Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2070: , No entry!

Hearing the screams, everyone in the training ground stopped training and turned to look at the door.

I saw that a samurai in the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall smashed a door like a sandbag, flew in, fell to the ground with a "plop", and vomited blood in his mouth.


Tianchai was shocked and shouted.

However, the samurai twitched a few times, and his head tilted and he died immediately.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the training ground was shocked.


Immediately afterwards, several screams came in.

Everyone looked up and saw that one after another samurai flew in from outside and fell heavily to the ground.



Those warriors who fell to the ground vomited blood violently.

"Bagaya Road! What happened?!"

Tiancai looked at a samurai and roared.

"God... Temple..."

The samurai said two words intermittently, his head tilted, and he died.


Tianchao's face changed, "Could it be that the people from the temple are here?!"


Tianzhu couldn't help exclaiming, "This... how is this possible?!"

Skywrath and the others present were also shocked, and their faces were full of horror.

"Why is it impossible? Do you really think that with you clowns, you can destroy our temple?"

An indifferent voice came in from outside the training ground.

Hearing the sound, everyone in the training ground looked towards the door.

Bang bang ......

There were waves of calm and powerful footsteps.

I saw Ye Fei, Auston, Barr, Algernon, Arnold, Shi Junze, Bai Fengtu and others walked in step by step from outside.

Ye Fei and his party were splattered with blood, and the blood naturally belonged to those warriors.

"The Purgatory King... The Sea King... The Killer King... The Mercenary King..."

Seeing Ye Fei and his party walk in, Tianchao's pupils shrank sharply and couldn't help but mutter.

The faces of Tianzhu, Tianwrath, and everyone present were full of horror and incomprehension.

They really couldn't understand, why did the people from the temple find here?

Didn't the museum owner lead people and eighteen other organizations to encircle the temple?

Could it be that the plan was not successful? !

Ye Fei faintly glanced at everyone in the venue, and said: "Your Hongri Martial Art Museum is quite hidden, so it's really easy for us to find it..."

"Purgatory, how did you find here?!"

Tianchao stared at Ye Fei closely, maintaining a high degree of vigilance.

The young Chinese man in front of him was not an ordinary person, but the legendary king of the underground world.

Moreover, in the last zero-point meeting, the Purgatory King announced his return, defeating the Holy Light Dragon Knight, the Hell Tyrant, and even tied with the Dark King.

Such strength makes them have to remain vigilant.

"What do you think?"

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Don't you think our temple is really destroyed?"


Heaven Punishment didn't speak, but stared at Ye Fei firmly.

In his heart, he really thought so.

Nineteen organizations with three or four thousand people encircled and suppressed the temple at the same time. How could the temple not be destroyed?

Ye Fei didn't speak when he saw the punishment, and said with a smile: "Now, I tell you a very unfortunate news... Your curator is dead... Others who participated in the encirclement and suppression of the temple are also dead..."


When Tianchao heard it, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

For a while, everyone in the training ground was in a commotion.

They were dubious about Ye Fei's words.


Tianzhu shouted angrily and said, "Our museum owner is the number one powerhouse in the island country. How could it be so easy to be killed?!"

"that is!"

Tian Wrath also stepped forward and said angrily: "I think you are just talking nonsense!"

"Whether you believe it or not, this is the truth anyway..."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Moreover, whether you believe it or not, anyway, all of you will go to **** to meet with your curator..."


Heaven Punishment yelled and said: "Even if you are the King of Purgatory, can you kill all of us? I think you are just fantastic!"

As he said, Tianchao waved his hand, "Listen, everyone! Come with me to destroy this group of demons!!"

The voice fell off.



All the samurai threw away the wooden swords in their hands, picked up the shining samurai swords, and rushed towards Ye Fei and his group.

"My grandchildren, go on! I want to fight ten!"

At this time, Bai Fengtu rushed forward, shouted a line from the movie, and then took the lead and rushed towards the warriors.

When Ye Fei, Shi Junze and others heard it, they were stunned to sweat.

This is so funny, do you really think you are making a movie?

Ye Fei did not hesitate much, but waved his hand, a murderous flash in his eyes, and shook his voice: "Brothers, since these guys say we are demons, then we will use the devil's way, not leaving one, and slaughtering everything here. people!"


Alston, Barr and others responded and rushed towards the warriors.

Although these samurai held katana in their hands, for the experienced combatants of Aston, whether the enemy had weapons or not had no effect on them.

The fierce Alston basically kills a samurai with every move.

Some were killed with a punch, some had their necks broken, and some had their hearts exploded.

Alston in the battle really is like a fierce sea monster, ruthlessly slaughtering the lives of these warriors.

"The first one! Kill!!"

"the second!"

"The third!"


Algernon on the side was like a ghost, shuttled among these warriors, a series of cold voices sounded, and every sword flashed, he could kill a warrior.

In a blink of an eye, a large group of samurai fell around Algernon.

Every samurai's throat was slit with a knife, and all were killed with one blow.

As the king of mercenaries, Baal's combat effectiveness is also terrifying.

Every time he punches, every kick is full of infinite explosive power.

Bang bang bang! ! ...

Accompanied by bursts of muffled explosions.

Some warriors died directly at his fists and feet.

Shi Junze, Arnold and others are not weak in combat effectiveness. Facing this group of warriors with sharp blades in their hands, they are not shocked, and kill a warrior with no more than three moves.

Just when Alston, Barr and others were fighting fiercely with the samurai, on the other side of the training ground, it was like a vacuum zone, no one dared to approach.

Tianpu, Tianzhu, and Tianwu each held a katana, and surrounded Ye Feiqi in the middle.

The three of them had already done a few tricks with Ye Fei just now, but without exception, none of them could hurt Ye Fei half of his hair.

Tianchao and Tianzhu and Tianan looked at each other, and suddenly understood each other's meaning.


Tiancai yelled, waved the samurai sword in his hand, and rushed towards Ye Fei.

Tenchu ​​and Tianwu did not hesitate, and they besieged together.

Swish! !

Three cold flashes of cold light flashed out, with an extremely fierce murderous intent, blocking Ye Fei's front, back, left, and right directions!

Seeing the three samurai swords slashing towards him, Ye Fei's eyes were cold, his right foot lightly touched the ground, and his body suddenly rose into the air!

Click! !

The three samurai swords cut a hole directly, cutting the wooden floor into three deep holes!

The violent air wave rushed out, shaking all the scrolls and flags hanging on the walls around the training ground to the ground!

Tianchao, Tianzhu, and Tianwu saw Ye Fei avoid their stabs, they immediately slashed into thorns, like three cold white rainbows, and directly pierced the three vital parts of Ye Fei's body!

Ye Fei's eyes were cold, and his right leg lifted, sweeping out like a steel whip, and with a few "clang clang" sounds, he directly shook the three of Tiancai back!

Tiancai steadied his body, held the katana in both hands, stared at Ye Fei, and said, "As expected, he is the purgatory king who has been famous for a long time, he is really strong...

However, if you want to kill the three of us by one person, it is simply impossible! "

"It's impossible, but you don't have the final say."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, then took a katana from the shelf and held it in his hand, and said with a curling mouth: "Although it is not as good as our Huaxia sword, it is better than a branch and an iron rod anyway, so I can barely use it. Come on..."

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