Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2097: , Beyond cognition!

I don't know what element in the water was affected by it, and Minova's provocation made Ye Fei's temperament change drastically.

Ye Fei, like a beast, fought Minova again and again.

From the bathroom to the laboratory, and from the laboratory to the sapphire crystal bed, there were two people everywhere.

It wasn't until both of them were exhausted that they fell on the bed and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took.

When Ye Fei slowly opened his eyes, he suddenly realized that he hadn't been guarded, and fell asleep so deeply, without even having a dream.

He glanced at the photoelectric clock on the wall and found that more than six hours had passed since he took a bath.

Then I thought about six hours ago, when I was in the bath, what seemed to be going through?

In Ye Fei's mind, scenes of dreamlike and charming scenes suddenly appeared, the rippling spray, the face of an angel, the tender body, and the blood floating in the water...

Until the angelic face in his mind became clearer and clearer, Ye Fei was shocked!


The woman who intoxicated herself was Minova!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei suddenly sat up from the bed!

Ye Fei suddenly got himself together, and directly overturned the tender and tender body lying on him sleeping under the bed.


Minova fell off the bed and knocked her head. She woke up, looked at Ye Fei, and said dissatisfiedly: "I'm going to die, why are you so rude?! I've just been lingering with others for so long, now Want to kick people away?

It's no wonder that men don't have a good thing, huh, it really is! "

Seeing the woman who was full of slender blonde hair scattered in front of her eyes and felt the ultimate sex, Ye Fei "cocked" in her heart, and completely remembered what happened a few hours ago.

Unexpectedly, she lost her mind and threw Minova in a daze.

Although this was not my own will, the fact is that I did manage it.

Ye Fei quickly took the pants and clothes to put on, then looked at Minova with a complicated expression, and asked, "Minova, this...why is this?"

"What and why?"

Minova turned Ye Fei's eyes, and Nono stood up generously, put on a long skirt at will, stared at Ye Fei, and said: "Because I like you, and I really want to have a baby with you. That's why I am willing to have a relationship with you!

You, don't get cheap and sell well. I tell you, I have lived in this world for so many years, and there are more people who like me, but I have never promised them.

Because, in my eyes, they are not worthy at all... However, until you appeared, I did not realize that I unexpectedly fell in love with you.

Moreover, your body is much stronger than ordinary people, and your genes are very good. Therefore, in this world, only you, Ye Fei, can be worthy of me.

Of course, don’t think about whether you should be responsible to me or not. I'm not so rigid yet, and you don't have to take any responsibility. It's all my own volition..."

Hearing that the woman said so many things all at once, Ye Fei was stunned, not knowing what to say.

However, things have already happened, so naturally I can't treat myself as if nothing happened.

Ye Fei sighed lightly, and said solemnly: "Minova, I know your thinking is very advanced, even if it's something with me, it can be treated as if nothing happened.

However, I, Ye Fei, are not the kind of man who has been irresponsible...Since you handed over to me for the first time, from now on, you will be my woman, whether you admit it or not! "

"Hey, he is indeed the man I like, he is really overbearing..."

Minova smiled, and then Shi Shiran sat on Ye Fei's lap and said: "Dear Ye, you are willing to admit that I am your woman, I am very happy.

However, what I want to say is that I can’t be a good wife and mother like your other women... I may come to see you when I think about you, but I will never stay by your side forever, so You have to be mentally prepared in advance...

As for our children, don’t worry, I will give birth to him (her) and take him (her) by myself... But I will tell our children that your father is called Ye Fei..."

Ye Fei looked at Minova in a daze. He knew that this woman might have lived too long and had seen countless joys and sorrows, so he could think about the matter of men and women very well.

A woman is naturally free and easy, and it is obviously unrealistic to want her to stay by her side all the time.

However, Ye Fei didn't think that Minova would have children.

Your own body is different from ordinary people. If you want to get pregnant, you must also match your counterpart's body.

Otherwise, his other women would have been pregnant long ago.

Ye Fei looked at Minova and said indifferently: "Minova, I can't control where you want to go. However, I hope that no matter where you go, I can contact you.

Because, you are my woman, Ye Fei's woman..."

Minova tilted her head for a moment and said, "Well, since you are my man, I will reluctantly agree to this condition!"

Ye Fei let out a "um", and then said, "Minova, I don't understand one fact."

"What's the matter?" Minova asked.

"I know medical skills and can identify all kinds of medicinal materials. But why, I can't notice what medicine you put in the bathing water?" Ye Fei asked.

"I didn't put medicine in the water, I just added an element to the water, an element that can stimulate people's desires but is not harmful to the human body." Minova said with a smile.

"So it's like this..."

Ye Fei smiled helplessly. No wonder the blood flow speeds up when he takes a bath, and there are some charming thoughts in his head. It really is because this woman moved her hands and feet in the water.

However, because this woman is so smart and clever, she can't defend herself.

"Okay, don't put on this look either, I just saw you look very comfortable..."

Minova blinked her beautiful eyes at Ye Fei and said seductively: "Do you want to do it again? My physical strength has been restored..."

Seeing the beauty in her arms and seeing the woman's emotional appearance, Ye Fei did feel like she was ready to move.

Not long ago, although I had done it with a woman in a daze, Ye Fei couldn't forget the ecstasy.

Ye Fei swallowed his throat and stretched out his hand to caress the woman's soft waist. Just as he was about to take the next step, suddenly, an electronic alarm sounded in the laboratory.

"Alert! Alarm! Someone broke in!..."

"Someone broke in?!"

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, "What's the situation? Could anyone else be able to find here?!"

Minova's face changed, and after thinking about it, she understood, "You fool, you must be the one who brought people here!"


Ye Fei said helplessly: "Minova, I didn't lead people over! I came here alone, and I didn't feel anyone was following me!"

Minova frowned and said, "Forget it, it's not the time to talk about this, let's go, let's see the situation!"

"Oh oh!"

Ye Fei nodded, then quickly got up and followed Minova towards a control room in the laboratory...

at this time.

Above the void base.

The Dark King and the Sacred Dragon Knights followed the guidance of Ye Fei's footprints and arrived at the entrance of Void Base.

"Why is there a cave here? It's dark inside, what is there?" The Holy Dragon Knight asked curiously.

"No matter what is there, we'll know if we go in and have a look!"

The Dark Lord squinted his eyes and waved his hand: "Everyone, quickly turn on the searchlight and go in with me!"


Everyone responded, and then walked into the cave with the Dark King.

After the Dark Lord and the Holy Dragon Knight walked into the cave, they turned on the searchlights and ran forward.

Because they were eager to know where the cave would lead to and what was in it, they all accelerated one by one and soon came to a staircase leading to the underground.

Looking at this bottomless ladder, some people present felt a little scared.

After all, human beings are still afraid of the unknown.

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