Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2226: , Slaughter the devil and kill the god!

Seeing Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun attacking him at the same time, the black-robed man did not back off, but raised his hands!

Wow! !

The two groups of shadow energy separated from the ground, suspended in the air, and suddenly condensed into two large black shields, blocking their left and right sides!

Bang bang! !

The fists of Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun immediately slammed on the two shadow shields, making a dull sound!

However, these two shadow shields were like the hardest steel in the world, and there was no damage!

Moreover, in the next second, Sun Jiuzhou suddenly felt two horrible energies coming from these two shadow shields!

This energy is raging and compressed like crazy, as if it will explode at any time!

"Mu Yun! Get out of the way!!"

Sun Jiuzhou was shocked, shouted, and kicked his legs to the ground, and he was about to pull back.

However, even if Sun Jiuzhou reacted, it was still too late!

As for Xue Muyun, it is too late!

Boom! !

Two shocking explosions suddenly sounded! !



With two screams, Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun were directly shocked by these two fierce energies!

Bang! !

Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun fell heavily to the ground more than 20 meters away.

The two looked at each other, and both saw a thick panic in each other's eyes.

They couldn't understand why the shadow exploded and its power was still so fierce?

They have lived for so many years, and they have never seen such weird methods.

"It seems that your strength is only so little... the elder of the Kongtong faction, I thought it could be a little bit more powerful, but it's just that..."

The black robe man smiled coldly, and then walked towards Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun step by step.

Moreover, when he approached, the large shadow on the ground containing terrifying energy also moved with him.

"court death!!"

Sun Jiuzhou was so angry that he hit the carp directly and jumped from the ground.

"Dharma magic! Cover the sky and bite the sun!!!"

Sun Jiuzhou bit his teeth and shouted, his feet slammed on the ground, the stone slab cracked, and the ground suddenly sank into two deep pits of tens of centimeters!

He jumped directly over twenty meters and came to the black robe man!

As soon as he raised his arms, a stronger Guiyuan Zhenqi coercion surged out of his body!

Compared with just now, this infuriating coercion is more mysterious, more solid, and naturally more lethal!

boom! !

The ground was struck by this infuriating shock wave, and a large amount of rubble and soil were mixed in it, like a huge curtain rising from the ground to cover the sky and sun, and it was swept up and rolled directly toward the black robe man!

And Xue Muyun did not hesitate, and at the same time released all the power of the return to the original energy, condensed in his hands!

He clearly knows that this black robe man is a super master, and Sun Jiuzhou alone, I am afraid it will be difficult to beat him!

"Arhat King Kong Palm! Save all sentient beings!!"

When the violent shout fell, Xue Muyun had already slapped twice at the black robe man!

Guiyuan's zhenqi instantly condensed into two golden palms, like giant palms of the Tathagata, pressing towards the black robe man!

Wherever these two palms passed, the stone slabs on the ground were crushed directly and flew up!

The two elders performed their stunts at the same time, and their oppression and destruction were unprecedented!

Even the black-robed man narrowed his eyes slightly.

It seems that these two old men are ready to fight to the death.

Moreover, at this time, he also felt that someone was approaching here.

I have almost tested it, and it's time to end the battle.

Thinking of this, the black-robed man did not step back and dodge, but instantly released the majestic shadow energy.

That terrifying, gloomy, **** and murderous energy enveloped the entire training ground.

"Dark Dragon!!"

The voice fell.

I saw that this majestic shadow energy suddenly condensed into a huge western dark dragon. Compared with the two dark dragons just now, this one is even larger, only reaching four or five meters in height, just like a monster. generally!


The man in the black robe gave a soft drink, and the dark dragon formed by shadow energy fluttered its wings and rushed towards Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

When the three energies collided together, it was like exploding a bomb, exploding wildly in the air! !

Moreover, this explosion sounded continuously, and in just a few seconds, there were five or six explosions!

This is the absolute collision of Huaxia Guwu Zhenqi and Western magical energy!

The dense explosion sound rolled like thunder, and the dazzling light was like a huge light curtain, spreading in all directions, stabbing people to open their eyes!

Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun thought that they would unleash their strongest strength at the same time, and their joint attack would inevitably damage the black-robed man!

However, they still underestimated the strength of the black-robed man!

When the explosion ended, when the light curtain disappeared, the stone slabs on the entire training ground had been overturned by the three energies just now, exposing the soil inside!

As for the two of Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun, they had already been shaken up to a distance of twenty or thirty meters and fell to the ground, unable to stand up anymore!

Therefore, the trick just now has consumed more than half of their true energy. Coupled with the impact of the black-robed man’s magical energy, the two have been seriously injured, their internal organs have been broken, and they can no longer fight. !

The two were panting, their chests fluctuating.


The black-robed man also sighed softly. Although he severely wounded both Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun, he also consumed a lot of magical energy.

He raised his eyes to look at both Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun, and said indifferently: "Your strength is indeed pretty good... It's a pity that compared to me, it's still a bit short.

Therefore, you only have a dead end today..."

Sun Jiuzhou stubbornly supported the ground, looked at the black-robed man with difficulty, and gasped and asked, "Who are you... on earth?"

"The League of Gods... Shadow Demon..."

The black-robed man responded indifferently.

"What?! The gods... Alliance?!"

Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun looked at the black-robed man with dumbfounded eyes, and the huge waves turned in their hearts.

No wonder this guy is so powerful, he turned out to be from the Alliance of Gods!

However, what makes them feel puzzled and shocked is, can it be said that everyone in the Alliance of Gods is so strong?

Can the two masters who return to the Yuan realm be able to defeat one of them?

If it is, how will the Ancient Alliance resist their attack?

Why did the people from the Alliance of Gods infiltrate again? !

How many people are they here this time? !

However, before Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun thought, the black robe man waved his right hand.

I saw that a burst of shadow energy instantly formed dozens of black sharp swords, suspended in the air, staring at both Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun.

"Tell you...this battle, the alliance of the gods, will win..."

The black-robed man said lightly, and then gently waved his right hand.

Whoosh whoosh! ! ...

Dozens of black sharp swords burst out of the sky in an instant, and then fell down, aiming directly at both Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun on the ground!

"This...what is this?!"

"Do not!!--"

The two of Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun could only watch these dozens of handles straight down towards them!

Next second.

Puff puff! ! ...

Dozens of black sharp swords directly pierced Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun into a sieve.

Blood kept pouring out, and the two of them twitched a few times with their humiliating and unwilling eyes wide open.

Seeing that both Sun Jiuzhou and Xue Muyun were dead, the man in the black robe didn't pay much attention to it.

He flipped his wrist, and there was an extra jade token in his hand with the word "Kunlun" carved on it.

Immediately, he threw the token directly on Sun Jiuzhou's body, then kicked his body and jumped onto the roof of the hall.

Then, after a few rapid ups and downs, the figure of the black-robed man disappeared into the dark night.

Just after the black robe man left, hundreds of disciples of the Kongtong faction had arrived.

When they saw the tragic scene before them, they were completely shocked.

"The head is dead!!"

"The elder is dead!!"

The entire Kongtong ancestral land is completely messed up...

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