a little over 1.70 meters tall, as soon as he was picked up, his feet were directly suspended.

"Let me go... let go!!"

The samurai felt difficult to breathe, his face flushed, and he was struggling desperately.

However, Auston's hand was like a pair of iron tongs, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

The tourists on the side were shocked when they saw this scene.

"Let go of Kojima!"

"Let go!!"

"Otherwise, you guys will die!"

The other three samurai saw their companions being choked, and one by one suddenly became angry and yelled at Alston, trying to frighten Alston.

However, Alston didn't even blink his eyelids, feeling that a few dogs were barking in front of him.

He is the sea emperor of the Megatron World, with a bold personality and fierce temperament. How can he be frightened by these little dwarfs?

"There is only one person who dares to provoke my king..."

Alston's eyes were cold, and he flashed murderously, "That's...death!"

The voice fell.


Only heard the sound of a bone crack, Allston directly squeezed the warrior's neck.

The samurai's body twitched, and suddenly he lost his breath.

Until his death, he didn't understand why this giant man in front of him dared to kill in broad daylight.

After squeezing the warrior's neck, Alston didn't have any expression on his face, but just casually threw the warrior to the ground like a trash.

Seeing this scene, all the tourists present were shocked.

"This person...dead...dead?!"

"Dead! Really dead!!"

"Ah!! It's killing! It's killing!"

Some of the tourists present couldn't help but screamed in horror, while some ran away.

At this time, the other three samurai also recovered from their consternation.

"How dare you kill people in public! You... do you know what place this is?!"

A square-faced warrior yelled at Ye Fei and his group. He was so angry that his chest was fluctuating, and he was completely furious.

The other two also clenched the samurai swords in their hands, and looked at Ye Fei's group with enthusiasm.

"Of course I know, isn't it the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall?"

Ye Fei glanced at the three samurai coldly, and said, "Today we are killing the people in the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall!"


The square-faced warrior yelled and waved his hand, "These guys are here to find trouble! Kill them!!"

Suddenly, the three samurai armed with katana, rushed towards Ye Fei and his party together.

However, Ye Fei didn't need to do it at all.

When the three warriors rushed over, Alston and Baal made a shot together. It took only a few seconds. The three warriors immediately returned to the original path and flew out, with a few "booms". Fell to the ground.

When the three warriors landed, each of them vomited blood and passed out directly.

At this time, some of the more courageous tourists saw this scene, and they were frightened.

They didn't expect at all that the few warriors who had been arrogant and invincible just now were so easily overthrown by two foreigners.

Moreover, this speed is too fast, right?

For a time, all the tourists guessed in their hearts the origin of Ye Fei and his party.

After turning over the four blocking dogs, Ye Fei didn't even look at them, but said indifferently, "Go, let's go in!"

Alston and others nodded, and then followed Ye Fei into the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall.

At this time, in the back hall of the martial arts hall, in a room called "Zhenwu Training Ground".

The floor is covered with tatami mats, the walls are hung with the portraits of the previous patrons, and the flags of the island country and the red martial arts museum are inserted. The decoration style reveals a strong quaint style of the Edo period.

Some warriors wearing black and white martial arts uniforms and holding wooden swords are training.

This training ground covers a large area, and there are at least sixty or seventy people training.

Instructing this samurai in training are three young samurai wearing grey martial arts uniforms and red sun turbans on their heads.

Although these three warriors were young, they were extremely talented and had a high cultivation base, so they became the three most proud disciples of Shenzong Xiuichi early on.

The three samurai are "Tianpu" Kojima Taro, "Tenchu" Kuroki Sawano, "Tianku" Ito Saburo, and are also three masters of the red sun martial arts, and their strength is second only to "ronin" Shinmune Shuichi. , The strength is in the realm of Gui Yuan Dacheng.

"Listen to me. When you draw the sword, you must be focused, have a vigor, and the strength of the sword must be strong, and the speed must be fast! Do you understand?!"

With long hair **** and more than 1.8 meters tall, the fierce-looking Tianchao roared loudly.


All the samurai responded with tremors and began to train harder.

"God punishment, it's been a day and a night, why hasn't the owner of the museum contacted us?"

Aside, the slightly shorter and handsome Tianzhu looked at Tian Punishment and asked.

"Yeah, this time our Red Sun Martial Arts Hall participated in the ‘God Slaughter Project’ and together with 18 other organizations went to attack the temple. Presumably, the temple should have been destroyed by this time..."

Tianwu, who was medium-sized and sturdy in shape, also took the sentence.

"I don't know what's going on."

Tiancai shook his head and said, "I will contact the museum owner later and ask about the situation..."


However, before Tianchao's words fell, a scream came in from outside...

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