Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2126: , Who dares not accept!

It's eleven o'clock late at night.

A crescent moon hung up in the sky, casting cold moonlight.

Meiye Paradise Club.

At this time, the hall of the clubhouse was full of people, and the atmosphere was very solemn.

Leihu, Cao Wenjia, Jiang Chao, and several high-level officials of the Jagged Alliance led a group of younger brothers from the Jagged Alliance, holding a mountain knife in their hands, and staring at the two sitting on the seats at the side of the hall.

The two of them, one tall and thin, with a pale face, dressed in white clothes, always had a cold smile on their faces.

The other person was wide, fat, dark complexion, short, less than one meter seven, dressed in black clothes, with a fierce look on his face, as if everyone owed him five million.

And these two people are the two masters of the Kowloon Club that they felt not long ago, black and white impermanence.

At this time, even though Thunder Tiger and the others were holding weapons in their hands and glaring at them, there was no expression fluctuation on their faces. Instead, they were drinking tea leisurely.

After all, in their eyes, these people in front of them are similar to ants and rubbish.

Although there are about forty acquired martial artists in the Leihu gang, they still pose no threat to them.

Bai Wuchang poured a cup of tea on his own, then glanced at the time, looked at Leihu with a smile, and said, "Leihu, when will the kid named Ye Fei come? Haha, there is not much time left for you. NS……"

Hearing Bai Wuchang's words, everyone in the Jagged Alliance flushed with anger, gritted their teeth, but did not dare to act rashly.

The strength of these two people is too strong, if they do, there is only one dead end.

Although they were not afraid of death, Thunder Tiger had already told them to keep them steady and wait for Brother Fei to come.

Therefore, they only have the anger in the heart of the ninja.

"Do you really think that you two can kill my Fei brother?"

Leihu clenched his fists and stared at Bai Wuchang and Heiwuchang.


Bai Wuchang smiled and said: "The strength of our brothers is much stronger than that of the Four Heavenly Kings. No matter how strong the strength of Ye Fei's boy, he will undoubtedly die tonight."

Lei Hu sneered and said: "That can only be said, you don't know us Fei brother too much. If you really understand, you won't run over to die tonight..."


Bai Wuchang laughed wildly and said: "Then let that kid Ye Fei come over quickly, I want to see how he can kill us!"

Leihu thought that Ye Fei would be here soon, and he felt confident in his heart, and said loudly: "Don't be impatient, Fei is already on his way!

When Fei Ge arrives, it will be when you die! "

"very good."

At this time, Hei Wuchang took a sentence and said, "I will show you how Ye Fei that kid died in front of you later!"

Thunder Tiger just gave a cold snort, did not say anything more, but looked at the clock anxiously.

He made a decision in his heart. Once the time came, if Brother Fei hadn't arrived yet, he would give an order to let the brothers go together.

He wouldn't watch his brother being killed by these two guys.

Time passed by every minute.

After a while, twenty minutes passed.

"Old Hei, twenty minutes have passed, should we do something?" Bai Wuchang looked at Hei Wuchang and said.

"It's time to act."

Hei Wuchang nodded, then glanced at Leihu and others, and said, "Ye Fei has been a minute late. Do you do it yourself or let us do it?"

"You give me less arrogance!"

Thunder Tiger has endured it for so long, and he can't bear it anymore. He waved his hand and said in a shocking voice: "Brothers, Brother Fei is already on his way, we don't have to be afraid of these two turtle grandsons!

So, raise the knife in your hands for me and chop off these two bastards! ! "


The younger brother had a fire in his heart, so he couldn't bear it for a long time. After Thunder Tiger's order was issued, a dozen younger brothers armed with mountain knives took the lead and rushed towards the black and white impermanence!

Swish! ! ...

More than a dozen cold lights flickered in the air, reaching the top of the black and white impermanence!

However, at this moment, the thin and tall Bai Wuchang raised a hand impressively, and waved a dozen palms at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye!

Klang Klang! ! ...

Accompanied by bursts of crisp sound of collision!

The mountain knives in the hands of these more than a dozen little brothers were directly shot and flew by Bai Wuchang!

Tuk tuk! ! ...

A throwing knife flew against the scalp of these more than a dozen little brothers and shot out, and it was firmly inserted into the wall of the hall of the clubhouse!

Leihu and the others turned their heads and looked at them, dumbfounded with fright.

This thin and tall guy is too scary, right? !

How strong is it to be able to stick the flying knives firmly into the wall? !

At this time, the dozen or so little brothers saw that their knives were gone, and did not retreat, but waved their fists and rushed towards Bai Wuchang!

"Waste should have the consciousness of being waste. Why should we ask for trouble?"

Bai Wuchang smiled evilly, raised a hand, waved more than a dozen palms, and slapped it heavily on the chests of more than a dozen younger brothers!

Bang bang bang! !

A dozen younger brothers didn't have time to touch Bai Wuchang, so their bodies flew upside down and fell to the ground in a heavy pain. They screamed.

Moreover, Bai Wuchang deliberately left one person behind and didn't shoot him flying.

Bai Wuchang smiled and looked at this little brother, and said: "Sorry brother, if Ye Fei is one minute late, let's replace it with your life!"

After finishing speaking, he lifted his palm, like a blade, and drew it across this little brother's neck!

Next second.

Only heard a "click", Bai Wuchang directly smashed this little brother's neck!

"Uh uh..."

With his horrified eyes wide open, the little brother fell on his back to the ground. With a twitch of his body, he immediately died.

"black Wolf!!"

Leihu and the others yelled sternly, eyes full of angry fire. He waved his hand and shouted angrily: "Brothers! Fight with them!!"


At this time, more than a dozen younger brothers who had studied ancient martial arts were already unable to bear it. They slammed their legs on the ground, like a sharp sword, rushing towards the black and white impermanence!

Seeing more than a dozen acquired martial artists rushing towards him, the chubby Hei Wuchang raised his fists and rushed forward!

He danced with his fists, and he was very agile, although he looked cumbersome, but he was extremely flexible!

The dozen or so little brothers who had studied ancient martial arts couldn't get close to him at all, so they were blasted out by his fists, one by one, they flew out like sandbags, hitting the wall, causing them to roll on the ground in pain. Scream!

Even if these more than a dozen younger brothers are all acquired martial artists, but in the face of the black impermanence of the congenital great perfection, there is no room to fight back at all!

After knocking out these more than a dozen little brothers, Hei Wuchang squinted his eyes and said with a thick throat, "We said, today we only came here to kill Ye Fei!"

The rest of you, it is best not to come up to die, otherwise, I will kill you together! "

The voice just fell.

I saw that a figure rushed in from the outside like a rush of electricity, so fast that everyone in the hall could not react!


Hei Wuchang exclaimed, he immediately noticed a powerful oppressive force, almost subconsciously turned around, and blasted a punch in the direction of the figure!

boom! !

Suddenly, the two fists collided, and there was a thunderous explosion!

But in the next second, Hei Wuchang's body flew out directly, knocking over a row of tables and chairs "boom boom boom", and finally fell heavily to the ground!

"Brother Fei!!"

At this time, Leihu, Cao Wenjia and others also saw the visitor clearly, and suddenly yelled in excitement!

Brother Fei deserves to be Brother Fei, when he came, just a punch, it blasted away the impermanence that was just now arrogant!

"Xiao Lei, are you all right?"

Ye Fei turned to look at Leihu and others.

"Brother Fei, we are all right."

A touch of sadness and anger flashed in Thunder Tiger's eyes, and he said, "However, these two guys killed one of our brothers because you were a minute late!"

Ye Fei glanced at the little brothers of the Jagged Alliance who had lost their life on the ground and those who were injured. His face suddenly sank, and his eyes seemed to flash like thunder...

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