Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2148: , The scourge of killing!

This kid actually grabbed his own flame sword with his hands? !

Isn't he afraid of his hands being burnt to coke? !

At this moment, the raging flames burned Ye Fei's left hand, burning it red, but Ye Fei seemed to be unconscious and did not let out a cry.

Therefore, Ye Fei just now endured the pain caused by the six-character mantra chanted by the ghost face demon monk. Now this burning pain is nothing to Ye Fei.

However, what made Fen Tian even more horrified was that although Ye Fei's hand was burnt red, he was not burned.

"Want to kill me so easily, is it possible?"

At this moment, Ye Fei said indifferently, then raised his head.

When Ye Fei raised his head, Fen Tian froze in place.

He saw Ye Fei's eyes, and the beating golden flames made him feel that his soul was trembling!

This made Fen Tian feel that it was not a person who was staring at him, but the nine-day dragon that the Chinese people admired!


Fen Tian was really frightened. He opened his mouth and instinctively prepared to retreat.

However, Ye Fei did not give him another chance. Instead, he raised the right hand that condensed the Sword of True Qi, slammed his sword, and pierced Fen Tian's chest with a "poof"!


Fen Tian let out a heartbreaking cry, and blood flowed down his chest like no money.

After a scream, Fen Tian endured the severe pain and slammed back out.

When Ye Fei looked up, a strange scene appeared.

I saw that the pierced chest of Burning Tian was burning with flames, and immediately, the blood solidified, and his pierced chest gradually healed.

Ye Fei's face changed, and he obviously didn't expect this red-haired giant to be stabbed by himself. Not only could he not die, he could even heal his wounds.

"Haha, Lord Purgatory, are you surprised?"

Fen Tian grinned and said, "Do you think you can kill me so easily? As I said, you will pay for your arrogance!!"

With that, a scorching high temperature was released from Fen Tian's body!

I saw that Burning's entire body seemed to be shrouded in flames, as if the **** of fire was alive!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

He walked towards Ye Fei step by step, and the place he passed was directly burned to ashes.

On the ground, there are more footprints that have been burnt to coke.

"Fire of destruction!!"

As he approached Ye Fei, Fen Tian immediately opened his arms, and the flames continued to condense, forming a huge fireball!

"go to hell!!"

As soon as Burning Sky's voice fell, this huge fireball, like a huge meteorite burning on fire, hit Ye Fei!

"Ancient swordsmanship! Ten kills in one step!!"

Ye Fei frowned, without any hesitation, directly condensed the sword of infuriating energy, and slammed towards this huge fireball!

Huh! !

Accompanied by a sound of breaking through the air, Ye Fei's sword directly split this huge fireball in half!

Just when Ye Fei thought he had defeated Burning's attack, he saw that the fireball that had been split in half had actually formed two fireballs!

"Useless! Useless! Hahaha!!!..."

Fen Tian laughed wildly.

"Who said it's useless..."

Ye Fei said lightly, and then raised the condensed sword of infuriating high, across a dazzling arc, and then slammed into the two fireballs!

"All beings punish!"

Huh! !

A sword fell, like a big mountain crushed down!

Fen Tian thought that Ye Fei's sword still wouldn't work.

But the next second, what shocked him was that.

The two fireballs he released were actually extinguished under Ye Fei's sword!

"how is this possible?!"

Fen Tian exclaimed and stayed in place for a while.

However, the coercion of Ye Fei's sword did not dissipate, but continued to hack towards Burning Heaven!

Seeing a giant sword of light slashed at him, Fen Tian hurriedly flashed to the side!

Although he avoided the vital part of his head, one of his arms was directly cut off!


Fen Tian screamed in pain, and staggered back a few steps.

However, the pain is only short-lived.

Soon, the shoulder of his severed right arm began to burn again, and within a few seconds, a new arm appeared.

Seeing this, Ye Fei was stunned.

What the hell?

Is this guy still a human?

Is pierced in the chest and not dead, can the arm grow back after being cut off?

The people in this alliance of the gods are really stranger than the other.

However, even though weird, Ye Fei had to admit that the people of the Alliance of Gods were indeed very strong.

However, I just don't know whether these three guys are gods or gods.

"Purgatory King, I am immortal, you can't kill me!"

Fen Tian looked at Ye Fei and laughed loudly.

"Huh! There is no immortal body! Don't pretend to be a god!"

Ye Fei let out a cold snort, once again condensed the sword of true Qi, and the wind was blowing under his feet, like a sharp sword, and quickly chased up to Fen Tian!

"Purgatory King, you can't kill me, but I can kill you!"

With a loud shout, Fen Tian also held a huge sword made of flames, and greeted Ye Fei.

boom! !

When Ye Fei and Fen Tian approached, they both waved their swords at the same time and slashed towards each other!

The Sword of True Qi collided with the Sword of Flame, two completely different energies collided, and a roaring sound erupted!

After splitting a sword, Ye Fei quickly changed his moves, showing his sword intent one after another!

Cleave, pick, tease, stab, collapse...

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A burst of fierce explosions sounded continuously!

Ye Fei and Fentian moved back and forth at high speed between these mountains. The place they passed was either directly crushed or burned by flames!

The destructive power is quite terrifying!

"Magic Bow, Burning Tian wants to kill this kid, it's difficult, let's help him!"

The ghost face demon monk rushed to the side of the magic bow and said something.

"it is good!"

The magic bow nodded, then picked up the bow, ready to shoot arrows of magical energy.

"This kid is moving too fast, no matter how fast my magic arrow is, I can't keep up with him!" Magic Bow frowned.

"The speed of this kid is indeed very fast, but no matter how fast he is, I can still see the trajectory of his movement..."

The ghost face demon monk squinted his eyes, and then began to chant again.


When the sound fell, I saw a word "OM" formed by dark energy directly towards Ye Fei who was moving at high speed!

Although Ye Fei was fighting against Burning Sky, he had been paying attention to the devil bow and the ghost face demon monk beside him.

Therefore, when the ghost face demon monk's attack hit, Ye Fei slammed to the side.



I saw that the mountain wall next to Ye Fei was smashed out of a pothole, and the rocks collapsed and the destructive power was extremely terrifying!

However, Ye Fei only paused for a while, and then slammed towards Fen Tian again!

"Purgatory King, I won't play with you anymore, now I will send you to see God!"

Seeing Ye Fei rushing towards him, Fen Tian didn't dodge or dodge, but raised his arms again and shouted.

"Fire of death!!"

Wow! !

The raging fire seemed to have formed a super storm and swept towards Ye Fei!

This flame storm burned everything into ashes with a sense of destruction!

A huge gully tens of meters long appeared in the place where the flame storm ran over!

The scorching high temperature caused the air to emit white smoke!

Seeing the flame storm sweeping towards him, Ye Fei's face sank, he directly condensed the sword of infuriating energy, lifted it up, traversed a perfect arc, and then pressed down toward the flame storm!

"Ancient swordsmanship!"

"The sword dominates the world!!"

Huh! !

When Ye Fei's sword smashed down, shocked expressions appeared on the faces of the magic bow and the ghost face monk not far away, and his heartbeat speeded up!

They are all masters of the Alliance of Gods, and they can naturally perceive the extraordinaryness of Ye Fei's sword!

Especially Fen Tian, ​​was shocked to stay in place, forgot to avoid it for a while!

No, to be precise, he wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't avoid it at all!

"Quick! Stop him!"

The ghost face demon monk yelled.

The magic bow nodded, and quickly picked up the bow, but just before the arrow of magical energy was formed, and before it left the string, I saw that huge flame storm was split in half!

Moreover, the terrifying sword intent did not dissipate, but penetrated the flame storm, from top to bottom, and chopped off from the top of Burning Tian's head!

"Do not!!--"

A thick panic flashed in Fen Tian's eyes, and he shouted heartbreakingly.

The sword of true Qi in Ye Fei's hand finally fell down!

Next second.

Pouch! !

Blood spattered, and Burning Heaven was even split into two halves...

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