Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2222: , God thunder from heaven!

Shortly after the purple-robed man left, there was a sudden movement around the house where Shao Qianjue was.

I saw that a group of Kunlun disciples hurried over towards the house.

Just now, the sound of Shao Qianjue fighting with the man in the purple robe was not small, so it attracted the attention of the Kunlun children who were guarding a few hundred meters away.

Therefore, they wanted to come over and see what happened.

However, when dozens of Kunlun disciples rushed to the courtyard, they were all shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

The entire yard has become devastated, and the ground is full of scorched potholes.

The stone piers and potted plants placed in the yard were all found damaged.

Broken trees, flowers, and stones are scattered everywhere.

"This... what happened here just now?!"

"How did it become like this here?!"

"Could it be that there was a fight here just now?!"

Just when all the disciples were muttering to themselves and were puzzled, an exclamation suddenly sounded in the crowd.


Immediately, I saw a disciple running towards the place near the courtyard wall.

The other disciples present also ran over.

When they saw Shao Qianjue who was covered in blood, all of them were scared to death.

"Head, are you all right, head?"

A disciple squatted down quickly and shouted a few times.

However, there was no response.

Therefore, this disciple hurriedly probed Shao Qianjue's breath, his face changed drastically, and he trembled and said: "The head... the head is dead..."

"What?! Dead?!"

"How is it possible... how can the martial arts of the master be so powerful, how could he die?!"

"Moreover, we have been guarding the outside, and we haven't found anyone breaking in?"

The disciples present were shocked, and obviously felt that Shao Qianjue's death was too strange.

"Quickly, you guys quickly notify the deputy head and the elders! You guys, quickly go and notify the other brothers on the mountain. Anyone who finds something sneaky, just take it!!"

A leading disciple immediately issued an order to the two groups of disciples present.


The two groups of disciples in Deling nodded again and again, and then hurriedly left the courtyard.

After waiting for a while, I saw that several figures passed over and landed steadily in the courtyard.

The few disciples who stayed turned their heads and saw that it was Kunlun’s deputy head He Zhanpeng, as well as the elders of Ziwei, Zixing and Ziyun among the seven heads of Kunlun, who arrived first with light power.

"He head!"

"Elder Ziwei! Elder Zixing! Elder Ziyun!"

The disciples present greeted respectfully.

He Zhanpeng and the three elders nodded, with a gloomy face, and walked directly towards Shao Qianjue.

Just now on the way here, they had heard the disciple tell the news of Shao Qianjue's death.

He Zhanpeng and the three elders squatted down and checked Shao Qianjue's injuries.

After the inspection, He Zhanpeng looked at the three elders and asked in a deep voice: "Three elders, you three are familiar with martial arts in the world, can you see who the master brother was killed by?"

One of them was wearing a gray robe with long gray hair. The thin-faced old man frowned and said, "The injuries on Shao's body are really weird. Wounded by martial arts..."

"Elder Zixing, don't even you know?" He Zhanpeng looked at the gray-robed elder and asked suspiciously.


Elder Zixing sighed lightly and nodded.

"There are several black fist marks on Shao's chest, which should be injured by some fist.

Being able to leave three fist marks on Shao's head, it is conceivable that the opponent's fist strength is not small.

However, it is not the injury on the chest that really killed the head of Shao, but the injury on the back..." The elder Ziwei, who was about 1.65 meters tall, said with wrinkles in the corners of his eyes.

This head is the only woman among the seven elders of Kunlun, with the Taoist name "Ziwei". Although she is a female generation, her martial arts is not weak, and her cultivation is in the realm of Dacheng Dacheng.

Hearing the words of Elder Ziwei, all the eyes of everyone present turned to the back of Shao Qianjue.

I saw that Shao Qianjue was **** behind him, his skin was ripped apart, leaving three black holes of blood, which looked terrifying.

"Such an injury old man is still unheard of..."

Elder Ziyun, with narrow eyes and short gray hair, frowned and said coldly, "What kind of vicious martial arts is it that can leave such terrifying wounds on people?"

Everyone was silent, and no one in the room knew what martial arts Shao Qianjue was hurt by.

In this way, no one would know what kind of person had killed Shao Qianjue.

There was an angry look on everyone's face, and they felt a cloud of dark clouds covering the sky, making people unable to figure out the truth.

"In any case, we must find the murderer who killed the senior brother! Who dares to come to my Kunlun to kill, it is lawless!" He Zhanpeng clenched his fist and said fiercely.

"Yes, we must find the murderer and avenge the boss!"

"Vengeance! Revenge!!"

Several disciples present also yelled.

He Zhanpeng turned his head to look at the disciples present, and said, "Have you notified the other brothers to search around?"

"Back to the head of He, I have sent someone to inform the other brothers, everyone should be searching for the whereabouts of the murderer now." A disciple replied.

"I'm afraid, we can't catch the murderer..."

Elder Ziyun thought for a while, sighed and shook his head.

"Elder Ziyun, why do you say that?" He Zhanpeng frowned and asked.

"Since the murderer can avoid so many lines of defense in my Kunlun, come here and kill Shao's head. That suffices to show that this murderer is very powerful.

Since he can easily come in, he naturally has a way to evacuate quickly..." Elder Ziyun replied.


Just when He Zhanpeng was about to speak, an elongated shout came.

A disciple ran over in a panic.

"What's the panic, say, what's the matter!" He Zhanpeng scolded.

The disciple swallowed his throat and said, "Go back to the head of He, the brothers who guarded the mountain gate are all dead..."

"What?! All dead?!"

When He Zhanpeng heard it, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Don't talk nonsense! There are at least hundreds of disciples guarding the mountain gate, are they all dead?" The elder Zixing said with no anger and majesty.

This disciple trembled, with a deep look of horror on his face, and said: "Yes...Elder Purple Star, more than a hundred brothers are all dead.

These senior brothers died miserably, some broke their hands and feet, some were pierced in their chests, and some left only their clothes, and even the corpses were not found..."


When everyone heard it, they all took a breath.

Although they didn't see it with their own eyes, it was enough to imagine the scene.

Moreover, what is even more shocking is that after killing hundreds of people, the murderer can still be unaware of it.

These strengths and methods are simply too bad.

"Three elders, what should we do now?"

He Zhanpeng frowned, looked at the three elders, and said, "Now that we can't even find the murderer, how can we avenge the head brother?"

"Since the murderer killed so many people, there must be any clues left here."

Elder Ziyun said with a sullen face, "Look around and see if you can find any clues!"


For a while, everyone started looking for clues everywhere.

"Found it! I found the clue!!"

After a while, a pleasant surprise sounded.

"What clue?"

He Zhanpeng and others turned to look at the disciple who was talking.

Holding a black token in his hand, this disciple ran over and handed the token to He Zhanpeng.

As a result, He Zhanpeng glanced at the token, his face suddenly changed, "Kongtong?! Could it be someone from the Kongtong faction?!"

Elder Ziyun took the token and took a closer look, and said in a puzzled way: "This is indeed a token of the Kongtong School, but we all know the martial arts of the Kongtong School.

If it was really done by people from the Kongtong faction, then we can see the injuries on Shao's head. However, the injuries on Shao's head were obviously not the result of the Kongtong school's martial arts.

Besides, we Kunlun and Kongtong faction have always kept the well water and not the river water. Why did they kill Shao's head? "

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