Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2147: , The strength gap!

The flames burned blazingly, becoming more and more prosperous, even after ten meters away, Ye Fei could feel the scorching temperature!

Ye Fei didn't feel surprised that this guy could control the flames.

After all, those strong people in the West practice magic and supernatural powers, all of which are energy derived from nature.

"The magic fire is overwhelming!!"

Fen Tian yelled and waved his hands abruptly.

Wow! !

The two burning flames spread out immediately, like a sea of ​​fire, rushing towards Ye Fei!

Feeling the scorching heat, Ye Fei, although his body was strong, did not dare to use his body to resist, but quickly retreated and hurriedly jumped onto a boulder!

Immediately, Ye Fei looked up and saw that wherever the flames swept over the ground, whether it was withered grass or stones, they were all burned into coke!

When the wind blew, it drifted away and became ashes!

Ye Fei was shocked!

The fire energy released by this guy is obviously different from ordinary flames. The flames released by him have a higher temperature, at least thousands of degrees!

Otherwise, how could it be possible to burn all the stones to ashes at once?

Just when Ye Fei was shocked, the sea of ​​flames had already burned the rocks on which he was standing!


When the huge boulder under his feet touched the flame, it suddenly collapsed and became two halves!

Moreover, in an instant, Ye Fei felt that the soles of his feet were hot, and his shoes were burned out of holes!

"Depend on!"

Ye Fei exclaimed, and hurriedly stepped on the boulder, his body pulled out again and retreated violently, retreating to a few tens of meters away, to avoid being burned by this sea of ​​flames!

"Hahaha, Lord Purgatory, don't you just know to hide?"

Fen Tian laughed loudly, and then said: "Fortunately, the king of the gods has such a fancy to you, so is your strength just that little?

Since you like to hide, then I want to see, how do you hide now! "

With that, Burning's hands condensed flames again, and then waved in the air, two groups of flames like curtains were taken into the air, as if two groups of fire clouds were formed!

"Fire and rain in the sky!!"

The voice fell.

I saw that the two fire clouds suddenly turned into raindrops and landed in the direction of Ye Fei!

However, this raindrop is not water, but fire rain!

Ye Fei frowned and flashed continuously, only then barely avoided the falling rain of fire!

And the falling fire rain directly pierced the ground and the stones on the ground, and there appeared a pinhole-sized hole!

Seeing that the fire and rain couldn't hurt Ye Fei, the magic bow next to Burning sky immediately took down the black bow on his shoulder!

Then, I didn't see the magic bow holding the arrow, but just picked it up like this and started to draw the bow!

Strangely, when he opened the bow, a sharp arrow made of gray magical energy appeared on the bow!

Immediately, the magic bow aimed at Ye Fei's direction, and shot a sharp arrow formed by gray magical energy!

call out! !

A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the gray sharp arrow pointed directly at Ye Fei's heart!

At this moment, Ye Fei was avoiding the fire and rain's attack, almost instinctively feeling a danger coming toward him!

He subconsciously flashed to the side, with a "cough", this blue sharp arrow passed by Ye Fei's arm, and with a "click", it directly shot the mountain wall behind him through a hole!

Ye Fei felt a fierce pain in his arm!

He raised his arm and took a look, only to find that the arm was slashed by the sharp blue arrow just now, and blood was oozing out!

Ye Fei was awe-inspiring, raised his eyes and stared at the magic bow!

My body is already quite strong now, even ordinary swords can't hurt me, but the sharp blue magical energy arrow shot by this guy just now hurt me!

Worthy of being a member of the Alliance of Gods, the methods are really weird!

Ye Fei abandoned distractions, and after a few dodges to avoid the rain of fire, he immediately ran in the direction of the three of Fentian!

In the process of running wildly, Ye Fei had already condensed the physical strength and the power of Vientiane True Qi on his fist!

"Give me to die!!"

Ye Fei screamed and came to Fen Tian's front in an instant, and then slammed his fist towards Fen Tian's chest!

"court death!!"

And Fen Tian also raised his flame fist and met Ye Fei's fist!

boom! !

An explosion sounded!

The two punches collided and made their debut!

Although Ye Fei's fist was hot red, but fortunately, he was not burned!


Fen Tian was taken aback, obviously he didn't expect Ye Fei to be able to burn his own flame.

However, before Fen Tian could react, he felt a sharp energy pouring out of Ye Fei's fist!

Ding Ding Ding! !

The violent force directly shook Fen Tian back five or six meters away!

Ye Fei's eyes were cold, and he was about to continue to catch up, but suddenly, he felt a cold killing intent swept over him behind him!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei heard the harsh chanting, resounding like a Hong Zhong!


As soon as Ye Fei turned around, he saw that the ghost-faced demon monk with a yin and yang face was putting his hands together, and the harsh sound came from his mouth.

Generally speaking, the sound of Buddha can calm the mind and calm the mind, but the sound of Buddha chanted by this ghost-faced demon monk can disturb people's mood and make people become irritable!

Immediately, Ye Fei saw a burst of dark black energy condensed in front of the ghost face demon monk, and it condensed into a word "OM"!

After the word "OM" was formed, it suddenly smashed towards Ye Fei like a cannonball!

It was the first time Ye Fei saw such a weird offensive method!

He didn't hesitate, he immediately raised a punch and blasted towards the word "OM"!

boom! !

With the sound of an explosion, the word "OM" formed by dark black energy was directly defeated by Ye Fei!

However, at the moment when the word "Om" was blasted to pieces, Ye Fei suddenly felt that there were bursts of piercing Buddhist sounds of the word "Om" in his ears, and it made Ye Fei's brain and eardrum pain!


Ye Fei clutched his head, the blue veins on his forehead and neck burst out, it was terrible.

"Hahaha, you deserve to be the twenty-second ghost-faced demon monk, really amazing!" Fen Tian said with a laugh.

However, the ghost face demon monk was expressionless and continued to chant.


When the sound fell, a "Wa" formed by dark energy blasted towards Ye Fei again!

Although Ye Fei felt the pain in his brain and eardrums unbearable, but fortunately, his consciousness was still there!

Therefore, when the word "Why" came smashing, Ye Fei raised his punch again and smashed it!

boom! !

However, just after the word "Why" was smashed, Ye Fei felt the pain in his brain and eardrum doubled!

"Huh? It's amazing. The kid of Purgatory King can withstand the two characters in the "Six-Character Mantra" of the ghost-faced demon monk." Fen Tian said.

"No wonder the king of the gods wants to win him over, this kid is really not an ordinary person."

Magic Bow also took another sentence.

"Woolen cloth!"

Just as Ye Fei smashed the second "Mah" word, the ghost face demon monk continued to chant.

In an instant, the word "ne" formed by dark energy blasted towards Ye Fei.

Ye Fei endured the huge pain and punched again, smashing the word "N" to pieces!

The third word was shattered, and the intense pain made Ye Fei's breathing become rapid, and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes!

Seeing that Ye Fei had withstood the three words he had chanted, the ghost Buddha frowned and continued chanting!




Cough cough! !

When the sound fell, the last three words in the six-character mantra were like three missiles, and they smashed towards Ye Fei!

Ye Fei waved his fists and smashed the last three words!

But the harsh Buddha sound made Ye Fei feel the pain that his head and eardrums were about to burst!

What's more, what is shocking is that Ye Fei's eardrums shed blood!

"Purgatory King, it seems that your strength is just like that..."

Fen Tian said lightly, then grinned and said, "Let me give you one last ride!"

After finishing speaking, Fen Tian directly condensed a sword of flame in his hand, and then rushed forward with a dash, slammed into Ye Fei's chest!

But when Burning Sky stabbed the sword of flame, Ye Fei was panting, raised his left hand, and directly grabbed the blade of the sword of flame, making it no longer able to get closer to his chest!


Fen Tian's spirit was lifted, his face was full of astonishment.

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