Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2223: , The goal is eliminated!

"Elder Ziyun is right."

Elder Ziwei nodded and said, "Moreover, now is the critical period of confrontation between our Ancient Alliance and the Alliance of Gods. I think that at this time, the Kongtong faction shouldn't do such a thing..."

"Could it be said that the head of Shao had an feud with the Kongtong faction, which caused the murder?"

Elder Zixing took the sentence.

Others present also looked confused, not knowing what was going on.

"Elder Ziyun, since the token of the Kongtong faction has fallen here, then this matter must have something to do with the Kongtong faction."

He Zhanpeng said with a sullen face, "So, we should rush to the Kongtong school as soon as possible and ask what is going on."

"Okay, then we will place the bodies of Shao Master and the other dead brothers tonight, and we will leave tomorrow!" Elder Ziyun said.


The others nodded and agreed.


at the same time.

Guwujie, southeast.

There is an open plain area, mountains and rivers alternate, and the scenery is pleasant. It is a treasured land of geomantic omen.

The Kongtong School, one of the eight martial arts sects in the ancient martial arts world, is located here.

It was already around three in the morning.

In the Kongtong School, except for the disciple who guarded the gate, all the other disciples had fallen asleep.

However, on the training ground, there was a middle-aged man who did not fall asleep, but was practicing.

Around the training ground, there are many wooden shelves, and on the shelves are all kinds of weapons such as knives, guns, swords, sticks, shovel, hooks, and whips.

In addition to the shelves for placing weapons, there are also some stone piers, wooden stakes and grass men on the training ground, which are used to practice martial arts for the disciples of the Kongtong School.

Because the Kongtong school's martial arts draws on the strengths of others, and integrates them with each other, many new martial arts have been created.

The eight gates of Flying Dragon Gate, Chasing Soul Gate, Seizing Life Gate, Zuimen Gate, Shenquan Gate, Flower Frame Gate, Cavalry Gate, and Xuankong Gate contain all the martial arts of Kongtong School.

This middle-aged man who is still practicing hard so late is the head of the Kongtong School, Chen Yinfeng.

"Chasing Soul Punch!!"

Chen Yinfeng yelled and punched directly at the stone pier opposite.

boom! !

This huge stone pier couldn't bear Chen Yinfeng's cultivation at the Yuan Xiaocheng realm, and was directly exploded with a punch!

The rubble flies, the dust flies!

"Death palm!!"

Chen Yinfeng let out another soft drink, turned his fist into a palm, and patted a stone pier next to him!

boom! !

A palm fell, and the heavy stone pier exploded directly from the middle, torn apart!


Chen Yinfeng let out a foul breath, and then drew a sword from the shelf with a "cock".

With a flip of his wrist, there was a "buzz", and the sword body trembled slightly!

"Soul Chasing Sword!!"

The voice fell.

Chen Yinfeng stepped on light work with his feet, his body tumbling up in the air, and then up and down, stabbing towards a wooden stake!

With a "click", Chen Yinfeng pierced through this wooden stake with a sword!

Moreover, at the moment Chen Yinfeng drew his sword, only a "bang" was heard, and the entire wooden stake was smashed into pieces!

After Chen Yinfeng finished practicing swordsmanship, he began to practice swordsmanship again.

No matter what weapon Chen Yinfeng used, he was handy, and he was able to display the power of these weapons such as swords, guns and sticks.

However, at this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared on the ground of the training ground.

Seeing this shadow, Chen Yinfeng yelled coldly, "Who?!"

However, there was no one on the training ground, only the extra figure on the ground.

Chen Yinfeng suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and he seemed to feel that someone should be coming, but he couldn't feel the breath of this person.

He stood in the middle of the training ground, looking around, but still did not see anyone approaching.

Is it because you are too sensitive, but no one is close at all?

Chen Yinfeng wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling that he should be sleepy.

Just when Chen Yinfeng was about to leave the training ground, he saw a person suddenly appeared ten meters in front of him, that is, where there were more figures on the ground just now.

The man was wearing a black robe and a hood, and he couldn't see his looks at all.

Moreover, this person is only one meter and seven feet tall, not tall, but he is full of strange auras.


Chen Yinfeng stepped forward directly and stared at this person closely.

"Are you Chen Yinfeng, the head of Kongtong?"

This person asked lightly, his voice was hoarse and hard to hear, and the Chinese language was also very stiff, but he could be heard as a man.

"I am Chen Yinfeng! Who are you and why do you suddenly appear in the ancestral land of my Kongtong School?!"

Chen Yinfeng was surrounded by a large number of men in black robes, but found that he couldn't feel the breath of this person, and he didn't even breathe.

If he hadn't seen a shadow on the ground, he would have thought he was hell.

"You don't need to know who I am... You just need to know, today is your death date..."

The black-robed man responded faintly, then raised his head.

I saw that this black robe man was wearing a black mask, only two eyes were exposed and his face was invisible.

"My death date? Haha, I think you are dreaming!"

Chen Yinfeng laughed wildly and shook his voice: "Don't pretend to be a ghost, let's talk, what kind of school are you, why did you come here to kill me?"

However, the black-robed man didn't answer his words, but rushed towards Chen Yinfeng with a "swish".

"Since you don't say it, then I will fight until you say it!"

Chen Yinfeng sneered, and at the moment the black-robed man swooped over, he slammed a punch at the black-robed man!

boom! !

With a punch, although he did not use his full strength, it was enough to severely wound the warriors under Guiyuan!

However, when this punch hits the black-robed man, there is no sense of effort at all, as if it hit a ball of air!

Chen Yinfeng suddenly raised his head, only to find that the man in the black robe in front of him was just a phantom.

Soon, the phantom disappeared, and there was no one.

"Still pretending to be fools! Look at the tricks!!"

Chen Yinfeng yelled, twisted his fist again, turned quickly, and blasted out the black-robed man who was standing behind him.

boom! !

A punch hit the man's chest in the black robe!

But, just like before, Chen Yinfeng's punch still didn't feel strong!

Chen Yinfeng raised his eyes to see, as expected, it was still just a phantom!

This...what the **** is going on? !

Why did I hit two punches in a row, and all the hits were just phantoms?

Chen Yinfeng was startled, feeling more and more weird.

"Jie Jie Jie... Head Chen, isn't your strength only that little?"

A cold and harsh laugh came.

Chen Yinfeng looked for his reputation, and saw that the black robe man was standing on a stone pier, overlooking him.


Chen Yinfeng's expression changed, and his heart was shocked.

What the **** is going on, when did this guy ran up to the stone pier, why didn't he feel at all? !

Is it because the speed is too fast?

"Headmaster Chen, what are you thinking about?"

The voice of the black-robed man rang again.

As soon as Chen Yinfeng looked up, he saw the black robe man who had appeared about five meters in front of him for some unknown time, and still made no sound.

"You... are you a man or a ghost?!"

Chen Yinfeng was shocked and stared at the black robe man.

"I am neither a human... nor a ghost... I am a god..."

The voice fell off.

I saw that the body of the black-robed man directly spread out many avatars, enclosing Chen Yinfeng in the middle, a bit like the shadow avatar technique of an island ninja.

Moreover, in addition, the black robe man has no breath, so it is impossible to identify which is the main body and which is the shadow.

A cold sweat broke out on Chen Yinfeng's forehead, his face sank, and he lifted the Qi Yuan Qi from all over his body, then waved his palms and hit the dozen men in black robes in front of him!

boom! !

The vigorous Guiyuan Zhenqi burst out and exploded!

The stone piers, wooden stakes and scarecrows on the training ground were all blown up!

The black robe man in front of him suddenly disappeared.

There is no doubt that the man in the black robe in front of him is just a phantom.

"Death Fist!!"

Chen Yinfeng quickly turned around, raised his fists, gathered the strength of Guiyuan's true energy, and punched a dozen men in black robes behind him!

Boom! !

With two punches, the dozen or so men in black robes were suddenly defeated!

For a moment, there was no one around Chen Yinfeng, and there was no more figure of a man in a black robe...

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