Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2096: ,unreasonable!

These people wear thin clothes, but they are not affected by the cold environment.

Therefore, apart from the Dark King and the Holy Dragon Knight, everyone else is also an ordinary person.

"Darkness, you said that if we search aimlessly, can we really find the location of ‘void’?"

The holy dragon knight took out a stainless steel jug and took a sip, then asked.

"Since the king of the gods said that ‘void’ is here, it must not be wrong."

The Dark Lord glanced at the Holy Dragon Knight and said, "Do you doubt the power of the King of Gods?"

"No, I have never doubted the power of the king of gods."

The sacred dragon knight shook his head and said: "It's just that the Antarctic continent is really too big. If we look for it like this, we don't even know how long it will take."

"Okay, Dragon Knight, don't complain."

The Dark King glared at the Holy Dragon Knight, and said: "Hurry up and complete the task assigned by the King of Gods."

The sacred dragon knight looked at the king of darkness and said in a puzzled way: "Darkness, why does the king of the gods have to look for the whereabouts of ‘void’?"

The Dark King squinted his eyes and said: "I have heard the King of Gods say that there are countless inventions and treasures that transcend this era hidden in ‘void’.

If anyone can find ‘void’, relying on the invention inside, it is enough to change the world... Therefore, the king of the gods makes us sure to find the whereabouts of ‘void’, and this is also part of our plan..."

"Is it so powerful?"

The sacred dragon knight curled his lips and said: "I still don't believe it. After all, if there are so many advanced technologies and treasures hidden in the ‘void’, then people in the world shouldn’t be crazy?"

"The main reason is that not many people know the secret of ‘void’, and those who know it cannot find the specific whereabouts of ‘void’.

Therefore, many organizations and forces have gradually abandoned their search. After all, no one knows where the woman named Minova hides ‘void’..."

The Dark King said indifferently: "Even the King of the Gods only knows the approximate location of ‘void’... So, guys, come on, look for it!"


The group of people following them all replied in a shock.

Afterwards, the Dark King and the Holy Dragon Knight led the people and continued searching.

Another half hour passed.

"Come here, everyone! There is a helicopter here!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the crowd.

"Go, go and take a look!"

The Dark Lord waved his hand and ran forward with the holy dragon knight, leading the others.

I saw that a transport helicopter was parked on a flat snow in the front.

"Where did this helicopter come from? Why didn't we see it when we came before?"

The Dark Lord said in a puzzled manner: "Is there anyone else here?"

"Someone must be here."

The holy dragon knight pointed to the snowy ground and said, "There are still footprints on the ground."

"Go, let's follow the footprints to see who is here, and what is the purpose of coming here!"

The Dark Lord immediately issued the order.

The holy dragon knight and everyone nodded, and then followed the Dark King and ran straight in the direction of the footprints.


at the same time.

void underground base.

Ye Fei and Minova chatted happily and finally ended the candlelight dinner.

"Minova, I have eaten rice, and drink wine. Would you like to tell me how to treat Elena now?" Ye Fei said.

"I've said it, don't worry."

Minova whitened her eyes and Ye Fei said, "It's late now, so you can take a bath here and rest for a while. I'll tell you how to do it tomorrow, okay?"

Ye Fei also knew that he couldn't push this woman too tightly, or if the woman ran away then it would be difficult for him to find her again.

So Ye Fei nodded and said, "Well then, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

"That's right."

Minova smiled and said, "Go, I'll take you to the bathroom."

Soon, Minova took Ye Fei to the bathroom.

This bathroom is also all using the most advanced technology. Minova just pressed a button on the wall. Soon half a cylinder of water appeared in the bathtub, slightly steaming.

"This bathtub has the function of automatically adjusting the water temperature and can always maintain a constant temperature. As for the water, it is taken from the ice and snow accumulated in the Antarctic continent. It is very clean and rich in many elements. After soaking, it is beneficial to the human body." Said the baby.

"Haha, it sounds like a very good look." Ye Fei said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll go out first."

Minova said, then turned and left the bathroom.

However, when she walked to the bathroom door, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and a sly smile appeared.

This smile disappeared in a flash, and Ye Fei did not notice it.

After the door was closed, Ye Fei took off his clothes and pants, soaked in the bathtub, and felt comfortable and relaxed all over.

Came here from a long way, and even rushed for a few hours, Ye Fei still felt a little tired, and now it's a good enjoyment to take a bath.

No wonder Minova can stay here for so long, after all, there is everything here.

Sure enough, as Minova said, this bathtub can automatically adjust the water temperature, and even after ten minutes of soaking, the water temperature does not drop.

After the hot water vapor caused Ye Fei’s spirit to relax for a while, I didn’t know if it was because of the increase in the flow rate of his blood, or because of other elements in the water that caused Ye Fei to feel a flame from the lower abdomen. Slowly rising there...

Gradually, Ye Fei's body began to become a little hot, and his breathing became heavy.

Obviously, taking a bath will calm the mind and calm the mind, relax the body and abandon some distracting thoughts.

However, at this time, Ye Fei's heart couldn't calm down at all, and his mind was full of Minova's beautiful face and attractive figure, and he had some charming thoughts...

what happened?

How could this happen?

Ye Fei shook his head, trying to make himself a little more sober.

However, those exquisite thoughts continued to flood into Ye Fei's mind like a tide, making him uncontrollable and thinking down, making him unable to sober at all.


At this moment, the bathroom door was suddenly opened.

Wearing a white tulle nightdress, Minova walked in charmingly, and then closed the door.


Ye Fei was shocked and said, "You... why did you come in..."

Ye Fei's breathing became a little heavy, and even his head seemed to become a little dull, and his speech was a bit intermittent.

Especially when I saw Minova’s half-covered graceful body, and the perfect beauty without any blemishes, Ye Fei’s heartbeat quickened, and the blood flow in his body increased. The unstoppable charming thoughts were like Mountain torrents burst out...

But Ye Fei clasped the edge of the bathtub with his hands, trying to control his desires.

Minova glanced at Ye Fei, the corner of her mouth twitched, showing a charming smile, and walked towards Ye Fei step by step.

As the woman walks, she loosens the straps of her nightgown slowly...

When she saw the triumphant sly smile at the corner of the woman's mouth and the woman's movements, Ye Fei "cocked" in his heart.

It's over, I've been recruited!

This woman has a problem!

There is definitely a problem with this water!

Until Minova approached, a fragrant wind blew her face, Ye Fei's nose and mouth were full of heat, and he was breathing fast, with an uncontrollable urge to look at the woman close at hand.

"Dear Ye... are you still struggling?"

Minova smiled softly, her voice like a fascinating magic sound.

She stretched out her slender hand, raised Ye Fei's chin, slowly leaned over, and kissed Ye Fei's lips.

This kiss, like a fire from a sky thunder, immediately aroused the desire in Ye Fei's heart, and Ye Fei's only remaining sanity also collapsed at this moment...

Ye Fei roared like a beast, and directly stretched out her powerful hands. In Minova's "Yeah" cry, she was directly pulled into the bathtub by Ye Fei...

The bathtub is filled with water vapor, the temperature rises, the figure is few, the water splashes all over, the groaning tactfully...

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