Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2130: ,What friend?

The three kings of the underground world, the coercion released at the same time, is undoubtedly quite terrifying.

Although Ye Fei, the King of Darkness, and the Holy Dragon Knight sat on the sofa and didn't move, the cups on the coffee table trembled slightly and made a "Clang Clang" sound.

Immediately afterwards, everything placed in the entire hall trembled, as if a slight earthquake had occurred.

"What's the matter, is there an earthquake?!"

At this time, Gu Qingcheng on the second floor rushed out of the room, his face full of panic.

Knowing that Gu Qingcheng had come out, the three of Ye Fei had suppressed their coercion.

At the moment when the three pressures dissipated, the things in the room stopped trembling.

"Qingcheng, it's okay, we are having fun, you go to sleep in first!"

Ye Fei looked up and grinned at Gu Qingcheng.

"What's so fun?"

Gu Qingcheng was startled for a while, and then she was dumbfounded, her small mouth wide open.

Could it be that these three guys caused the vibration in the whole house just now? !

As expected to be the king of the underground world, none of them are normal people.

"Don't mess around at home, the house can't withstand your toss!"

Gu Qingcheng said something to Ye Fei, then turned around and walked into the room.

Ye Fei looked at each other with the Dark King and the Holy Dragon Knight, and then laughed.

Perhaps in the near future, everyone will meet on the battlefield and become enemies, but at least for this moment, everyone is still friends.

The Dark Lord pinched the cigarette **** in the ashtray, and then said: "Purgatory Lord, since you have made a decision, then we will not persuade.

However, we are here today for another purpose..."

"What's the purpose?"

Ye Fei glanced at the Lord of Darkness and the Holy Dragon Knight.

"Professor Minova has always been friends with you, and you must have always been in contact...So, I want to ask you, where is Professor Minova, we have something to do with the League of Gods looking for her." The Dark King said lightly. Said.

"What the **** are you looking for Minova?"

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and asked.

"Purgatory King, this is an internal matter within our alliance of gods, we have nothing to say."

The Holy Dragon Knight took another sentence.

"Is it……"

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "I'm sorry, Minova hasn't contacted me in these years, so I don't know where she is."

He naturally knew the real purpose of these two guys looking for Minova.

The void base has been destroyed, they can only transfer the target to Minova.

After all, all the inventions in the Void base are Minova’s masterpieces. As long as Minova is found, it is equivalent to obtaining Void.

"Purgatory King, don't you really know?"

The Dark Lord asked again.

"have no idea."

Ye Fei shook his head.

The Dark King stared at Ye Fei's eyes tightly, as if he wanted to see if Ye Fei was lying.

However, Ye Fei's expression did not fluctuate, and he could not see any lie at all.

The Dark Lord was silent for a few minutes, and then said faintly: "Purgatory Lord, since you don't know, then we will leave!"

As he said, the Dark Lord stood up and said: "Dragon Knight, let's not disturb the Purgatory Lord, let's go!"

"it is good!"

The holy dragon knight nodded, and then stood up.

"Is it gone?"

Ye Fei also stood up.


The Dark Lord nodded.

"Then I will give it to you."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and then sent the Dark King and the Holy Dragon Knight to the outside of the villa.

When he walked into the courtyard, the Dark Lord suddenly stopped and turned around and said: "Purgatory Lord, although we had a few tricks at the Zero Point Conference last time, we couldn't tell the winner.

So, how about we try again now? "

The reason why he made this request was entirely because when he and the Mosuo giant met with the King of the Gods at that time, the two had different understandings of Ye Fei's strength.

Therefore, he wanted to try it himself to see if Ye Fei was as good as the Mosuo giant said.

The sacred dragon knight on the side was also quite strange, obviously he didn't expect the Dark Lord to make this request at this time.

However, he was also very interested, wanting to see who is stronger than the Dark King and Ye Fei.

"Lord of Darkness, I think it's better to forget it, we have already tried the last time, why must we have a victory or defeat?" Ye Fei said indifferently.

"Why, Lord Purgatory, are you afraid of losing face to me?" The Dark Lord smiled.

"To be afraid is not to be afraid."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "I just don't think it is necessary, because you are not my opponent. Although this is a bit hurtful, it is the truth..."


The Dark Lord was not angry, but smiled, and said: "Purgatory Lord, then let me see how strong you are!"

The voice fell off.

The Dark Lord took off his suit directly and threw it to the Holy Dragon Knight. Instead, he lifted his hands and directly released the dark energy from his body!

Wow! !

The violent, bloodthirsty dark energy rushed out from the body of the Dark Lord, like a few black tornadoes, sweeping up all the dead branches and leaves on the grass in the yard, and then stagnating in the air!

"Purgatory King, take it!"

The Dark Lord's body was like a phantom, disappearing in an instant, and the position where he stood under his feet was sunk in a deep footprint, as if he was hitting the ground with a heavy hammer!

"Dark Storm!!"

boom! !

Accompanied by a loud shout, the King of Darkness had already arrived in front of Ye Fei and punched him!

He punched out, and a fierce dark energy entangled in his body, like a tornado, soaring into the sky!

The Dark King is stronger than the Mosuo Giant, and ranks higher than the Mosuo Giant and the Holy Dragon Knight in the Alliance of Gods!

Therefore, with his punch, no matter if it is fierce speed, violent power, tricky angle, powerful destructive power, even Ye Fei can't easily avoid it!

However, Ye Fei didn't even think about avoiding it. Instead, he suddenly hit a straight punch, condensing the unrelenting punch and moving every muscle of his body in a coordinated manner, bringing out the power of astonishment like the collapse of a snowy mountain!

This made the seemingly unremarkable fist road, but it brought out a powerful impact that was devastating!

The King of Darkness was shocked, apparently he didn't expect to see Ye Fei in a short time, and Ye Fei's strength increased several times!

At this moment.

boom! !

The fists of Ye Fei and the King of Darkness collided together, and a loud noise erupted!

It's like the dull sound of two shot **** hitting each other!

laugh! !

In an instant, the body of the Lord of Darkness was directly retreated. He touched his feet on the ground, like a sharp blade, cutting the lawn open, even making two dents in the soil!

After retreating five or six meters, the Lord of Darkness stabilized his body!

The sacred dragon knight on the side was suddenly stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Fei to stun the King of Darkness with an unremarkable punch!

No wonder this kid said that the Lord of Darkness is not his opponent, and now that he didn't lie!

The sacred dragon knight, as a bystander, was shocked enough, and the Dark Lord was even more horrified in his heart, and his eyes were full of incomprehensible colors!

What kind of monster is this kid?

How long has passed since, how could his strength grow so fast? !

It seems that the Mosuo giant did not lie!

Ye Fei looked at the King of Darkness indifferently, and said, "Lord of Darkness, forget it, the winner is already divided, you and I don't have to compare."


The Dark Lord smiled faintly and said: "It was just a test just now, now is the real contest!"

With that said, the Lord of Darkness adjusted his breathing and lifted up all the dark energy in his body!

I saw that a burst of dark energy surrounded the King of Darkness, carrying a killing breath of a sea of ​​corpse mountains and blood. Compared with just now, the breath and coercion were several times stronger!

"Dark Judgment!!"

As soon as the Dark Lord raised his arms, he saw that the dark energy above his head seemed to form a black vortex, like a black hole.

Immediately afterwards, western demon ghosts condensed only by dark energy jumped out of this vortex, rushing towards Ye Fei with the wailing sound of ghost crying and wolf howling!

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