Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2131: , See you in battle!

In the beginning, there were only a few demons and ghosts, and in a short while, they became dozens, or even hundreds!

Hundreds of demons and ghosts rushed to kill together, just looking at it, it is creepy!

The point is that these demons and ghosts formed by dark energy are not just phantoms, but are like the essence, with fierce lethality!

Ye Fei and the Holy Dragon Knight were not surprised by this move of the Dark Lord.

However, Gu Qingcheng, who ran to the balcony when he heard the fighting just now, was frightened.

However, Gu Qingcheng felt relieved when he thought of the battle he had seen at the zero-point meeting and the identities of these kings.

These guys are not normal people at all.

At this time, these demons and monsters rushed over, and the sounds they made, like steel needles, stimulated Ye Fei's eardrums, and even made him feel pain in his head!

Ye Fei's heart shuddered. Obviously, he didn't expect that the Lord of Darkness had a lot more strength than before!

"Break it for me!!"

Ye Fei shouted, and directly hit the demon ghosts with a punch that condensed true energy and physical strength!

Boom! !


The hundreds of demons and ghosts that led the charge were all defeated by Ye Fei's devastating punch!

After the hundreds of demons and ghosts were defeated, Ye Fei felt that the eardrum and head no longer hurt.

"Purgatory King, do you think this is over?"

The Dark Lord grinned, and then shouted: "The demon army from the depths of darkness, come out!!"

The voice fell off.

I saw that monsters such as skeletons, western demons, monsters and so on jumped out of the black hole condensed above the Dark King!

Although these monsters are formed by the dark energy of the Dark Lord, they look so realistic at this moment, as if real demons and ghosts run out of another space!

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of demons and ghosts, densely packed, like a flood, rushed towards Ye Fei!

Ye Fei's face sank, and immediately condensed a sword of infuriating energy between the fingers of his right hand, and then swung a few swords at these demons and ghosts in succession!

Swish! !

With every sword swing, dozens of demons and ghosts will be destroyed!

So, with just a few swords, hundreds of them were destroyed!

However, the demons and ghosts released by the Dark Lord were far more than a few hundred. Although some were destroyed, more of them attacked Ye Fei!

Ye Fei also knew that it wouldn't work if he wasn't serious!

"Destroy all!"

"All beings punish!"

Ye Fei roared, and swung a three-hundred-sixty-degree circular blade with a sword, like the five-fingered mountain of the Tathagata rolling down towards those demons and ghosts!

All living beings punish... all living beings in the world can't escape this sword, let alone these demons and ghosts!

Huh! !

A sword swung, like a white rainbow circling the sun!

Wherever a sword passed, all the demons and ghosts were directly crushed, and wailing!

Suddenly, in front of Ye Fei, only the fragmented dark energy remained!

The Dark Lord's spirit was lifted. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Fei's sword to be so powerful, and he directly wiped out all the thousands of demons and ghosts he released!

However, surrendering directly like this is not the character of the Dark Lord!

His eyes became deeper and he slowly raised his arms, ready to release more demons and ghosts again!

But Ye Fei already knew the purpose of the Dark Lord!

So Ye Fei kicked his legs suddenly, and his body ejected out like a missile!

At the moment when he approached the King of Darkness, Ye Fei's legs slammed on the ground!

With a bang, Ye Fei suddenly rose into the air!

The Dark King saw Ye Fei appear in front of him like a teleport, and he didn't understand what Ye Fei wanted to do!

But at this moment, Ye Fei raised the sword of true energy in his hands high, another sword, facing the black hole formed by the dark energy, it was another slash!

Huh! !

Sword up, sword down!

Only heard a sound of "嚯", a fierce and unparalleled sword intent, directly split this black hole formed by dark energy into two, as if torn from the middle!

"Dark Judgment! Fusion!!"

The Dark Lord shouted, wanting to fuse the black hole that had been split in half again!


Ye Fei spit out a word faintly, and then swung a few swords in succession!

Swish! !

After a few swords fell, Ye Fei's also fell, his feet firmly on the ground!

I saw the black hole above the dark king's head was directly crushed, and suddenly collapsed!

Suddenly, the yard returned to quiet again.

The Dark King and the Holy Dragon Knight looked at Ye Fei blankly, obviously not recovering from Ye Fei's previous series of counterattacks.

They finally understood why the Mosuo giant looked at Ye Fei so highly, why the king of the gods wanted to win Ye Fei, why the 19 organizations attacked the temple failed to destroy Ye Fei...

All this is because Ye Fei has the power to tremble and shock the world!

The Dark Lord looked at Ye Fei with a complicated expression, and said, "The Purgatory Lord, a few years ago, my strength was stronger than you, but today, a few years later, I lost to you.

Although I am not convinced, but this is indeed a fact. In this world, there are not many people I admire, and you are one of them..."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said: "Lord of Darkness, I think you haven't used all your strength yet, just give up like this, it doesn't seem to be your character..."

"Full force? Haha..."

The Dark King chuckled and said, "Prince of Purgatory, you haven't tried your best, right?"

Ye Fei just smiled and didn't say anything.

Everyone is king, and naturally understand each other.

The Dark Lord took the clothes and put them on from the Holy Dragon Knight, and then said: "Purgatory King, tonight we are just discussing it, not a battle of life and death.

After all, we are still friends now...Of course, if we meet on the battlefield in the future, I won't keep my hands..."

"Then let us compete again at that time." Ye Fei said lightly.

"Okay, that's what I meant!"

The Dark Lord nodded, and then together with the holy dragon knight, turned and left the courtyard.

Ye Fei watched the Dark King and the Sacred Dragon Knight leave, until the two figures disappeared into the night before turning around.

Although the King of Darkness did not use his full strength, Ye Fei did not use his full strength either.

Moreover, Ye Fei believed that even if the Lord of Darkness exerted all his strength, he could still defeat him.

This is not arrogance, but a kind of self-confidence, Ye Fei's confidence in his current strength.

Immediately, Ye Fei looked up at Gu Qingcheng on the balcony, and said with a smile: "Baby Qingcheng, my husband was not handsome just now!"

"Handsome wool!"

Gu Qingcheng snorted, then turned and walked into the room.

Seeing the woman's soft back and the plump hips, Ye Fei gave a bad smile, and then hurried into the room.

After closing the door of the villa, Ye Fei hurried upstairs and came to Gu Qingcheng's room. He held the door handle and prepared to open the door and go in.

However, what made Ye Fei depressed was that Nizi had locked the door.


Ye Fei patted the door and said, "Baby Qingcheng, open the door!"

"No, go back to your own room and sleep!"

Gu Qingcheng's voice came from the room.

"Don't, Xiao Ran finally left for a few days, let's hurry up and double repair!" Ye Fei shouted solemnly.

"Double your sister's repair, I'm tired today, I'm going to sleep!"

Gu Qingcheng replied.

Ye Fei shouted again, but Gu Qingcheng did not respond.

This Nizi, do you think that if you close the door, I won't be able to get in, Brother Fei?

Ye Fei curled his mouth, then ran into the yard, kicked his legs and jumped onto the balcony, preparing to enter the room from the balcony.

However, when Ye Fei jumped on the balcony, he realized that Gu Qingcheng had also locked the glass door connecting the balcony to the room.

"Allure! Allure! Open the door!"

Ye Fei patted the glass door again and shouted a few times.

But Gu Qingcheng turned his back to Ye Fei and waved his hand, meaning that he would go back to his room to sleep.

Ye Fei shook his head helplessly, thinking to himself, it seems that the woman in the living room today was really broken by herself.

Therefore, Ye Fei did not forcibly break in, but returned to his room and fell asleep...

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