Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2072: , Destroy the devil!

"Hahaha...Purgatory King, I am the master's big disciple, and my strength is not as weak as you think!"

Tianchao laughed frantically, and said: "It is impossible to break my Blood Moon Slash!"

"Who said it's impossible?"

Ye Fei smiled faintly and asked.

"What's the meaning?"

Tianchao asked subconsciously.


Ye Feiqing smiled coldly, then slowly raised the sword in his hand, then lifted it up, and then slashed towards Heaven's Punishment!

Huh! !

A sound of breaking through the sky sounded!

Layers of sword shadows flickered in the air. Because the sword swing was too slow, people could clearly see the trajectory of the sword swing!

Tianchao was stunned for a moment, a little unresponsive.

He didn't understand what Ye Fei was doing. The power of this sword is so weak and the speed is so slow, can it really kill people?

Just when Tiancai couldn't figure out what Ye Fei was doing, an indifferent voice rang.

"Ancient swordsmanship..."

"The sword dominates the world!!"

The voice fell.

Ye Fei swung this sword towards Tian Punishment.

This sword, seemingly slow, did not seem to have any destructive power, but when the sword fell, Tianchao suddenly felt that the pores of his body were trembling!

Layers of sword aura rushed towards him like mountains and oceans!

This sharp and simple force seems to break everything in the world!

And the **** net he swung was also broken by Ye Fei's sword!

"No...impossible! This is impossible!!"

Tianchao yelled in horror and swung a few more knives again.

However, no matter how he made the sword, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, without any effect.


Ye Fei's last word fell, and the sword also fell.

Boom! !

There was a bang!

When a screaming scream fell, Tianchao's entire body became dilapidated and fell straight to the ground.

Blood slowly flowed out of his body.

He stared at the sky blankly, his eyes gradually distracted, until he died of breath.

After the penalty was killed that day, Alston, Barr and others also ended the fight.

At this point, in the entire Red Sun Martial Arts Hall, no warrior can stand up anymore.

Most of the warriors have died, and only a few warriors are still lingering.

However, even if these samurai are still alive, even if they are cured, they are still a waste, and they will never be able to overcome any storms.

At this point, the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall, which had moved the entire island nation, was completely destroyed.

At this moment, there were sirens outside the martial arts hall. Obviously, someone called the police and the island police arrived.

In order not to be involved in unnecessary trouble, Ye Fei waved his hand, "Brothers, let's go!"

"it is good!!"

Allston, Barr and others responded, and then quickly left the back door of the martial arts hall.

After leaving the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall, Ye Fei and his team left Kobe from a pre-planned route and came to the beach. Then they drove a yacht and left.

Until the evening, Ye Fei and his team boarded the battleship on the high seas.

Ye Fei and his party couldn't control what kind of movement they destroyed the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall and brought to the island nation.

In short, this time they are just to remove all the organizations that encircle the temple from the underground world. As for what happens, they are too lazy to care.

In the underground world, the strong is respected.

The strong are respected.

The weak are trampled by others.

Life and death are bearish, just do it if you don't accept it!

If you are unhappy, just fight!

Who is afraid of whom?

When the killers, pirates and mercenaries on the twenty battleships saw Ye Fei's party return, they all cheered.

"Purgatory King!!"

"King of Killers!!"

"King of mercenaries!!"


Everyone raised their arms and shouted, like a thunderous voice, resounding across the sea.

Ye Fei stood proudly on the battleship, and said in a shock: "Brothers, now, the **** organization and the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall of the island nation have been completely destroyed by us... Now, let's go to the next place and continue our battle of revenge. !!!"


Everyone responded with vibrating voices, with enthusiasm and fighting spirit.

"Set off!!"

Ye Feizhen shouted and pointed a finger forward.

Twenty warships turned their directions and continued to drive towards the deep sea, continuing their battle for revenge...

Time passed quickly, and two more days passed in a blink of an eye.

In these two days, the whole world was shaken by it.

Below the temple, the killers of the "fallen angels", the mercenaries of the "purgatory", and the pirates of the "sea lord" have carried out a major purge of all the organizations in the underground world that participated in the encirclement and suppression of the temple.

All of a sudden, the underground world was fought, and even if the people who organized them fled to the ends of the world, they would inevitably die.

News of the underground world spread quickly. In just two days, the temple was encircled by nineteen organizations, and news of the temple's revenge war against those nineteen organizations spread throughout every organization in the underground world.

Therefore, thousands of organizations in the underground world are boiling over it.

The underground world has been silent for too long, but I didn't expect that with the strong return of the temple, the underground world set off another **** storm.

Countless organizations were completely shocked by the cleaning methods of the temple.

Those organizations that were planning to join the "God Slaughter Project" were all fortunate.

Those organizations and forces that maintained a neutral and wait-and-see attitude also turned their attention to the temple.

All organizations and forces have their own minds and have their own calculations...


Fa country, outskirts.

Lafite, Rothschild Winery.

This winery is the most famous and top winery in the world. It not only covers a large area, but also has fertile soil and suitable climate. The mountains and plains are full of vines.

Lafite, which has attracted rich people from all over the world, is produced here.

At this time, in a study of the winery, an old man with a big back and a pair of reading glasses was sitting at the desk, reading a book while tasting red wine.

The decoration of the room is very ordinary, there is nothing outstanding, and even the bookcases and desks are very old.

However, this old man sitting in an old study reading a book has a decisive weight in the world.

This old man is now the ten oldest family in the world, the head of the Rothschild family, Orjev Rothschild.

Once the money is heard, the bad words will come to an abrupt end. It is the family motto of the Rothschild family.

As the driving force behind the world's financial markets, money is just a bunch of numbers for this family.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Oljev responded.

The door was pushed open, and a gentlemanly middle-aged man in a tuxedo walked in.

Seeing Oljev was reading, the middle-aged man stood aside respectfully, not daring to disturb him.

"Mandorf, what's the matter?"

Oljev looked up at the middle-aged man and asked.

"Patriarch, there is the latest news from the temple." Mandorf replied.


Oljev pushed his glasses and said, "Say, what's the news."

"Patriarch, the temple has survived this war, and the nineteen organizations that participated in the encirclement and suppression of the temple have all been wiped out by the purgatory king and the people of the temple."

Mandorf hurriedly said something, a little excited.

After all, the temple is friends with their family, the stronger the friend, they should naturally be happy.

"Anything else? Keep talking."

Oljev put down his book, took a glass of red wine and took a sip.

"Patriarch, now the purgatory king is leading all the people in the temple to start a vengeful battle against the nineteen organizations...

In just two days, eighteen organizations were removed from the underworld..."

Mandorf said with emotion: "Patriarch, after this world war, the prestige of the temple will reach an unimaginable height.

I am afraid that countless organizations, families, and forces will go to the temple like flies to curry favor with the purgatory king... Patriarch, should we also take action? "

Oljev knocked on the table with his fingers, pondered for a while, smiled faintly, and said: "Mandorf, the purgatory king is our friend. This time, he fought such a big victory. We should go and congratulate him.

After this war is over, our family should also send a great gift to the purgatory king. Don't be reluctant to spend money. As long as the relationship between our Rothschild family and the temple can be stabilized, no matter how much money is spent, it is worth it. ..."

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