Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2224: , All dead!

"Is this dead?"

Chen Yin was stunned, thinking that he had killed the black-robed man in the two attacks just now.

However, what makes him do not understand is that if the black robe man dies, why is his body missing?

Just when Chen Yinfeng was puzzled, he saw that dense shadows appeared on the ground, like a stream of water, slowly rushing towards him!

Moreover, this dense shadow contains huge dark energy, which makes people palpitation!

"This...what is this?!"

Chen Yinfeng was shocked, and hurriedly drew back, trying to avoid these shadows.

Only now did he realize that the black-robed man was not dead at all, he just used a certain type of body technique to avoid his own attack.

But at this moment, I saw that the shadows on the ground instantly formed tentacles, which rose up into the sky like ropes and swept towards Chen Yinfeng!

Feeling the energy contained in this shadow, Chen Yinfeng didn't dare to support it, and hurriedly performed light work, quickly avoiding these shadow tentacles!

After several consecutive dodges to avoid these shadowy tentacles, Chen Yinfeng directly picked up a silver spear made of steel from the shelf beside the training court!

"Flying Dragon Spear! Destroy the soul!"

Chen Yinfeng held the spear in both hands, and a blast of Gui Yuan Zhen Qi surged out from the spear head, making a "buzzing" trembling sound!

Immediately, Chen Yinfeng swept out toward the tentacles that swept toward him, with the force of slaughtering the army!


Cold light flashes!

The ground made of slate has been marked with a deep mark!

However, the moment the gun body touched those shadow tentacles, the energy contained in the shadow exploded!

Boom boom boom!

A burst of explosions resounded, and the powerful shock wave directly sent Chen Yinfeng away!

Bang bang bang! …

Chen Yinfeng knocked over several stone piers and wooden stakes on the training ground one after another, and then fell to the ground with a "plop", splashing a cloud of dust!

"Cough cough cough..."

He coughed violently a few times, his heart began to turn, his face was full of horror.

He didn't expect that the black shadow tentacles would explode, and the power was still so powerful.

If it hadn't been for the rapid gathering of infuriating defenses just now, I'm afraid I would have been injured by the bombing.

At this time, there was fear and doubt in his heart.

Who on earth is this guy, and why does he make such a weird martial arts?

He asked himself how knowledgeable he was and had never seen such a weird martial arts.

However, at the moment Chen Yinfeng was stunned, a black tentacles swept over and directly entangled one of his legs!

"Go away!"

Chen Yinfeng quickly gathered his infuriating defense and slapped his left hand to the ground. The force of the recoil made him soar into the air. Then he clenched the spear in his right hand and slammed it towards the tentacle!


When the gun head touched the shadow tentacles, another explosion sounded!


Chen Yinfeng let out a painful cry, staggering back and forth again and again.

Although he just defended his body with infuriating energy, the left leg entangled by the shadow tentacles was still injured!

His left leg was dripping with blood, and the flesh was exploded!

"Jie Jie Jie... The reaction is quite quick..."

At this time, a dozen meters away from Chen Yinfeng, the black robe man reappeared.

Seeing the black robe man reappearing, Chen Yinfeng was furious!

It was this guy who hurt one of his legs!

Enduring the pain in his left leg, holding a spear, he slammed to the ground, and flew directly at the black robe man!

"Flying Dragon Spear!"

"Cut the ghost!"

"Tu Demon!"

"Kill God!"

At the moment when he approached the black robe man, Chen Yinfeng displayed the three behind the dragon spear in succession, and one move was more powerful than the other!


Roads of cold light flashed in the air, like a silver dragon flying!

Where the spear passed, the violent impact force knocked all the surrounding stone piers and wooden stakes away!

However, the man in the black robe just looked at Chen Yinfeng with an indifferent expression, not evasive.

Moreover, at the moment Chen Yinfeng's spear attacked, the shadow on the ground suddenly condensed in front of the black-robed man's body, forming an oval shield!

No matter how fierce Chen Yinfeng's attack was, he couldn't break this shadow shield!

What's more, what made Chen Yinfeng feel strange was that this time, these shadows did not explode, but were completely defending!

"Impossible! This is impossible!"

Chen Yinfeng was going crazy, he couldn't understand everything he saw in front of him.

Shadows can be used as attacks... This is simply unheard of!

Seeing that he couldn't hurt the man in the black robe, Chen Yinfeng was extremely angry. He continued to dance the long spear in his hand, holding the handle of the spear, and slammed the sharp spear head towards the shadow shield!


A dull voice sounded!

Chen Yinfeng felt that what he stabbed was not a shadow, but a thick shield!

Moreover, this time, after Chen Yinfeng hit the shadow shield, the shadow shield turned into a black fierce bomb, and it exploded!

boom! !

The terrifying explosion sounded loudly, sending Chen Yinfeng away again!

After flying more than 20 meters in a row, Chen Yinfeng fell to the ground in a heavy drop!


Chen Yin's breath spouted a gulp of blood, his clothes were blown up to ragged, the flesh on his body was also exploded, blood flowed out, and his whole body was dyed red.

"It seems that you have only this strength..."

The black-robed man said lightly, and then walked towards Chen Yinfeng step by step, condescendingly said: "The Kongtong School, one of the eight martial arts sects, is really getting weaker and weaker..."

"You...who are you..."

Chen Yinfeng gasped violently, staring at the black-robed man.

"I said, I am a god..."

The black-robed man responded faintly.


Chen Yinfeng murmured, his face suddenly changed, and he immediately reacted, "Could it be that...are you a member of the Alliance of Gods?!"

"Hehe... It seems you know..."

The black-robed man smiled faintly and said: "Since I know, I will send you to hell..."

As he said, the black-robed man raised a right hand that was so pale that there was no bloodshot, condensing a cloud of black shadow energy, and when he was about to slap Chen Yinfeng's head, a chaotic footstep came.

The black-robed man paused, turned his head and looked around, and saw 30 or so disciples wearing Kongtong martial arts uniforms, holding various weapons, and running into the training ground.

When they saw a messy training ground and Chen Yinfeng lying on the ground covered in blood, a look of horror appeared on everyone's face.

"Who?! Stop it!"

"Hugh will hurt my head!"

"Dare to break into my Kongtong ancestral land, I think you are living impatiently!"

Thirty or so disciples screamed and killed the man in the black robe.

Chen Yinfeng was startled, and shouted at the disciple: "Don't come here! Go! This guy is from the Alliance of Gods! Go and notify the others!"

Hearing Chen Yinfeng's shout, the 30 Kongtong disciples were shocked, and they all stopped.

They know how strong people in the Alliance of Gods are.

The last time some of these people went to the Guwu Conference, they also witnessed the battle between Ye Fei and the three gods of the Alliance of Gods.

"Alliance of the Gods..."

A leading disciple trembled and immediately waved: "Go!"

Just when these disciples were about to turn around and flee, the black-robed man just smiled indifferently and said, "It's all here, don't leave..."

The voice did not fall.

The black-robed man waved the shadow energy condensed in his right hand toward the thirty-something disciples!

In an instant.

This shadow energy suddenly formed more than 30 sharp swords, and shot at these Kongtong disciples!

Puff puff! …

The sound of sharp blades entering the flesh sounded!

Before these thirty disciples had taken a few steps, their bodies were directly pierced by the sharp sword formed by the shadows!


Accompanied by screams, all these thirty or so disciples fell to the ground, blood was flowing, and all died.

When the shadow swords inserted in these disciples disappeared, there was an extra hole in their bodies, blood was flowing, and the entire training ground was dyed red...

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