Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2212: , People get stolen and get!

"I'm OK."

Ye Fei shrugged.

"Well, it's time for us to have a good drink! Today at noon, something was held in my heart, and I didn't drink too much!"

The Wild Lord was in a good mood, and nodded and agreed.

Later, Ye Fei, the Wild Lord and Alston came to the cabin of a main battleship of the Sea Demon King and drank wine.

As for the battlefield outside, Alston ordered the others to clean it.

The savage lord took a glass of wine and said: "Boy, Auston, I am a rough person, and I can't say anything nice!

But, this glass of wine, I should toast you! Today, if the two of you hadn't come to help me find the real culprit, I would still be kept in the dark and make a big mistake! "

Ye Fei and Alston smiled, and raised their wine glasses to clink with the Wild Lord, then the three of them drank in one gulp.

As the saying goes, the brothers meet three bowls of wine, and the brothers talk about two cups of tea.

Any misunderstandings will be wiped out in this wine.

After drinking three cups of wine in a row, the Wild Lord put down the cup, looked at Ye Fei, and slowly said: "Boy, although your strength is now stronger, you even killed the three gods of the Alliance of Gods.

However, my brother, I still want to persuade you to withdraw from this fight. The alliance of the gods has a deep foundation, and there are many masters.

Even if you have fought a **** disciple, have you fought the Lord God again? How strong the **** disciple is, I think you should know better than us.

The strength of the **** disciple is already very strong, but the main **** is above the **** disciple. How strong is the main god, can't you think of it?

So, brother, quit, don’t do unnecessary struggles...I hope I can sit down with you for a drink again next time, instead of being separated from the world, I can only go to your grave and drink with you..."

Speaking of the back, the wild lord's voice was a bit hoarse and low, and he seemed to be able to predict the final outcome.

However, he sincerely regarded Ye Fei as his brother, so he didn't want Ye Fei to go all the way to the dark.

Alston on the side remained silent. The wild lord, who had always been proud and arrogant, was so afraid of the Alliance of Gods. It is conceivable that that power must be really terrifying.

Therefore, he also did not understand why the boss must participate in this struggle?

Ye Fei took a sip of wine, then stared at the Wild Lord, and said: "Primitive, I will ask you a question..."

"Ask, I promise to know everything without saying anything." The Wild Lord said.

"If one day, the Alliance of the Gods launched an attack on your wild tribe and slaughtered the people of your tribe, your relatives, and your friends, what would you do?" Ye Fei asked in a low voice.

The savage lord slammed a fist on the table, and shook his voice: "If there is such a day, even if I die, I will fight to the end with the Alliance of Gods!"

Ye Fei smiled in relief and said faintly: "Primitive, after hearing your answer, it proves that my choice is not wrong..."

"What's the meaning?"

The Wild Lord was shocked, a little unresponsive.

Ye Fei drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, and said in a bleak voice: "Primitive, you know, I have never been a gentleman, let alone a savior.

There are at least tens of thousands of people who die in my hands... Everyone calls me the devil, the devil, the devil... People like me, do you think I will take care of the lives of others? "


The savage lord remained silent.

Indeed, he and Ye Fei are brothers, so he knows Ye Fei very well.

In his heart, Ye Fei is the king of purgatory, a demon crawling out of hell, and has never been a savior.

Therefore, this is also what makes him most puzzled.

Since this kid is not the savior, why should he take care of the life and death of those people in the ancient Chinese martial arts world?

Ye Fei poured himself another glass of wine, took a sip, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and he almost roared, "But, in the ancient martial arts world, there are my relatives, my friends, and my love! !

The League of Gods is making a comeback this time, attacking the ancient martial arts world, and it wants to kill my relatives, my friends, and my love! !

Primitive, you say, can I just watch it? ! If I really don't care, then I will really become a demon, an inhumane demon! !

Therefore, no matter how powerful the Alliance of Gods is, I, Ye Fei, as long as there is a breath, I will resist to the end, even at the expense of my life! ! "

boom! !

Ye Fei's words were like a thunder, which exploded in the head of the wild lord, shaking his eardrums rumbling.

At this moment, he completely understood Ye Fei's difficulties and helplessness.

Yes, if you change to be yourself, I am afraid you will make the same decision as Ye Fei.

To be a human being, there are some things that you can't control yourself.

There are some things that you have to do even if you don’t want to do it.

Auston was also stunned. He was holding the wine glass, his right hand trembling lightly, and it took a while to slow down.

"Boy, I see..."

The savage lord nodded with a wry smile, then filled Ye Fei, Alston, and himself with wine, and said, "Brothers, no matter what tomorrow, today, we won't be drunk or go back!!"

"Haha, well, not drunk or return!"

Ye Feilang laughed, because the words just now had been held in his heart, and he finally said it today, and he felt much more relaxed.

No matter what happens tomorrow, at least for this moment, there is wine, meat and brothers, that's enough.

This meal didn't end until the afternoon. During this period, the three great masters, Ye Fei, Wild Lord and Auston, talked a lot.

From time to time there was laughter, shouts, and even singing in the cabin.

Although the pirates outside felt strange, no one hurried to bother them.

At the end of the drink, the three of Ye Fei were a little drunk, no matter how much they drink.

The Wild Lord finished his last glass of wine, hiccuped, and said, "Well, brother, I had a great drink today. We will save the rest of the wine for the next time..."

"next time……"

Ye Fei murmured, his eyes darkened, and then grinned: "Okay, then drink it next time!"

At this time, the wild lord suddenly stepped forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed Ye Fei's collar, but his eyes revealed anger and intolerance.

"Fool, you have to listen to Lao Tzu, you must live well for Lao Tzu!" The Wild Lord roared.

Ye Fei grabbed the wild lord's hand away and said with a smile: "You idiot, don't **** curse Lao Tzu, I tell you, Lao Tzu will definitely live well!"

"Okay! This is our agreement, don't forget it!!"

The savage lord replied hoarsely, then stood up and said: "Drink what should be drink, and what should be said, brother, go away!!!"

Ye Fei raised his eyes to look at the back of the Wild Lord, and smiled and asked: "Primitive, if I'm really going to be killed by someone from the Alliance of Gods, will you come to help me?"

The savage lord halted in his footsteps and didn't turn his head. He said, "Help me! I'm not like you. He knew he was dead, so he ran to die!

Moreover, if I am alone now, I can still be a fool and accompany you to die!

But, now I have a family, a lover, and a child... If I die, what will they do? ! "

"Very good... I wish you happiness..."

Ye Fei grinned and replied.

"Happy Nima is next door! Big idiot!!"

The savage lord shouted, then opened the curtain and strode out.

After a while, the sound of the ship moving rang, and then the sound became smaller and smaller. It should be that the Wild Lord took his own people and left in the boat.

In the cabin.

Ye Fei leaned on the chair, lit a cigarette, and was silent, smoking mouthfuls.

Of course he knew that the wild lord was worried and reluctant to bear himself.

After all, among the top ten kings, he has the best relationship with the wild lord, the most intimate.

And Alston leaned to the side, smoking a cigarette with Ye Fei.

Until the end of a cigarette, Ye Fei still felt a little depressed in the cabin, and said: "The sea monster, accompany me out to blow the air."

"it is good."

Alston nodded, and then followed Ye Fei out of the cabin.

Coming to the deck outside the cabin, the sun has already set, the sky is slowly darkening, and night and darkness are about to come...

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