Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2204: Let's talk about it!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

A burst of muffled thunder sounded!

Ye Fei constantly waved his arms to block, blocking the fists from the wild lord!

Just as the Wild Lord blasted dozens of punches in a row, Ye Fei's eyes flashed at the moment of a pause, and he shook his voice: "Primitives, end this battle!"

The voice did not fall.

Ye Fei took a step forward with his right foot, then pulled his right arm back, and then quickly blasted a punch at the chest of the Wild Lord!

With this punch, Ye Fei not only raised the physical strength, but also raised the power of true energy!

The overlapping of several strengths made Ye Fei's punch more terrifying several times than before!

The wild lord's heart condensed, his eyes widened, and he noticed the extraordinary effect of Ye Fei's punch!

I want to resist with my fists again, it's too late!

So, the Wild Lord quickly raised his arms to block!

boom! !

A dull voice sounded, and Ye Fei's fist firmly slammed the wild lord's arms!

Although the savage lord felt his arms tingling, but fortunately he blocked it!

However, he didn't have time to be happy. I don't know when Ye Fei's left fist had already blasted out at the same time!

Moreover, this punch did not aim at the wild lord's chest, but pointed directly at his stomach!

boom! !

A muffled sound!

Ye Fei's fist hit the wild lord's stomach fiercely!

The fist burst out, and a sharp force suddenly passed through Ye Fei's fist, continuously transmitted out!


The savage lord snorted, and his huge body flew upside down 20 meters away, and then hit the ground with a "bang"!

All the stones on the ground were smashed, the broken stones were flying, and the dust was flying, making the head and body of the wild lord covered with dust and became embarrassed!

"What... the king... the king was defeated?!"

"This... how is this possible?!"

"The king is the most famous king in the world, and even the first strongest among all tribes. How could the king be defeated?!"

People from the surrounding tribes couldn't believe it when they saw this scene.

The patron saint in their hearts, the first **** of war among all tribes, was actually defeated?

They couldn't believe what they saw before them.

"Long live my king!!"

"My king is mighty and domineering!!"

"The boss is awesome!!"

Allston and the pirates cheered.

They looked at Ye Fei closely, their eyes full of admiration.

Ye Fei let out a sigh of relief, then clapped his hands, and walked towards the Wild Lord.

If I hadn't mentioned all the power of the physical body and the power of true energy just now, I am afraid that he would really not be the opponent of this guy.

"Ye Fei, please stop!"

At this moment, a tender voice came over.

Hearing the sound, Ye Fei turned his head and saw a woman wearing a beast dress with a normal appearance but exceptional temperament walking over with a child.


When the people in the tribe saw this woman, they all bent over and bowed their heads.

Ye Fei also knew this woman. This woman was the wife of the Wild Lord, Cici.

"It turned out to be my sister-in-law, haha, long time no see."

Ye Fei smiled slightly, said hello to Cici, then glanced at the child in Cici's hands, and said, "Is this little Tony? He has grown up like this?"

"Yeah, Tony is three years old now."

Cici smiled gently and said to the child: "Tony, call it Uncle."


Tony screamed milkily.

A soft smile appeared at the corner of Ye Fei's mouth, and he touched Tony's head, "Tony is so good."

"Ye Fei, Aka has already lost, and I hope you will show mercy to his men."

Cici looked at Ye Fei and said, "Because our tribe's ships and subordinates were robbed and killed by pirates, Aka was dazzled by anger. I hope you don't mind."

Ye Fei scratched his head and said, "Sister-in-law, don't get me wrong, I didn't say to kill this primitive person. I just want to convince him, and then sit down and have a good chat with him."

"It turned out to be so."

Cici smiled, then turned to look at the wild lord on the ground, and said: "Aka, should you take it now?"

"Hmph, I didn't lose again, I'm not convinced!"

The Wild Lord snorted and replied.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

Cici stared at the Wild Lord.


The savage lord laughed, and quickly got up from the ground, ran over and said: "Cici, I said I took it, I took it."

"Now that I've taken it, can you two sit down and have a good chat?" Cici stared at the Wild Lord and said.

"Chat, of course you can have a good chat!"

The savage lord nodded with the smiling face.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei was also dumbfounded.

The savage lord who made countless people frightened, even had a wife-fearing side, which was really interesting.

The Wild Lord turned his head, looked at Ye Fei with a complicated expression, and said in a puzzled way: "Boy, how did you cultivate in the past few years, how did you suddenly improve so much? I think you couldn't beat me back then. Yeah!"

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Primitive, you want me to explain it to you at once. I don't know where to start.

In short, it is a lot of chance and coincidence, plus my own efforts. "

The savage lord shook his head helplessly, and said: "Your kid is really a monster. Now I have a gap with you. I am afraid that in a few years, the gap between me and you will be even greater..."

Ye Fei shrugged and said, "Primitives, I'm not afraid to hit you. To be honest, the gap between you and me is already huge.

Don’t hide from you. Just now, I didn’t actually use my full strength..."


The savage lord couldn't help but exclaimed, "You... are you telling the truth?"

"of course it's true."

Ye Fei said in a funny way: "Why did I lie to you?"

The savage lord was shocked, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "It seems that I didn't lose injustice today."

"Okay, primitive man, your potential is also great. If you practice hard, you will become stronger."

Ye Fei Laocheng patted the arm of the Wild Lord on the ground, he actually wanted to pat the shoulder of this guy, but this guy is too tall, more than two meters, really can't take pictures.

The savage lord rolled his eyes and said, "You kid don't talk nonsense with me. In short, we must solve the robbery and murder today! Otherwise, let's not finish!"

"Go on, solve, solve."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "However, it's noon now, can we talk while eating?"

"Of course, I have already prepared the food."

Cici took the sentence.

"Sister-in-law is still attentive and gentle. It's your blessing that you primitive man can marry such a good wife!" Ye Fei joked.

"Hehe, that's a must!"

The savage lord kissed Cici on the cheek, causing Cici to fly again.

But the savage lord didn't mind, he just laughed.

"Great sea monster, go, eat!"

Ye Fei waved at Alston.

"Okay, boss!"

Allston grinned and ran over.

The Wild Lord stared at Aston coldly and said: "Aston, today I am looking at your boss's face, so I will let you go for the time being!

If this is really yours, even if you run to the end of the world, I will kill you! "

"You fucking..."

Allston was also violent, and when he saw the wild lord even dared to threaten himself, he immediately stopped doing it.

He wanted to refute, but seeing Ye Fei winking at him, he swallowed the rest of the words back, and could only endure it first.

Later, Ye Fei and his party walked into the castle and came to the restaurant in the castle.

The servants in the castle have already prepared good wine and food.

After Ye Fei and Alston were seated, the Wild Lord poured a few glasses of wine, and had a few drinks with Ye Fei and Alston.

After drinking three cups in a row, the Wild Lord put down the wine glass, looked at Ye Fei, and said, "Boy, let's talk about it, how are you going to solve this problem?"

Ye Fei also put down the wine glass and said, "Primitive, my brother's personality, I know very well. Since he said this was not done by the Sea Demon, it must not be."

"If it's not, then why did you leave the pirate flag of the sea lord?

Moreover, the people under me said that they saw it with their own eyes that several pirates with the Sea Demon King's pirate flag robbed their goods and killed their people. How can you explain this? "The Wild Lord squinted his eyes and asked.

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