Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2127: , Black and white impermanence!

Suddenly, a violent slaying aura was released from Ye Fei's body and enveloped the entire hall.

This is the murderous aura condensed by killing thousands of people. Even thunder tigers, who have hacked countless people with a knife, are really frightened by this murderous aura.

Their hearts trembled, and they couldn't understand how many people Fei had killed to have such a terrifying murderous aura.

At this time, Hei Wuchang also got up from the ground, he walked over, stood side by side with Bai Wuchang, and stared at Ye Fei firmly.

Just now, although he just subconsciously slammed a punch, what he didn't expect was that he was actually blown away by the kid in front of him.

It is incredible.

As expected to be a kid who can defeat the Four Heavenly Kings, he really has some strength.

Not only black impermanence, but even white impermanence was shocked.

Because he clearly knows the strength of Heiwuchang, Heiwuchang is good at boxing. In the north, he has never seen anyone who can beat him in a boxing contest.

Therefore, he also glanced at Ye Fei slightly higher.

At this moment, Ye Fei looked at the eyes of these two people, and said in a cold voice: "You two dogs, kill yourself, kill you two, I really have no interest..."


Heiwuchang seemed to have heard some joke, he laughed loudly and said, "Boy, are you too arrogant?

Even if you kill the four kings, your strength is not bad, but your strength is nothing in our eyes! "

"Do you know what strength I am?"

Ye Fei asked a little amusedly.

In fact, when he came just now, he saw the strength of black and white impermanence.

The cultivation of these two people is the realm of congenital great perfection, and it is indeed much stronger than the four great heavenly kings last time.

However, this strength is really not enough in Ye Fei's eyes now.

It is as if college students are used to doing advanced mathematics problems. Looking back at the mathematics problems of elementary school students, it feels too naive and not challenging.

Of course, this analogy is a bit exaggerated, but at this moment, in Ye Fei's mind, this is the idea.

Hearing Ye Fei's question, the black and white impermanence suddenly choked.

Therefore, they really didn't see Ye Fei's strength and cultivation base, and they didn't even feel the slightest fluctuation in true energy.

If it weren't for Ye Fei's powerful punch just now, they would have thought that the Four Heavenly Kings weren't he killed at all.

Ye Fei mocked and said, "You can't even see my strength, so dare you say that my strength is nothing in your eyes?

Haha, I'm sorry, you guys who are pretending, I can only give points. "

Hei Wuchang suddenly became irritated, and he yelled: "Fucky boy, die for me!!"

The voice did not fall.


Hei Wuchang stepped on a stride and smashed the marble brick directly, and his body was like a cannonball ejected from the same barrel, rushing towards Ye Fei!

Ye Fei stood motionless, watching Heiwuchang rushing towards him with a relaxed and indifferent expression.

Although Heiwuchang's speed is very fast, he can clearly see every step Heiwuchang takes and every movement he makes during the run.

In an instant, Heiwuchang had already approached Ye Fei!

"Thousands of corpses and poisonous fists!!"

Hei Wuchang suddenly condensed black infuriating energy, and slammed Ye Fei with a punch!

This fist blasted out, and the evil spirit it carried made people feel as if there was a scene of corpses all over the field and blood flowing in a river, which made people frightened!

Leihu, Cao Wenjia and others felt that the hairs on their bodies were standing up, and their hearts were beating faster!

No wonder this guy can severely wound Brother Baokun, his strength is indeed terrifying!

However, Ye Fei was not disturbed by this evil spirit, but slowly raised a punch and greeted him unhurriedly!

"Good job! You, a kid who doesn't even have real energy, dare to compare boxing skills with me, you are considered courageous!"

It's dark that Ye Fei doesn't even have true energy, and Ye Fei's punch doesn't seem to be any threat at all, so his eyes are full of disdain, and he laughs.

However, when Ye Fei slammed out with a punch, Hei Wuchang's eyes dazzled, and his heart was suddenly startled!

He thought that Ye Fei's fist should not be threatening, but he suddenly felt the power of a volcanic eruption brought out by Ye Fei's punch!

what is happening? !

Why does this kid's fluttering punch have such a ferocious power? !

However, Heiwuchang didn't have time to think about it. The battle was in an instant, and a mistake in judgment was enough to be fatal!

boom! !

The two fists immediately collided, like a comet hitting the earth, a deep sound erupted!

Time seems to stop at this moment.

A few seconds later.

Click! Click! !

Bang bang bang bang! !

For a time, the ground under Ye Fei and Hei Wuchang's feet was shattered, and the surrounding tables, chairs and benches were also shattered by the blast of air!

Huh! !

And Hei Wuchang's body also flew upside down again, falling a dozen meters away heavily.


He screamed in pain and looked down at his right arm, but it had become bloody!

Under the impact of the punch just now, his right arm was directly scrapped, and even his bones were broken!

"Feige mighty!!"

"Brother Fei is domineering!!"

Seeing this scene, Leihu and the others immediately cheered, waving their arms again and again as if they were beaten up with blood.

"Old Black!!"

Bai Wuchang yelled, then quickly turned around, like a white shadow, rushing towards Ye Fei!

"You dare to hurt my brother, I want your life!!"

Bai Wuchang screamed, and at the moment when Ye Fei was approaching, he suddenly lifted the power of the whole body and slapped him!

"The palm of the soul!"

Bai Wuchang slapped out with a palm, carrying its cold air and bursts of howling ghosts and wolves, just like releasing the wandering spirits and wild ghosts in hell!

He thought that Ye Feigang contended Heiwuchang with a move, and he should not be able to quickly resist his grip!

However, when he hit out with a palm, Ye Fei also lifted a palm and met Bai Wuchang's palm!

Heiwuchang punches, then he punches punches!

When Bai Wuchang palms out, then he will palm to palm!

What he wants is to use their most proud fist and foot techniques to completely crush their arrogant arrogance!

Snapped! !

Suddenly, the two palms collided together!

It was like two invincible discus colliding fiercely, making a dull sound!

Bai Wuchang originally thought that this palm could knock Ye Fei away, but after the two palms hit, Ye Fei still stood still in place like Mount Tai, his figure motionless!

"This... how is this possible?!"

Bai Wuchang looked astonished, and didn't understand what was going on.

Could this kid be able to contend with the true energy of his innate Dzogchen just by relying on his physical strength?

This is too incredible, right? !

However, without waiting for him to think more, he felt that after the impact of this heavy force was over, Ye Fei's muscles were linked together, and they transmitted surging force after another!

This violent and fierce power made him unable to resist at all!


Accompanied by a scream, Bai Wuchang also flew upside down and fell beside Hei Wuchang.

And when he landed, Bai Wuchang glanced at his palm and almost fainted in fright.

He was invincible and could open the palm of the golden broken stone, but the bones were all cracked, and several fingers were broken.

Blood dripping, Bai Wuchang's right palm has been completely scrapped.

The Leihu and others on the side were completely shocked.

Brother Fei is really amazing!

A punch and a palm will abolish the impermanence of black and white hands!

At this moment, the black and white impermanence who fell to the ground, supporting each other, slowly got up from the ground.

However, the arrogant and arrogant arrogance of the two of them had been completely extinguished by Ye Fei, and replaced by a deep fear from the depths of their souls.

They are the top players in the Kowloon Club, and they have maintained an unbeaten record.

No one has beaten them so embarrassed.

But Ye Fei in front of him, a kid who didn't even have true energy, made them feel like they couldn't beat it.

This kid is like a mountain, they can only look up, but cannot surpass...

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