Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2218: , Sincerely fearful!

Not long after that, when Xia Kexin finished introducing the design concepts.

The host once again stepped onto the stage and said with a smile: "Dear judges and designers, after everyone has watched these three wedding dresses, I think everyone should have their own scoring standards in their hearts.

So, please let the judges rate our Miss Xia's work now! "

When the host's voice fell.

All the judges present unanimously raised the scoreboard.



"Still very much!"


The host reported the scores scored by the six judges one by one.

Undoubtedly, these three soulful and perfect wedding dresses won unanimous praise from all the judges and won the only full score in the audience, a ten.

"Congratulations to Miss Xia for getting the best result of this fashion show, let us give Miss Xia a warm applause!" The host said with excitement.

Happiness! ! ...

Everyone stood up and applauded, with thunderous applause, wishing to overturn the entire roof.

Xia Kexin looked at the smiles on everyone's faces, and when she heard the deafening applause, her eyes were slightly red, and she wept with joy.

And one of the judges in the audience, Belis also gave Xia Kexin encouraging and affirmative eyes.

This girl from China really didn't let her down. There was huge energy in her small body.

Bellis is already certain that in the future, Xia Kexin will become the "queen queen" of the world.

Ye Fei looked at the glittering **** the stage, smiled softly, and said faintly: "Ke Xin finally did it, she is one step closer to her dream..."

"Yes, it seems that asking her to leave the company was the most correct choice."

Gu Qingcheng also nodded, happy for Xia Kexin's achievements.

She obviously didn't expect that the shy little girl who was in the company back then had such great potential in wedding dress design.

"I will also fight for my dream, and in the future, I will also be as good as sister Kexin!"

Gu Xiaoran raised her small fist and yelled like a chicken blood.

"Xiao Ran, what is your dream?" Ye Fei asked curiously.

"Uh...I don't know yet."

Gu Xiaoran shook his head grinningly.


Ye Fei was speechless and said, "Then you should play less games, and think about what your dream is..."

"Hmph, Brother Fei, don't look down on people. I will definitely find my dream soon and realize my dream!" Gu Xiaoran said with a face.

"Well, come on!"

Ye Fei held back his laugh and raised his fist at Gu Xiaoran.

With the passage of time, this fashion show, which lasted a whole day, came to an end.

After the exhibition, the guests and friends also left one after another.

When the sisters Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng came outside the hall, they found that the sky was already dark.

"Brother Fei, Sister Fei, it's late, let's go find a restaurant for dinner!" Gu Xiaoran suggested.

"Yes, but let's wait for Kexin to come, let's go together again, I have already contacted her just now."

Ye Fei said something, then glanced at Gu Qingcheng.

He thought that Gu Qingcheng would refuse, but he didn't expect that the woman nodded and agreed without any hesitation.

After waiting for a while, a slender figure ran out of the venue.

"Kexin, here!"

Ye Fei waved at Xia Kexin.

"Brother Ye Fei!"

Xia Kexin yelled with a smile, and then ran over.

"Mr. Gu and Xiao Ran, hello!"

Xia Kexin greeted the Gu Qingcheng sisters softly.

Gu Qingcheng smiled softly, walked forward and hugged Xia Kexin, and said, "Kexin, don't call me President Gu in the future. You can call me Qingcheng directly or Sister Gu."


With a sweet smile on her face, Xia Kexin nodded.

"Sister Kexin, the three wedding dresses you showed on the stage just now are so beautiful, I really like them!" Gu Xiaoran said with a look of admiration.

Xia Kexin smiled slightly and said, "Xiao Ran, if you like it, then I can give you the third wedding dress. Anyway, the third wedding dress is also tailor-made for you."

"Send... to me? Really...really?!"

Gu Xiaoran suddenly became excited.

"Of course it is true. The three wedding dresses were originally intended to be given to Sister Gu, Sister Lan and you." Xia Kexin said generously.

"Ke Xin, is this a bit uncomfortable... Those three wedding dresses are your painstaking effort, we can't ask you for nothing, you say a price, I will buy those three wedding dresses."

Gu Qingcheng really likes those three wedding dresses, so no matter how much money she spends, she is willing to buy them.


At this moment, Ye Fei came over, coughed slightly, and said, "Qingcheng, everyone will be a family in the future. It hurts feelings to talk about money or something."

"Who is with your family!"

"That is, I don't want to be with your family until I get married!"

Gu Qingcheng and Gu Xiaoran both stunned Ye Fei at the same time, and then took Xia Kexin's hand and said, "Go, Kexin, ignore this guy, let's eat!"

Having said that, the third daughter turned and walked in the direction of the parking lot.

"Oh, my dears, wait for me!"

Ye Fei grinned and quickly followed.

After getting in the car, Ye Fei drove the car intently, while the three daughters Gu Qingcheng, Gu Xiaoran and Xia Kexin were chatting, very lively.

Ye Fei wanted to interrupt, but the three girls ignored him at all.

However, Ye Fei also thought it was pretty good, as long as the women can get along well, that would be great.

Talking all the way, Ye Fei took the three women to find a restaurant and had dinner together.

After dinner, the four of Ye Fei came to the outside of the restaurant.

"Brother Ye Fei, I am going back to Fa Nation tomorrow, can you accompany me tonight?"

Xia Kexin asked weakly.

Ye Fei wanted to nod directly and agree, but when he thought that the Gu Qingcheng sisters were still there, it was a bit unpleasant to agree directly, so he turned his head and looked at the two women, wanting to ask for their opinions.

Gu Qingcheng glanced at Ye Fei, and then said, "Ye Fei, you can accompany Kexin tonight."

"it is good."

Ye Fei nodded, and said, "Why don't I take you home first?"

"No, I drove back with Xiao Ran."

Gu Qingcheng shook his head, and then left the restaurant with Gu Xiaoran and drove away.

When the Gu Qingcheng sisters left, Ye Fei looked at Xia Kexin and said with a smile: "Oh, Kexin, it's too early, or let's go to the hotel to open a room."


Xia Kexin was shocked immediately, and said nervously: "Brother Ye Fei, you... why are you thinking about these things in your head?"

Thinking of the madness with the man in the hotel that night, after being separated from the man these few days, she was really a little uncomfortable, a little bit unaware.

Thinking of this, her body and face couldn't help getting a little hot.

"What are you thinking about? I mean I want to take you to practice exercises!" Ye Fei said with a smirk.

"Practicing, what kind of practice?"

Xia Kexin looked at Ye Fei curiously.

"Go, Kexin, while we are looking for a hotel, I will tell you."

Ye Fei said something, and then holding Xia Kexin's little hand, he left the restaurant and walked onto a more prosperous pedestrian street.

Walking on the road, Ye Fei said: "Ke Xin, since that happened two days ago, I have thought about teaching you to practice ancient martial arts.

However, cultivating ancient martial arts is not an easy task. The reason why I want to teach you to practice ancient martial arts is to let you better protect yourself in the future. How is it, do you want to learn? "

"Brother Ye Fei, what is Gu Wu?" Xia Kexin asked with a confused expression.

"What is Guwu? This concept is too broad. If you really want to tell you, you can't finish it for three days and three nights."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "However, if you have read martial arts novels or movies, you should be able to understand that the heroes in there are ancient martial arts."

"Then if I practice Guwu, will I become very powerful?"

Xia Kexin suddenly became interested.

"Well, as long as your talent is high enough and you practice harder, it won't be difficult to become a master."

Ye Fei nodded and continued: "Furthermore, by practicing ancient martial arts to great success, you can also prolong your life, and your appearance will not be old..."

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