Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2220: , Stay with me tonight!

Around two o'clock in the morning.

The crescent moon is high above the sky, and the stars are a little bit more starry.

Guwujie, southwest.

The mountains are surrounded by clouds and mist, and the mountains are filled with mist, shrouded in endlessly changing rugged rocks, making the whole mountain like a fairyland.

The quaint buildings are located among them, revealing a simple and solemn atmosphere.

And here, it is one of the eight sects of Guwu, the real location of the Kunlun sect.

At this time it was getting late, most of the Wudang faction had already rested, and only a few of the houses were still lit.

However, under the Wudang Sect's mountain, there are some disciples wearing black gold-rimmed robes and holding swords in their hands, patrolling the surroundings, paying attention to the surrounding movement at any time.

However, at this moment, a tall figure, wearing a purple robe and covering his face, seemed to appear suddenly, and slowly walked over from a distance.

Because this figure is wearing a robe and covering his face, he can't see his figure and face, only those blue eyes can be seen.

When this figure approached, the disciples of the Kunlun School suddenly reacted.


A dozen disciples hurriedly gathered around, looking at this figure with vigilant expressions.

"Express your name!"

A leading disciple said in a solemn voice.

"Report your name? Haha, do you deserve it just by you?"

A thick and weird voice rang.

Although he couldn't see the face of this figure clearly, he could tell that it was a man.

"What do you mean?!"

The leading local disciple frowned, and said coldly: "This is the Kunlun school. What is your purpose when you sneak up here in the middle of the night?!"


The man in the purple robe said lightly, then stretched out his hands.

Zi Zi Zi! ! ...

I saw two purple electric currents flashing on the hands of the purple-robed man!

"This...what kind of effort is this?!"

A Kunlun school disciple suddenly exclaimed.

The other Kunlun faction disciples present also watched this scene dumbfounded, and were shocked and speechless.

At this time, the leading disciple also realized that something was wrong, immediately drew out the sword in his hand, and shouted: "Quick! Take him down!!"

Give an order.

Shit! ! ...

All of a sudden, five or six Kunlun disciples drew their long swords and rushed towards the purple-robed man!

Swish! ! ...

The sword light flickered, a silver long sword glowing with cold light, with a strong murderous intent, slashed towards the purple-robed man!

Although these disciples are only at a low level in the Kunlun School, they are just watching the gate, but at any rate, each of them is a warrior at the peak of the mid-term to late-term acquired, so the strength is not too weak!

However, seeing these Kunlun disciples killing themselves, the purple-robed man's eyes were full of disdain, looking at them as if looking at a dead person.

He just lifted his hands, and the two electric currents in his hands suddenly formed a long whip formed by six electric currents, like a poisonous snake in the dark night, directly entangled these six Kunlun disciples!


The man in the purple robe spit out a word faintly.

Immediately, only a few explosions of "Peng Peng Peng" were heard!

I saw that the six Kunlun disciples were hit by this electric current, and they were directly shattered by the electricity. There was no bones left, leaving only six pools of blood flowing on the ground!

Until death, these six people did not have time to scream!


"This... who is this guy? Isn't it too scary?!"

"How come I was hit by his electricity, and the brothers are gone?!"

The remaining Kunlun disciples were frightened and trembling all over, afraid to step forward.

"Second Junior Brother, Third Junior Brother, Fourth Junior Brother... The seven of us joined forces to stop him, and the others hurried to the mountain to notify others!"

The leading disciple immediately issued the order.


The remaining disciples nodded one after another, six of them stayed, and the other three quickly turned around and ran up the mountain.

The purple-robed man saw the three run away and was about to catch up, but the remaining seven disciples held long swords and surrounded him.

"Senior brothers, Qianyuan Seven Star Formation! Arrangement! Qiankun!!"

The leading disciple shouted.

"Qian Yuan!"

"Dry Star!"

"Dry Gang!"


Immediately, the seven Kunlun disciples began to line up.

They stood in the same position as the Big Dipper in the sky, combined offense and defense ingeniously, and launched a fierce attack on the purple-robed man!

Shoo! !

The sound of breaking through the air sounded one after another, and the seven long swords pierced the air, stabbing seven deadly parts of the purple robe man from seven directions!

However, the man in the purple robe stood still, motionless, not feeling how powerful the sword formations of these seven disciples were.

No matter how many ants there are, to him, it is just ants.

Just as the seven people approached, the purple-robed man waved his arms and shouted in a low voice, "Heaven descends from the gods!"

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Suddenly, there seemed to be seven violent thunders falling from the sky, smashing down at the seven disciples!

"This...what is this?!"

The seven disciples raised their eyes to see this scene, their eyes were full of horror, and it was impossible to avoid them.

boom! !

Boom boom boom! !

Seven violent thunders landed one by one, hitting the bodies of seven disciples with precision and accuracy!

Accompanied by several roars and explosions, the seven disciples have been smashed into pieces, and those who die can't die again!

At this time, the three Kunlun disciples who had run a little far turned their heads and glanced, and they were suddenly scared into cold sweat.

"Quickly go! Go and notify the boss!!"

One disciple was so scared that his heart was beating wildly, and he said aloud to the other two disciples.


The two disciples nodded vigorously.

However, just as they turned and prepared to continue running up the mountain, a figure had already blocked them.

As soon as the three disciples looked up, they saw that the man in the purple robe who was still at the foot of the mountain just now appeared in front of them.

"You... are you a man or a ghost?!"

A disciple swallowed his throat straight, his face turned pale in fright.

"I'm not a human, nor a ghost..."

The purple-robed man jokingly smiled and said, "I am a god..."

The voice did not fall.

Whoosh! !

A purple moan flashed across the three disciples like a flash of lightning!

When the purple-robed man turned around and continued to walk up the mountain, the three disciples' eyes widened to the extreme with horror, thumped and fell to the ground.

And in each of them, there was an extra hole the size of a fist that was turned into coke by electricity.

The blood was flowing freely, and the three disciples had already died.

This purple-robed man ran all the way to the mountain. All Kunlun disciples who encountered obstacles on the road, no matter whether these disciples were acquired or innate, were given a shot by him, without any drag.

Moreover, because the purple-robed man killed too fast, those Kunlun disciples died before they had time to scream.

Therefore, the purple-robed man did not arouse the awareness of other Kunlun faction...

Around 2:30 in the morning.

On the mountain, near the center of the building complex, the lights are still on in a quaint house.

In the room, a handsome middle-aged man wearing a black and white robe with two white brushes was sitting on a bed cultivating.

This man is the current leader of the Kunlun School, Shao Qianjue, who has also been named a "Thousand Jue Taoist".

Shao Qianjue would meditate in his room until late every night, and when Shao Qianjue was practicing, no one dared to come over and interrupt.

However, at this moment, a purple figure jumped down from the roof of the opposite building and landed gently in the courtyard.

This purple figure was the man in the purple robe who had killed all the way from the foot of the mountain.

The purple-robed man squinted his eyes and looked around. After making sure that there was no one, he walked towards the bright room.

After arriving at the door, the purple-robed man directly pushed open the closed wooden door.

However, as soon as the door was pushed open, Shao Qianjue flew out directly, raised a palm that condensed Guiyuan's true energy, and patted the man in the purple robe!


The purple-robed man sneered, and directly raised a punch to greet him!

boom! !

Zhen Qi collided with thunder and lightning, and there was a burst of explosion!

Shao Qianjue and the man in the purple robe were all shaken back a few steps!

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