Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2213: , Step on your feet!

The sea breeze blew Ye Fei's spirits and his mind became clearer.

Ye Fei and Alston stood on the deck and looked into the distance. For a long time, neither of them spoke a word.

After a full ten minutes of silence, Ye Fei turned his head and asked, "Big monster, do you think my decision was wrong?"

"Boss, as long as you make the decision, my brothers will support it unconditionally."

Alston looked at Ye Fei and said, "Boss, there is no right or wrong decision, as long as you are not ashamed of your heart."

When Ye Fei heard this, he smiled and said: "Yes, it's good to be ashamed of your heart..."

"Boss, how confident are you against the Alliance of the Gods?" Alston asked curiously.

"Thirty percent."

Ye Fei spit out two words lightly.


Alston's face changed drastically, and he trembled: "Thirty...30%?!"

"Yes, maybe there is not even Sancheng."

Ye Fei looked into the distance of the sea and said a little.

"Boss, is the Alliance of Gods really so scary?"

Allston looked at Ye Fei with a complicated expression.

After all, he had never seen the old conference say such aspiring words.

Ye Fei nodded and said helplessly, "Yes, the Alliance of the Gods is terrifying, and their energy is beyond my imagination.

With my current strength, I can barely kill the three low-ranking gods in the League of Gods.

Even facing the top-ranked **** disciples, I am not sure to win, let alone facing the twelve gods..."

"Boss, if that's the case, then let's stop fighting! Since you don't even have a 30% certainty, then you'll be a fart!"

Allston frowned and said, "Boss, why don't you take your relatives and friends to our lost island and stay away from this dispute?"

"It's impossible..."

Ye Fei shook his head and sighed: "I have already forged an enemy with the Alliance of Gods. No matter I escape to the end of the world, they will not let me go.

I'm afraid, now they want me to die more than anyone else...Since they can't escape, they can only fight a fight..."


Allston opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

This is already a dead end, and this crisis, no matter what, must be faced.

Ye Fei sighed and said faintly: "The sea monster, if the Alliance of Gods and the Ancient Alliance go to war, you, Algernon, and Baal should not participate.

The person that the Alliance of Gods hates is me, so I don't want this matter to involve you. "

"Boss, what are you talking about?!"

Allston yelled uncomfortably: "We are brothers, we live and die together, we have gone through ups and downs together, brothers who have come together together!!

Boss, as long as you give an order, my brothers will not frown even if they accompany you up and down the fire! !

If we really die, we will come back in eighteen years, and we will be brothers for the first time! ! "

Be a brother again...

Hearing what Alston said, Ye Fei's heart trembled, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, revealing a smile.

In life, it is enough to have a few brothers who die to accompany you.


Ye Fei let out a foul breath, patted Auston on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Okay! No matter what the alliance of the gods or the alliance of ghosts, we are afraid of him!

Life and death are bearish, just do it if you don't accept it! What's more, in the end, whoever wins is not always certain! ! "

"Haha, boss, this is like you!"

Allston grinned too.

Ye Fei nodded, and then said to Auston: "The sea monster, from Zog's words just now, you can hear that the Alliance of the Gods will not stop there, there will definitely be other incidents.

Therefore, during this period of time, you sea demon must be more vigilant to prevent the people of the Alliance of Gods from causing chaos, understand? "


Allston nodded.

"I will inform Algernon and them now, so that they will also be prepared, so as not to fall into the trap of the Alliance of Gods."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, and then made several calls in a row to tell Algernon and the others about the Alliance of the Gods, and asked them to be vigilant and guarded.

When Algernon and Baal learned that the Alliance of the Gods still existed in this world, they were all very surprised, even shocked.

Especially when they learned that Ye Fei had actually joined the Alliance of the Gods, although Baal and the others had also persuaded Ye Fei to leave the dispute, after learning of Ye Fei’s decision, they did not hesitate and decided to follow Ye Fei. Advance and retreat together.

After receiving the answers and support from Barr and Algernon, Ye Fei was also moved and full of confidence in the future war.

At least, he is not alone in the fight.

There are brothers behind him, so why be afraid?

After making the call, Ye Fei put away the phone.

"Boss, what did they say about Poker Face?" Alston asked.

"Their answer is the same as you." Ye Fei replied.

"Haha, I know, none of our brothers is a scumbag!"

Allston grinned, and then said: "Boss, where are we going now?"

Ye Fei thought for a while and said to Alston: "The sea monster, now send me back to Ninghai. Since the goal of the Alliance of Gods is the Ancient Alliance, I must hurry back to China to deal with the emergencies later. If there is anything in the future, we will contact again."

"Yes, boss!"

Alston nodded, and then let Carol and the others go to work on his own affairs. With a small group of people, he drove a few warships and went straight to China...


Around nine o'clock in the morning the next day.

Ninghai Art Center is already crowded with people.

All kinds of luxury cars parked at the door, highlighting the extraordinary significance of this exhibition.

The outside of the Art Center was full of security guards, and the police also dispatched an armed brigade to maintain law and order.

Reporters from all over the world have seized good positions one after another, preparing to report on today’s fashion exhibition jointly organized by Huaxia and Faguo ESMOD Fashion Academy and famous fashion academies in other countries.

As wealthy businessmen and celebrities from all over the world have entered the art center on the red carpet, this large-scale fashion exhibition has gradually begun.

At this time, a Maserati president drove slowly from afar and stopped at the door of the Art Center.

The door opened, and a pair of beautiful sisters walked out of the car.

One of the older women was wearing a dark blue dress with diamonds dotted with diamonds, and a pair of silver-gray shiny wafer high heels stepped on her feet. She looked simple, elegant, fashionable and generous.

Although women's clothes are very common in this place where fashion celebrities gather, but women's looks can't be ignored.

The woman's beautiful eyes are as bright as autumn water, with crooked moonbrows, long eyelashes, and plump and red lips. Not to mention the delicate features, the temperament is extraordinarily elegant, like a fairy walking out of a picture scroll.

The girl next to the woman, although she is not too old, has a full upper circumference, slender waist and hips, slender legs and fair calf, her features are exquisite, and she has a hint of charm.

She was wearing a black knee-length skirt, and her big smart eyes slid around like an elf.

These sisters are Gu Qingcheng and Gu Xiaoran.

The appearance of the two women immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Gu Qingcheng was no stranger to these gazes. Although he wanted to be low-key, no matter how low-key, his appearance was placed here, it would still attract the attention of others.

However, she didn't care about these people now, she was depressed.

A few days ago, she told Ye Fei that she would accompany her to participate in this fashion show, but no one has seen it until now.

"Sister, didn't you say that Brother Fei would also come, why did we come and didn't even see his figure?" Gu Xiaoran asked, looking around.

Gu Qingcheng frowned and said, "Forget it, don't worry about him, whether he loves to come or not. Let's go, let's go in first."

"Oh, OK……"

Gu Xiaoran nodded, unable to hide the loss in his eyes.

After all, she hadn't seen Ye Fei these days, and she really missed this bad guy a bit.

Immediately, when Gu Qingcheng and Gu Xiaoran were about to turn around and walk into the hall, a very magnetic male voice came over.

"Oh, two dear ladies, what trouble makes you frown?"

When Gu Qingcheng and Gu Xiaoran turned their heads, they saw a tall, tall and tall white man with medium-length blond hair, wearing blue tailored suits, walking over...

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