Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2210: , Wings are hard to escape!

However, Carol knew that at this time, he couldn't fall down yet!

Once he falls down, the "Spiraltooth Shark" will fall apart, and the "ghost" people will take the opportunity to escape!

The task assigned to him by Captain Alston failed!

Therefore, I must not fall down! !

Thinking of this, Carol took a deep breath, raised the big knife in his hand, coldly glanced at Zog and others in front of him, and shouted angrily: "Come on! Kill me if you have the ability!!"

"Kill him!!"

Zog immediately gave orders to several pirates.

Several pirates nodded, and then quickly rushed towards Carol.

Swish! !

The cold light flickered, like a light curtain of death intertwined, shrouded towards Carol.

"Get away!!"

Carol roared, swiping the big knife in his hand to greet him!

Clang clang clang! !

There was a sharp crash, and even though Carol blocked the attack of these pirates, his body was shaken back and forth again and again!


Seeing a missed move, these pirates immediately chased Carol again!

Seeing these pirates besieged up, Carol dodged a few times, and then rushed forward with a stride, and slammed the broad knife in his hand horizontally!

With a "chih", a pirate's throat was directly slit, and then the blade was stabbed back. With a "chih", it directly pierced the chest of a pirate behind!



With the sound of two screams, the two pirates died instantly by Carol's sword!

However, killing two pirates in a row took Carol a lot of strength. He stuck his big knife on the deck and prepared to rest for a while before launching another attack.

However, Zog didn't intend to let Carol rest, but chased him up, raised the giant axe in his hand, and slashed towards Carol!

Carol's face changed, and in a panic, he raised the big knife in his hand to resist!

Hearing only a clear sound of "clang", the big knife in Carol's hand directly dropped out and fell into the sea!

"Hahaha...Carol, you are done!!"

Seeing this scene, Zog laughed haha, smiling very proudly, very crazy.

Carol frowned. Now, without a weapon in his hand, plus physical injuries, if he wants to defeat Zog, it must be impossible.

So he quickly turned around, ready to go to the ground to pick a knife, and then contend with Zog.

However, Zog had already anticipated Carol's idea, so when Carol took a step, Zog waved his great axe again and slashed towards Carol, preparing for the result. Your life!

Huh! !

The silver giant axe tore through the air, making a trembling sound, and the sun shone on the giant axe, exuding a cold killing intent!

Carol was already unable to resist, and it was very difficult to even avoid it. He could only watch the giant axe fall towards him!



Seeing this scene, the pirates who were desperately resisting in the distance yelled heartily.

They wanted to come up to help, but they were firmly controlled by the "ghost" pirates and couldn't get out.

"Captain Alston, goodbye, my subordinates will no longer be able to work for you..."

Carol smiled miserably and slowly closed his eyes, ready to die.

However, just at this critical moment!

I saw that an elegant figure slid across the sky like a dragon!

Under the sunlight, this figure seemed to be shrouded in a layer of light, making people unable to open their eyes!

There was a loud "pop", and soon, this figure steadily landed in front of Carol, like a **** descending to the world!

As soon as the giant axe in Zog's hand fell, a disdainful smile was drawn across the corner of this figure's mouth, and then he suddenly lifted a kick and kicked Zog's chest fiercely!

boom! !

A muffled sound!


Accompanied by a scream, Zog's body rose from the ground and flew out directly. With a "poof", he slammed into the mast on the battleship!

Immediately afterwards, there was another muffled sound, and Zog fell heavily on the deck, the giant axe in his hand also fell aside!


After falling on the ground, Zog opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of thick blood.

The kick and impact just now made him feel as if he was about to fall apart, it was so painful that he couldn't even stand up.

He lay on the ground, looked up with difficulty, and saw a thin figure standing not far away, staring at him like a torch.

When he saw this figure and this face, Zog couldn't help but tremble all over, his face turned pale suddenly, "Purgatory...Purgatory...Purgatory King?!!!"

Therefore, the person who rushed to the corner just now was Ye Fei!


Carol also saw the person in front of him clearly, and immediately knelt on one knee, his expression extremely pious.

"Brothers, it is my king who is here!!"

"Long live my king!!"

"Long live my king!!"

The pirates of the "Spiraltooth Shark" saw the people who came, and they all became excited, waving their arms and shouting loudly.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

Immediately afterwards, deafening shouts rang out.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, and saw that six or seven battleships were already approaching here!

And what stood on the battleship was the barbaric lord, Alston, and the pirates and barbaric tribes they brought!

Reinforcement is here!

Seeing this magnificent scene, all the "ghost" pirates stopped fighting one by one, trembling all over, so scared that their hearts almost jumped out.

Seeing this scene, Zog's face is as earthy and his heart is ashamed.

The Purgatory King, the Wild Lord, and Alston have all arrived. Today, they are really hard to escape. There is only a dead end.

Aston coldly glanced at all the "ghost" pirates, and shouted angrily: "You all listen to me. If you don't want to die, just lay down your weapons!!"

With this burst of shout, all the "ghost" pirates trembled in their hearts, and threw their weapons on the deck one after another.

If it was said that they had a chance to defeat the "Spintooth Shark", but now, they have no chance of winning, so they can only surrender.

Seeing everyone put down their weapons, the Wild Lord and Alston both jumped onto the battleship on the "Ghost" side and walked towards Ye Fei.

Seeing the two great kings and a great demon from the temple appear at the same time, Zog, who was lying on the ground, was stunned that every pore on his body was trembling.

Ye Fei, the Wild Lord, and Alston, even if they came, were enough to make him surrender, let alone three of them all at once?

He didn't freak out, he was considered to have a strong mind.

Allston stared at Zog on the ground fiercely, and said angrily: "Dog thing, you are instigating the relationship between my sea lord and the wild tribe, right?!"

Zog's eyes rolled, and he quickly replied with a shiver: "I...I don't!"

"Boss, this guy did this thing, he has already admitted just now!"

At this moment, Carol came over and said respectfully.

Allston nodded, and then said to Carol: "Carol, this time you did a good job, take care of your injuries, and when this matter is dealt with, I will reward you again!"

"Thank you, boss!"

Carol nodded moved.

Afterwards, Alston stared at Zog fiercely, and said: "Dog stuff, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it...When the person gets the stolen goods, I don't think you dare to quibble!"

As he said, Alston waved his hand to his men, "Brothers, search for me in the cabin!"


The pirates of the Sea Lord nodded, and then rushed into the cabin of each warship.

Seeing this scene, Zog was stunned, his mouth wide open, and his heart was cold.

Yesterday, after he robbed and killed people, he did not throw away the robbed goods, because there were a lot of gold and silver treasures, so he kept them all.

After a while, the pirates of the Sea Lord took out the wooden boxes one by one and placed them on the deck.

"Boss, we found our banner of the Sea Demon in the cabin!"

"Yes, yes, I found it too!"

Several pirates raised the flag they found.

Seeing that all the stolen goods were found out, Zog was limp and his eyes were dull...

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