Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2211: , At stake!

"The horseman, it really is this dog who is doing evil under the banner of my sea lord!"

Alston said angrily, then turned to look at the wild lord, and asked, "Lord wild, are these goods yours?"


The savage lord nodded, turned his head and stared at Zog, his eyes full of murderous intent.

It was this dog that killed his own subordinates, robbed his own goods, and almost provoke a battle between himself and the temple.

Sure enough, he is a despicable and shameless villain!

Had it not been for the Lord of Purgatory to remind him in time, he would have really made a big mistake!

Allston looked at Zog with a sneer and said, "Zog, didn't you say that you didn't do this thing? Now it has been stolen and taken, what last words do you have to say?!"


Zog glanced at Ye Fei's trio grimly, and laughed madly: "Hahaha...Purgatory King, Wild Lord, Auston, yes, yes, this thing is done by Lao Tzu, the goods are Lao Tzu killed people, but I also killed them!

I wanted to provoke a battle between your temple and the wild tribes... let you fight a life and death... It's a pity, a hundred secrets... What a pity... What a pity!

However, you are less proud of me! I tell you, this is not over yet! Do you really think that your temple, your wild tribe, are the strongest forces in this world?

I tell you, it's wrong, it's so wrong! In this world, there is another force that truly overrides the entire world, and you, in the eyes of that force, are nothing but ants, ants! ! "

Ye Fei stepped forward, squinted his eyes, looked at Zog, and said indifferently: "Dog thing, the power you are talking about should be the Alliance of the Gods, right?"

" know?!"

Zog looked stunned.

"Nonsense, of course I know!"

Ye Fei sneered and said, "Also, I tell you the truth, I have already killed three of the gods of the Alliance of Gods!

Regardless of his **** Alliance of Gods, as long as they dare to provoke Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will step on them all! ! "


Zog looked at Ye Fei with an incredible expression.

He is already a mortal man, and the young man in front of him is still a generation of kings, he has no need to deceive himself.

So, is what he said is true?

There are three gods who died in his hands? !

If so, how terrifying is the strength of the purgatory king? !

Ye Fei sneered, looked at Zog indifferently, and said: "Dog stuff, you can go to **** with peace of mind...It won't be long before, in the Alliance of Gods, whether it is a **** or a god, will go to **** to accompany you. yours……"


Zog stared at Ye Fei blankly, and the last glimmer of hope in his heart was completely shattered by Ye Fei.

"You Nima's next door! Let me go to death!!"

At this time, the Wild Lord could not wait long, and walked straight forward, suddenly raised his foot, and stepped on Zog's head.

"no no!!--"

Seeing the huge soles of feet stepping on him, Zog shouted in horror, but he still couldn't escape.

Immediately, only a muffled sound of "Peng" was heard, and Zog's head suddenly burst like a watermelon.

The red and white things splashed out, and the "ghost" pirates trembled in their hearts.

It was so terrible, their boss was hit by a foot on his head, and his death was terrible.

However, they didn't think about Zog's death any more, but they all began to worry about whether they had to die too.

Ye Fei did not look at Zog more, but looked at the wild lord, and said: "Primitive, Zog's subordinates, what do you want to do?"

"Kill all!"

The Wild Lord spit out four words indifferently.

The king's cold blood and contempt for life are fully revealed at this moment.

The savage lord was already jealous of evil, not to mention, in his heart, these people were all ants, and they were killed.

Ye Fei's mood didn't fluctuate, in fact, he was just like the Wild Lord thought, these people did not die, and it had nothing to do with him.

But the pirates of the "ghost" were so scared that their hearts burst.

Thump Thump Thump Thump! ! ...

For a while, all the "ghost" pirates knelt down, crying bitterly and begging for mercy.

"Wild Lord, this is not something we are willing to do, it is all Zog instructed us to do!!"

"My lord, please let me go, please!!"

"Several adults, we were wrong, we really knew we were wrong, we shouldn't be against you!!"

Ye Fei didn't pay attention to these people either. Instead, he turned to look at Auston and asked, "Great monster, what do you think should be done with these people?"

Alston frowned and said, "Boss, in this battle, most of the people of the'Gyrodon Shark' have already died, and their power has been reduced too severely.

Therefore, I want to include these guys from the "Ghost", just to fill the gap in the power of the "Gyrotooth". "

"Uh... you'd better tell the primitive people, I don't care." Ye Fei spread his hands and said.

Immediately, Alston grinned at the Wild Lord, and said: "Wild Lord, look, the'ghost' people are also half dead, and you also killed Zog's life with your own hands, should your anger disappear? "

"Why, do you mean to let these guys off?" The Wild Lord said unwillingly.

"Yes, let them go!"

Alston smiled, stepped forward, took the shoulders of the Wild Lord, and said: "Wild Lord, give me a face!

Your wild tribes have big business and many people, so you don't need to care about this kind of people. However, my sea demon is now in the period of development and growth. If you kill all these people, I feel sorry for it! "


The savage lord sighed, "It's fine, since you have said so, then I will give you Alston a face, these people, leave it to you!"

"Hahaha, thanks a lot!"

Alston laughed loudly, then looked at the "ghost" pirates, and said coldly: "Are you willing to join my sea lord?"

"Yes! We do!"

"Thank you, Your Excellency Alston, for letting us make a living, thank you!!!"

"In the future, we will definitely swear allegiance to the Sea Demon King, with no two minds!!"

These pirates knelt on the ground and kowtow again and again, grateful to Auston.

Because they know very well that if it weren't for Alston to help speak, they would be dead in horror.

"Remember, what I want is not a verbal guarantee! What I want is actual action!"

Allston swept away indifferently, and continued: "If I see anyone who has a double heart for my Sea Demon in the future, then I will kill him by myself, do you understand?"


All the pirates responded loudly.

"Very well, follow Carol from now on!"

Allston nodded, looked at Carol, and said, "Carol, leave these people to you, is it okay?"

"Boss, no problem!"

Carol nodded vigorously.

"That's good."

Allston patted Carol on the shoulder, then turned to look at the Lord of the Wild, smiled and said: "Lord of the Wild, now the truth of this matter has become clear, now you should admit that you wronged me?"

"What, what do you mean?" The Wild Lord squinted his eyes and asked.

Allston smiled and said, "It's not interesting, but someone said that he would apologize before..."

The Wild Lord's face blushed, and then he coughed twice and shook his voice: "Alston, my Wild Lord can say it, and I can do it.

Since you really didn't do this by the sea demon, and I wronged you, then I should apologize to you, sorry! "

With that, the wild lord was about to bend over, but Alston hurriedly stepped forward, took him up, and said with a smile: "The wild lord, you are on the same level as my boss anyway, both status and status. Higher than me.

It is enough if you can put the bottom down and say sorry to me. How can I make you bend over to me! "

"You kid..."

The savage lord smiled and pointed to Aston, his heart for Aston increased a lot.

"Boss, Lord Wilderness, let's not stand here, walk around, go to my boat, let's have another drink together, how about?" Alston proposed.

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