Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2073: , Pay your life!

"Yes, Patriarch, I will do what you want."

Mandorf nodded, then smiled and said: "Patriarch, you were still suspecting that in this battle, the temple will be completely destroyed and disappear into the long river of history.

But now it seems that the temple and the purgatory king have miraculously defeated nineteen organizations. This miracle, I don’t know how many people will be beaten in the face..."

Oljev smiled, shook the red wine in the glass, and said: "To be honest, this result is indeed something I didn't expect.

I thought that the temple, the purgatory king, and those demon kings had been silent for so long, and they should not have the super fighting power they had a few years ago.

But when I look at it now, I was wrong. The Purgatory King and the people under his hands are more cohesive and combat effective than we thought..."

"Yes, Patriarch, who would have thought that under the siege of nineteen organizations, the temple would be safe and sound?" Mandoff said with great emotion.

Oljev let out an "um" and slowly said, "So, the decision that I was determined to have a good relationship with the Purgatory King was indeed correct.

In the future, as long as we can continue to strengthen our relationship with the Purgatory King and be protected by the Temple and the Purgatory King, then our Rothschild family can continue to develop steadily..."

"Patriarch Wise, your decision will bring a lot of blessing to the descendants of the Rothschild family."

Mandorf smiled and flattered.

"Mandoff, you guys speak well."

Oljev smiled and said, "Okay, Mandorf, you can withdraw first."

"Yes, Patriarch."

Mandorf nodded, and then left the study respectfully.

When the door of the study was gently closed, Oljev slowly stood up and walked to the window.

Looking at the vines all over the mountains and the dusk of the setting sun, Oljev's mouth rose slightly, and a faint smile appeared.

"Purgatory King, you really make me admire..."

Just as the Rothschild family took action, several other ancient families in the world also responded.

The Patriarchs of these families were completely conquered by the iron-blooded wrists of the temple and the purgatory king.

Everyone worked hard and prepared to congratulate the temple and send gifts to win or strengthen the relationship with the temple after this world-wide battle of revenge is completely over.

For a time, the wind was surging, and the clouds moved in all directions.

The eyes of all organizations, forces, and families have shifted to the temple, and the temple has once again become the focus of the world.

at the same time.

On a piece of the Atlantic Ocean.

Dozens of silver-gray steel battleships were parked on the surface of the sea, and each battleship was planted with a "Poseidon's Blade" totem banner.

Some sturdy pirates with sturdy temperament are wrestling, diving, and some fighting skills on the battleship.

And this pirate organization is exactly the Mosuo clan, the number one pirate organization in the underground world today.

At this moment, a giant man wearing a waistcoat, with messy curly hair and thick beard, was standing on the deck, holding a bottle of high-quality spirits in his hand, and was drinking one bite at a time.

This giant man is the head of the Mosuo clan, the Mosuo giant.

"Head, there is the latest news from the temple!"

At this moment, a pirate hurried over from the cabin.

The Mosuo giant paused, took a sip of wine, and said, "Say."

"Head, the battle for revenge in the temple is nearing completion. Now, eighteen organizations have been wiped out by the temple." The pirate replied respectfully.

The Mosuo giant squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "It's interesting. I didn't expect the speed of the Purgatory King to revenge faster than I thought.

In just two days, the temple eradicated 18 organizations. This kind of combat power is really amazing..."

"Head, there is your call!"

Before the voice of the giant Mosuo fell, a hurried voice came over.

I saw that a pirate ran out of the cabin with a special phone in his hand, and handed the phone to the Mosuo giant with both hands.

The Mosuo giant answered the call and glanced at the caller ID. He was shocked, and his face suddenly showed an extremely pious look.

He took a deep breath and then connected the phone.

"Master Tianshen, may I ask what you have ordered."

The Mosuo giant asked respectfully.

"Mosuo, God King asked me to ask you, how is the plan going?"

An old voice came from the other end of the phone.

Just listening to this voice, the Mosuo giant felt terrified, and his heartbeat speeded up involuntarily.

"Master Tianshen, please report to the King of Gods. The subordinates are looking for an opportunity to win over the King of Purgatory. It won't be long before I will give the King of God a satisfactory answer." The Mosuo giant replied.

"Mosuo, the **** king said that time is pressing, and the purgatory king must be brought to our camp as soon as possible..."

"Master Tianshen, why do we have to win over the purgatory king?"

The Mosuo giant was a little puzzled, "Even if there is no Purgatory King, our plan can still proceed."

"The **** king said, the purgatory king will be the biggest variable in the implementation of our plan, and whether this variable is good or bad for us, the **** king is temporarily unclear.

Therefore, what we can do now is to do our best to win over the purgatory king and firmly control this variable in our hands. "

"Master Tianshen, if the purgatory king disagrees, what should I do?"

The Mosuo giant raised the question.

Hearing the words of the giant Mosuo, there was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then he said in a deep voice: "The **** king said, if the purgatory king does not agree, then tell him directly, when we implement the plan, he will remain neutral and don't interfere. Just fine...

If he must intervene, he can only be killed and the temple destroyed... You know, we have this strength.

Although the temple is very strong, the strength of the purgatory king is also good, and the 19 organizations can not destroy it together.

However, the current strength of the temple and the purgatory king is still not enough compared to ours. It is very easy for us to destroy them..."

"I understand, Lord Tianshen, I will definitely do what the King of God said, and give a reply as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news."

After speaking, I hung up the phone to Convenience.

After hanging up the phone, the Mosuo giant quietly looked at the distant sea, pondering, and a look of sadness appeared on his face.

"Purgatory King, I hope you can make the right decision..."

The Mosuo giant murmured, and then issued an order, "Turn around and go to the Lost Island!"

"Yes, head!"

The pirates responded with shock.

After a while, dozens of warships turned around and headed towards the Pacific Ocean...


at the same time.

On a piece of the Pacific Ocean, twenty steel warships are sailing towards the east of the Pacific Ocean.

The battleship was full of people, all mercenaries, pirates and killers.

On the front ship, Ye Fei, Auston, Barr, Algernon, Arnold, Shi Junze and Bai Fengtu were standing on the deck drinking and chatting.

"Boss, these two days are really fun!"

Alston took a sip of wine and laughed loudly: "I feel that we are back to the time when we were in the stunned situation and the war between the South and the North!"

"Hehe, I feel that way too."

Barr smiled and took the sentence.

Algernon nodded and agreed.

In the past two days, after destroying the Hell Organization and the Red Sun Martial Arts Hall, everyone went back and forth and destroyed the other three organizations, leaving the enemy frightened.

Not only that, but everyone has been receiving good news in the past two days.

The thirteen organizations handed over to the people below to attack were all destroyed in just two days.

Shi Junze took a sip of wine and said with emotion: "Boss, we only took two days to destroy 18 organizations.

I'm afraid no one in the underground world has done this kind of miracle yet, right? "

"Well, it really doesn't."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "But, brothers, I hope everyone understands that now is just the beginning. Now that our temple has once again entered everyone's field of vision, I am afraid that countless people have already focused on our temple.

Among these people, some are flattering to please us, and some are hateful and jealous of us. Therefore, we must not forget our own heart, stay vigilant at all times, and continue to improve our strength..."

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