Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2219: , The goddess of grace!

Xia Kexin was not so interested in practicing ancient martial arts to become a master hero, but when she heard that practicing ancient martial arts could keep her youth forever, Xia Kexin's eyes lit up.

"Brother Ye Fei, cultivating ancient martial arts can really keep your youth forever and delay the aging of your face?!"

Xia Kexin blinked and looked at Ye Fei with big eyes, her eyes full of expectation.

Ye Fei was a little funny, but as expected, delaying the aging of the face and keeping youth forever is a fatal temptation for every woman.

"Yes, as long as you cultivate the ancient martial arts to great success, you can do it."

Ye Fei smiled and nodded.

"Well, Ye Fei brother, then you teach me to practice ancient martial arts!" Xia Kexin said excitedly.

"Okay, let's open a room first, and I will teach you well."


After a while, Ye Fei found a mid-range hotel and opened a suite.

After entering the room, Xia Kexin couldn't wait to say: "Brother Ye Fei, let's start!"

"What did you start?" Ye Fei said.

"Aren't you going to teach me to practice ancient martial arts?" Xia Kexin said with a smile.

"Silly girl, it's still early, what's the hurry?"

Ye Fei touched the girl's smooth and delicate face, and said, "Let's take a shower first. I've been running around abroad in the past two days, and my body is stinking."

"OK then."

Xia Kexin nodded, and said: "Brother Ye Fei, then you go and wash first, and I will go and wash after you finish washing."

"Don't, let's wash it together. Just while washing, I can also tell you some matters and methods of practicing ancient martial arts." Ye Fei said seriously.

Xia Kexin always felt that the man was making a bad idea, but without thinking about it, she nodded and agreed.

After walking into the bathroom, I found that it was not a shower, but a relatively large bathtub.

Ye Fei adjusted the water temperature and filled the bathtub with water.

After that, Ye Fei stripped himself completely, and then sat in without shame.

"Ke Xin, take off your clothes and come in!"

With a smirk at the corner of Ye Fei's mouth, he beckoned to Xia Kexin.

Xia Kexin suddenly realized that the man must be making some bad idea, and said: "Brother Ye Fei, take your time to wash, I will go out and wait for you first."

With that, Xia Kexin was about to turn around and go out, but Ye Fei directly grabbed Xia Kexin's hand, and then gently pulled it.


Xia Kexin screamed, fell directly into the bathtub and fell into Ye Fei's arms.

"Brother Ye Fei, what are you doing, my clothes are all wet!" Xia Kexin said a bit wronged.

"It's okay, it's more **** when wet."

Ye Feixie smiled and looked at Xia Kexin, not to mention, the girl's figure is really expected.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Kexin felt a big hand starting to haunt her. She bit her lip and tremblingly said: "Brother Ye't you say you want to teach me to practice ancient martial arts..."


Ye Fei nodded, reached Xia Kexin's ear, and said softly: "However, before practicing Guwu, let's do business first..."

"Wh...what business..."

Xia Kexin felt her whole body limp, and her breathing was a little short when she was pushed by the man.

"What do you say?"

Ye Fei asked with a deep breath.

"I... I don't know..."

"Since I don't know, let me tell you..."

After speaking, Ye Fei took off the girl’s clothes three times.

After just a while, in the hazy water vapor, bursts of sluggish sound echoed throughout the bathroom, like the most beautiful symphony played by a man and a woman...

This bath took more than an hour to end.

When Ye Fei walked out of the bathroom holding Xia Kexin, Xia Kexin felt soft and her pores couldn't stand the stimulation just now, and they were all trembling.

After arriving in the room, Ye Fei gently put the woman on the bed, then put on a pair of shorts, and said: "Ke Xin, you take a rest first, I will help you write a set of cultivation methods now, wait a moment. In a moment, I'll be fine."


Xia Kexin flushed and nodded obediently.

Seeing Xia Kexin's pleasant appearance, and the exquisite figure set off under that thin quilt, Ye Fei couldn't wait to fight again.

But when he thought that there was still work he hadn't done, Ye Fei suppressed the anger in his heart, found a piece of paper and a pen in the living room, then went to the table in the room and started to write.

In fact, on the way to the hotel just now, Ye Fei had already figured out what mentality he would let Xia Kexin cultivate.

After all, I once lived with a beautiful master, and at the request of the beautiful master, I have read countless ancient books and classics and various ancient martial arts cultivation methods.

Therefore, Ye Fei's brain is like a mobile library, able to quickly find out suitable mental methods for women to practice.

Xia Kexin got up gently on the bed, put on a nightgown, and then lay on the bed, tilting her head and looking at Ye Fei's profile.

Looking at it, Xia Kexin's face became a little hot and flushed.

Don't say it, serious men are really handsome.

After only twenty minutes, Ye Fei finished writing silently.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Xia Kexin looking at herself with big eyes blinking.

"Silly girl, what are you looking at?"

Ye Fei stepped forward, lowered his head and kissed Xia Kexin's forehead.

"I didn't look at anything, I just want to see what you look like when you do things seriously." Xia Kexin smiled.

"What does that look like?"

Ye Fei grinned and said, "Isn't he handsome?"

"Hey, I'm not handsome, just like a child doing homework." Xia Kexin said with a chuckle.

"Okay, girl, have you learned how to hurt people?"

Ye Fei tutted his mouth and slapped the woman's hip.


Xia Kexin opened her beautiful watery eyes aggrievedly, and said: " were so bad to me just now, can't I hurt you a bit?"

"Yes, of course."

Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth, "However, you will know that you are wrong in a moment."

Seeing the man's wicked smiling face, Xia Kexin immediately reacted and said, "Bad guy, teach me to practice ancient martial arts well later, don’t bully me!"

"Well, I promise not to bully you."

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Now let's start, I will teach you to recognize acupoints and find acupoints first, then I will teach you how to practice, and then I will explain this ancient martial art to you."

"it is good."

Xia Kexin nodded obediently.

In the following time, Ye Fei spent more than an hour teaching Xia Kexin the matters and methods of cultivation.

Although Xia Kexin is not as talented as Gu Xiaoran, but fortunately she is smart, so she learns quickly.

Therefore, in just over an hour, Xia Kexin basically knew how to practice ancient martial arts.

Later, Ye Fei handed the ancient martial arts mental technique silently written to Xia Kexin, saying: "Ke Xin, this ancient martial arts mental technique is called the'Three Lives Taoism'. It is a relatively peaceful mental technique. Used in conjunction with various ancient martial arts moves.

The ‘three lives’ means the ‘three lives’...In Buddhism, a person has three lives, namely the previous life, the present life, and the next life. The three Buddhas in charge are: the previous Buddha lights the lamp, the current Buddha Tathagata, and the next Buddha Maitreya...

The Three Lives and Three Worlds also refer to the true meaning of all life and this academy, and this inner strength is to trace the origin and repeat the cycle..."

Xia Kexin didn't understand it at first, but after Ye Fei's explanation, she also understood it.

After introducing the "Three Lives Taoism" to Xia Kexin, Ye Fei began to teach Xia Kexin how to practice and how to find the sense of qi...

Time passed slowly, and it was two o'clock in the morning in a blink of an eye.

Xia Kexin opened her eyes and said distressedly: "Brother Ye Fei, am I stupid? Why can't I find a sense of breath for a few hours?"

"Ke Xin, one way of cultivating, don't be impatient, haste will not be achieved."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "Moreover, if the sense of anger is really so easy to find, wouldn't the ancient martial masters in this world just leave?

So, don’t get discouraged and look for it slowly. Your qualifications are pretty good. You can find a sense of breath in a few weeks at most..."


Xia Kexin raised hope again.

"of course it's true."

Ye Fei nodded, and then said: "Okay, it's late, let's go to sleep."

"it is good."

Xia Kexin nodded, and then said: "Brother Ye Fei, go to bed as soon as you go to bed, don't mess around."

"Oh, I don't know how long it will take to meet..."

Ye Fei threw the woman onto the bed and said with a wicked smile: "So, let's mess around..."

Xia Kexin couldn't help but scorching hot and tremblingly: "Brother Ye Fei, don't..."


However, before Xia Kexin finished speaking, Ye Fei blocked the woman's red lips...

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