Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2107: , Strength soaring!

"Boss, what do you want to do? Are you crazy?!"

Shi Junze clenched his fists and said in a solemn voice: "No, we must go in quickly and bring the boss out quickly! This treatment must stop!"

"Okay! I'll open the door now!"

Minova nodded and was about to open the door.

"No one is allowed in!"

At this time, Ye Fei had already gotten up from the ground, turned his head and yelled at Minova and the others.


"Ye Fei!!"

Minova and others yelled, not understanding what Ye Fei meant.

"This is an order!!"

Ye Fei yelled, then slowly turned his head and looked at Elena.

He took a breath and yelled, "Elena, wake up! Don't let the devil's consciousness dominate yourself! Wake up quickly!!"

However, Elena didn't listen to Ye Fei's words at all. Instead, she stepped forward, pinched Ye Fei's neck directly, and then slammed into the air!

Huh! !

Elena's power was very fierce. At this moment, Ye Fei's body flew directly into the air like a sandbag for more than 20 meters!

Then, Ye Fei's body quickly fell downward, and with a "bang", he fell heavily to the ground!

Click! Click! !

Even the heavy stone slab was smashed out of a pit!

After the heavy fall this time, Ye Fei's face and body were already covered in blood, and he couldn't get up anymore!


Allston, Rex and others hissed, their lungs seemed to burst.

"Minova! We must hurry in and save the boss, otherwise, the boss will really die!!" Rex shouted at Minova with red eyes.

Minova's eyes were also red, she clenched her fist tightly, and said: "Ye Fei wanted to awaken Elena's original consciousness and conscience in this way...

He wants to use his true feelings and love to dispel the devil in Elena's heart and awaken the love in Elena's heart... So, let's wait..."

"Wait? Wait, the boss will really be dead! The current Elena has no sense at all, she will really kill the boss!!" Barr also hissed.

"I said wait any longer, wait longer! We can't let Ye Fei's contribution be ruined!"

Although Minova was in grief, she was wise to see Ye Fei's purpose at a glance.

Therefore, even if the heart hurts, she can't stop it.

She couldn't let Ye Fei's hard work be wiped out.

Allston and the others were heartbroken, but now they couldn't do anything, they could only watch Ye Fei get beaten.

At this moment, Ye Fei was lying on the ground, feeling that his physical and mental strength were exhausting.

Although Ye Fei's body and strength are very strong, but in the past few days, Ye Fei has not been able to rest well, has been with Elena in high-intensity combat, and has been beaten and passively defended, and has not recovered his physical strength at all. .

Therefore, even an iron man can't stand such consumption.

Ye Fei lay on the ground, slowly raised his head, and looked at Elena with a bloodstained face, "Elena...wake up...I am Ye Fei..."


Elena roared, and the blue veins on her face, neck and hands throbbed, seemingly painful, as if she was struggling.

"Elena... cheer up... don't be afraid of the devil... defeat it..."

Seeing Elena's painful appearance, Ye Fei felt sad, but he had to do so.

"Shut up for me! Shut up for me!!"

Elena looked grim, stepped forward, and stepped on Ye Fei's body.

Bang bang bang! ! ...

Elena's feet didn't have any strength, Ye Fei felt as if a huge hammer hit his body again and again.

Under such a violent attack, Ye Fei groaned in pain.

He wanted to defend or fight back, but in the end he gave up.

For Elena, I have to fight it myself.

The red blood was sprayed bit by bit from Ye Fei's mouth as if he didn't need money, staining the ground bright red.

Moreover, after Elena's feet counted, Ye Fei's body actually heard a burst of bone cracking, and it was astonishing that many bones on Ye Fei's body were trampled and broken by Elena.

Minova, Alston and others outside the training ground saw this scene, and they felt that their souls were about to burst, and their hearts were so painful that they couldn't breathe.

"Ye Fei..."


Minova, Alston and others called out softly, tears coming out of their eyes.

They wanted to rush in instead of Ye Fei to be beaten and endure the pain.

However, they knew that it was useless at all.

Elena's favorite person is the boss.

Only the boss is most likely to awaken Elena's conscience, and no one can replace it.

Just when everyone thought that Elena's conscience had been awakened and would stop there, they saw a scene that made their hearts tremble.

At this time, Elena stretched out a hand directly, grabbed Ye Fei's throat, and picked it up.

Ye Fei's body was limp and weak, because he was pinched by his throat, breathing was difficult, and his face became flushed.

His neck was marked by Elena's sharp claws, and even the skin on his neck was cut.

Ye Fei slowly raised his head and looked at Elena, with a gentle voice, but with great difficulty: "Elena...look at me..."

Hearing Ye Fei's voice, Elena's body shuddered suddenly.

This call seemed to make Elena "thump" in her heart.

In her mind, there was a scene that night, under the starry sky, the man holding her shoulders with gentle eyes, cheering herself on.

However, this originally vague scene in her mind quickly became fragmented.

She raised her eyes to look at Ye Fei, her face sullen, and her breathing became extremely heavy.

"Elena... wake up... you are so kind and beautiful... how can you become the way you are now... this is not you... not you..."

"Ah!!! You shut up... shut up..."

Elena pinched Ye Fei's neck with one hand, and covered her head with one hand, her expression very painful.

"Give me to die... to die..."

Elena roared, and the hand that pinched Ye Fei's neck slowly tightened.

However, every time her hand tightened, her expression was painful.

And, at this moment.

The woman's scarlet eyes full of chill and killing intent, she shed tears unconsciously...

Tears slid down the corners of the woman's eyes, wet her face, and it looked like I was pitiful.

Ye Fei was startled, and suddenly he was shocked.

He had already slowly raised his right hand, and even gathered his true energy, ready to fail.

As long as it fails, Ye Fei intends to stun Elena.

However, when he saw the crystal tears in Elena's eyes, he unconsciously lowered his right hand and dissipated his true energy.

"Elena...wake up...I'm Ye Fei...your favorite Ye Fei...Did you really forget me..."

Ye Fei tried his best to say something hard, almost roaring.


Elena wailed in pain, and the right hand that was holding Ye Fei's neck became loose.

But at this time, Minova and Auston outside the training ground can no longer wait.

Minova directly opened the door of the training ground, and was about to go in with Auston and others to save Ye Feishi.

Suddenly, only a muffled sound was heard, Elena let go of her hand, and Ye Fei fell heavily to the ground.


Elena neighed sternly again, and with a "boom", she smashed the slate and knelt directly in front of Ye Fei.

The scarlet eyes in her eyes changed back and forth between pale blue and scarlet.

In the end, the scarlet color of Elena's eyes disappeared, replaced by the pure and flawless, blue like the sky...

The kind-hearted Elena is back again...

When I saw Elena's eyes returning to clarity, Ye Fei's mouth showed a smile of relief, his eyes closed, and he passed out.


Elena's eyes shed the last drop of tears, and amid a cry of regret and pain, her body softened, and with a "plop", she fell in front of Ye Fei.



"Ye Fei!!"

Minova, Alston and others saw this scene, shouted in horror, and rushed directly into the training ground...

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