Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2203: , Stubborn!

"Haha, it's interesting. No wonder you can easily defeat the Holy Light Dragon Knight and Hell Tyrant. It seems that your strength is indeed stronger than before..."

The Wild Lord squinted his eyes, his eyes flashed with a strong sense of war, "However, depending on your current strength, it is a bit difficult to defeat me..."


Ye Fei hooked his finger against the wild lord, and said, "Then come and try!"

"it is good!!"

The savage lord shouted wildly, and once again launched a fierce attack on Ye Fei!

"Barbarian King God Fist! The Barbarian King opens the mountain!!"

Accompanied by a loud shout, the wild lord directly raised the vigorous wild power, and continuously blasted his fists towards Ye Fei!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

The huge fists danced in the air, driving the afterimages, like countless cannonballs, at the same time shooting at Ye Fei!

The roaring sound of thunder rang out in the entire castle hall, making Allston and his party dumbfounded!

However, Ye Fei didn't have the power to boost his true energy, but instead raised the physical power of his body to fight against it!

Since this time, Ye Fei has been cultivating, but his cultivation level has never been improved.

Therefore, Ye Fei planned to try to train his body to be stronger since his cultivation level could not be broken through!

And now is the best training opportunity!

Because the savage lord's physical strength is one of the best, so it is best to let him be his training opponent!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

The sound of crashing keeps exploding!

In just a few minutes, Ye Fei and the Wild Lord fought dozens of moves!

The two completely adopted the most primitive and savage style of play. The fist confrontation didn't work, so they used their bodies to hold each other's fists hard, fists to the flesh, and they were dumbfounded to see Auston and others!

"My God, the boss is really non-human...If I was punched a few times by this primitive, I'm afraid he would be abolished long ago?"

Aston thought in his heart, the waves in his heart rolled, and he admired Ye Fei's five-body cast.

The pirates and guards watched this scene with admiration and envy.

This is the battle between the strong, but it is not what they can imagine.

At this moment, Ye Fei and the Wild Lord told to move in this huge castle hall, and kept fighting.

Wherever they went, it was like a typhoon, crushing all the tables, chairs, furniture, vases and other things in the castle hall!

The slate on the ground couldn't stand the strength of the two, and it shattered countless pieces!

Soon, the two felt that this hall was not enough to withstand their confrontation, so they rushed out of the castle and came to a huge open space outside!

But Allston and others hurriedly followed out, for fear of missing any detail of the battle between the two!

"Come on, King!!"

"Come on! Defeat the purgatory king!!"

Not only Auston and others, but also people from the tribes outside have also raised their arms and cheered for the wild lord in order to come up.

"Boss, come on! Get this savage primitive man down!"

"My king, come on!"

Seeing the people of these tribes cheering for the wild lord, Alston led the pirates to cheer for Ye Fei!

"The Barbarian King lifts the tripod!!"

After fighting against hundreds of moves in a row, the wild lord's body suddenly stopped, and the steps under his feet suddenly changed. His body rushed forward with a quick step, and after approaching Ye Fei, he quickly stretched out his big hand like iron tongs to clasp Ye Fei. Shoulders!


Ye Fei couldn't help but explode, and he didn't adapt to the changes in the rhythm of the wild lord. When he wanted to break free from the hand of the wild lord, it was already a step too late!

"Get me up!!"

The savage lord shouted and lifted Ye Fei directly!

After lifting Ye Fei, the Wild Lord directly smashed Ye Fei towards the ground not far away!

Huh! !

A strong wind blew up, and Ye Fei's body was thrown away directly, and it slammed into the ground!

However, as soon as it touched the ground, Ye Fei's right hand became a palm, and he slapped the ground!

Snapped! !

With a bang, the ground paved with solid rocks was directly broken by Ye Fei!

In this shot, Ye Fei's body received a cushion, and then he stood firmly on the ground with his legs!

Seeing Ye Fei's reaction so fast, the wild lord was shocked, and his eyes flashed with deep appreciation.

"Good boy, the strength is really strong enough!"

The Wild Lord praised Ye Fei without hesitation.

"Primitive, your strength has improved a lot compared to a few years ago!"

Ye Fei replied with a smile.

"Hehe, boy, this is not the time to flatter each other, you haven't convinced me yet!"

The savage lord laughed loudly, and then said: "Boy, worry a little bit, next, I'm going to be serious!!"

The voice fell off.


The savage lord clenched his fists with both hands and roared up to the sky, like a tiger roaring in the mountains and forests, the super sound waves rushed straight into the sky!

Everyone felt that their eardrums were trembling, and they quickly covered their ears!

At the moment when the wild lord screamed up to the sky, he saw that fast black and steel-like muscles swelled and swelled up and down, and the veins clung to him like the roots of an old tree!

A fierce force rushed out of his body, and the power ripples that it drove shook everyone around him back!

Click! Click! ! ...

A burst of cracking sounds!

With his feet as the center, the earth was torn apart, extending towards the distance!

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei's pupils shrank slightly, and he felt a steady stream of wild power released from the body of the wild lord, like a wild beast!

At this moment, Ye Fei was not concealing his strength, but slowly raised the power of true energy in his body!

And Allston and the others present were even more stunned, terrified in their hearts!

Worthy of being the most famous king in the world, his strength is incredible!

"Man King God Fist! Man King Broken Sky!!"

When the power was raised, the wild lord shouted, his body was like a high-speed missile, and he rushed towards Ye Fei with a "swish"!

At the moment when he approached Ye Fei, the wild lord's huge body jumped directly, and slammed down at Ye Fei below with a fist, just like a meteorite from outside the sky!

Feeling the fierceness of the wild lord's punch, Ye Fei didn't dare to hold it big, his legs slammed to the ground, and his figure retreated violently!

At the moment when Ye Fei withdrew, there was a "boom"!

The fist of the savage lord hit the ground fiercely!

Click! !

The ground was cracked, and a deep hole was abruptly smashed by the wild lord!

Everyone present swallowed their throats, and was shocked!

This punch is too terrifying, if they get this punch, I am afraid they will be directly smashed into meatloaf!

Seeing this fist failed, the Wild Lord once again rushed towards Ye Fei!

Although the savage lord's figure is huge, his speed is not slow, just in the blink of an eye, he has already arrived in front of Ye Fei, and then a huge punch to the sky, blasting at Ye Fei!

And Ye Fei didn't dodge anymore, and simply pulled his left arm in the middle, forcibly blocking this heavy punch!

With a muffled "bang", Ye Fei was blasted out directly, flying out 20 to 30 meters before landing on the ground!


Ye Fei took a breath, and felt his arms numb.

Damn, the strength of this guy has become countless times more violent.

However, before Ye Fei came back to his senses, the Wild Lord rushed up again, twisted a punch again, and blasted Ye Fei!

But Ye Fei twisted his fist again to resist it, and his body was naturally shaken out again!

"Boy, aren't you ready to fight me seriously? If this goes on, you will lose!"

The Wild Lord roared wildly, and his body moved, bringing out an afterimage, and once again came to Ye Fei!

For a time, the fist of the Wild Lord was like a violent storm, swaying towards Ye Fei!

From Ye Fei's perspective, there seemed to be thousands of hands attacking him instantly!

What's more, what made Ye Fei even more shocked was that every punch that the Wild Lord slammed went straight, never dragged his feet, and maximized his strength, which was a bit similar to the punch he had realized!

and many more!

Ye Fei opened his eyes, they weren't similar, this guy had already understood the fist, but he didn't know it yet!

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