Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2106: , Don't want to hurt!

Ye Fei frowned, his legs slammed upwards, and his body retreated violently. This made him avoid another attack from Elena!

The wound on the back was still bleeding, dripping to the ground, blooming red blood!

The burning pain caused Ye Fei to frown tightly!

He didn't expect that Elena's attack power turned out to be so sharp!

A few days ago, even if Elena hit herself, she could only leave blood marks on her body.

Today, Elena can tear her skin apart.

In just a few days, Elena's attack power has increased so much.

I have to say that this is pretty scary.

Although Ye Fei couldn't understand it, he knew that it must have something to do with Elena's bloodline.

Could it be said that the blood flowing in Elena's body is really the blood of other space demons?

At this time, Minova, Auston and others outside the training ground saw the scene of Ye Fei's injury, and they all raised their throats.

"Boss, you also fight back! Even if you don't fight back, you must defend yourself!"

Rex yelled.

Minova, Alston and others also watched this scene nervously, their eyes full of worry.

They were really worried that Ye Fei would stand there stupidly, using himself as an adult meat sandbag, and beating Elena.


Perhaps it was being disturbed, Elena's face became cold, and she turned her head and screamed at Minova and others outside the training ground.

This long howl, the sound was sharp and harsh, and it made the eardrums of Minova and others vibrate, as if they were about to be pierced at any time.

Minova, Auston and others couldn't help trembling when they saw Elena's murderous gaze looking at her and the others.

At the moment Elena turned her head, Minova and others thought that what they saw was not a person, but a real demon.

"Elena, your opponent is me!"

Ye Fei yelled at Elena.

Although Elena didn't know what Ye Fei was talking about, she knew that someone was provoking herself.

So, she immediately turned her head and stared at Ye Fei, flashing a fierce killing intent.

"Come on, Elena!"

Ye Fei hooked his finger at Elena, and quickly lifted Vientiane's true spirit.


Elena neighed, and immediately waved the devil's claws and swept towards Ye Fei!

This time, Elena's speed skyrocketed again, so fast that even Ye Fei could only see an afterimage!

Swish! !

When Ye Fei caught Elena's figure, the two black energy condensed claws directly covered Ye Fei, as if two five-finger mountains were rolling down towards Ye Fei!

Ye Fei's eyes sank, and he wanted to try how strong Elena's attack was, so he didn't defend and evade any more, but brazenly raised his fist that condensed Vientiane's true spirit, and greeted him!

boom! !

Ye Fei's fist collided with Elena's demon claws, and the two energies exploded strongly!

It is like several bombs exploding on the training ground at the same time!

Where Ye Fei stood, the stones shattered directly into powder!

Moreover, under the attack this time, Elena was not injured, but was shocked and retreated ten meters away!

It turns out that Elena's attack power has reached this terrifying state!

Really incredible!

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, then did not stop, his legs slammed on the ground, and with a "swish" like a missile, he smashed towards Elena again!

At the moment of approaching Elena, Ye Fei volleyed with a punch and blasted Elena!

Elena obviously didn't expect Ye Fei to take the initiative to attack!

She got cold eyes, raised her claws, and greeted her!

boom! !

Because Ye Fei was a preemptive striker, under this attack, Elena was directly shocked and flew out, and she was about to hit the iron net!

However, Elena's body twisted in the air in an extremely strange posture, her feet slammed on the iron net, and her delicate body suddenly accelerated, like a black sharp sword, and shot at Ye Fei!

At this moment, Elena had already raised her claws, condensing powerful dark energy!

Ye Fei's eyes were like electricity, his feet stepped on the ground, he lifted his palms, and greeted him brazenly!

Boom! !

With the sound of two explosions, Ye Fei and Elena were shaken out at the same time!

However, Ye Fei's combat experience is still much better than Elena!

Therefore, after Ye Fei cast a thousand catties to the ground, his body was teleported, like a ghost, directly in front of Elena who had just landed!

Ye Fei's fighting spirit burned in his eyes, and for a while, he forgot that it was Elena who was fighting with him!

Therefore, he directly twisted his punch, ready to blast at Elena!

However, at this critical moment, Ye Fei suddenly woke up!


This is Elena!

How can I really treat her as an enemy?

Therefore, Ye Fei hurriedly regained his strength!

The fist suddenly stopped when it was only a dozen centimeters away from Elena's chest!

However, at the moment Ye Fei paused, Elena took the initiative to counterattack!

Huh! !

Elena suddenly raised a claw and directly attacked Ye Fei's chest!

boom! !

Ye Fei's chest was severely hit, and his body flew upside down. With a "boom", he fell heavily to the ground!

Because Ye Fei's strength was too strong just now, the strength was absorbed on himself, and Elena's attack did not have any reservation...

Therefore, when Ye Fei fell to the ground, he let out a mouthful of blood with a "poof".

"Ye Fei!!"


Seeing Ye Fei vomiting blood, Minova, Auston and others were shocked and shouted.

After all, Ye Fei was a god-like existence in their hearts, even in the face of several masters such as Ares, Ronin, and Hell Tyrant, he was not injured.

However, now, because he wanted to help Elena heal, he was beaten up and vomited blood.

This made them feel heartbroken, and their hearts seemed to be dripping blood.

"I'm fine."

Ye Fei waved at Minova and the others, and then got up from the ground.

Moreover, at this moment, after Elena beat Ye Fei, especially when she saw Ye Fei vomiting blood, her eyes fluctuated.

Although the fluctuation in Elena's eyes flashed, Ye Fei still caught it.

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

Because Elena's body is very kind, her eyes flicker when she hurts herself with her hand.

If you want to wake up Elena, you must wake up the real Elena.

Let Elena suppress the demon's consciousness with a kind consciousness.

Ye Fei made up his mind, ready to give it a try, turning himself into a living target, no longer defending, no longer attacking, and let Elena attack him.

Although this method is very risky, it can only be tried now.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei let out a sigh of relief, dissipating all the physical strength and true energy, like an ordinary person, standing opposite Elena.

However, Elena only paused for a while, her eyes became scarlet again, her figure flashed, and she continued to attack Ye Fei!


Elena screamed, body like a black electric light, blinking close to Ye Fei, then slammed a claw, and attacked Ye Fei's chest mercilessly!

"Elena! Wake up!!"

Ye Fei roared, without any defense.

However, Elena didn't seem to hear it at all, and this claw hit Ye Fei's chest fiercely!

Huh! !

Ye Fei's body was directly hit and flew out, with a "clam", he hit the iron net heavily, and then rebounded and fell to the ground!


At the moment of landing, Ye Fei spouted blood again.

Because Elena's attack power was too fierce, she didn't have any hands left, and Ye Fei didn't have any defense, so after withstanding this attack, she was directly injured.

Ye Fei's face turned pale, and his whole body seemed to fall apart.


Seeing this scene, Alston and others were shocked.

"What's the matter, how did the boss get beaten into the air?!" Rex said with a shocked expression on his face.

"No...With the strength of the boss, I am not afraid of Elena's attack at all..."

A heavy color flashed in Auston's eyes, "The boss had no defense at all just now, but abruptly withstood Elena's attack..."


When Barr and others heard this, they were stunned.

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