Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2227: , The dark dragon!

at the same time.

Guwujie, northwest.

There are beautiful mountains and clear waters, and ancient buildings are scattered here, which implies the way of yin and yang.

And here is where Tai Chi Gate, one of the eight martial arts sects, is located.

Behind the ancestral land of Taijimen, there is a green bamboo forest. The air contains the fragrance of bamboo, the fragrance of soil, and the fragrance of wild flowers. It is a unique place for recuperation.

At the entrance of the bamboo forest, a stone stele was erected with three vigorous and powerful characters "Purple Bamboo Forest" carved on it.

Chen Youdao, the head of Tai Chi Sect, has entered the Zizhu Forest to practice since he participated in the ancient martial arts conference last time.

The Taijimen disciples guarded outside the bamboo forest, not daring to go in and disturb.

At this time, it was already around 3:30 in the morning, and the Tai Chi disciples who were guarding outside the bamboo forest were a little sleepy, some were chatting, and some fell asleep.

But at this moment, a figure wearing a white robe, taller than 1.8 meters, with long silver hair and a silver mask walked through the night and appeared at the entrance of the bamboo forest.

Although he can't see the face of this person, it shouldn't be difficult to tell from the figure of this figure that this is a man.


"Stop! No entry allowed!"

"Who are you, why do you want to break into my ancestral land of Tai Chi? Express your name!"

When this figure approached, the Tai Chi disciple immediately blocked the entrance and looked at the white-robed man vigilantly.

However, the man in the white robe continued to walk inside as if he hadn't heard it.

"I asked you to stop, didn't you hear?!"

A leading disciple immediately drew out his sword and pointed it at the white-robed man.

His disciples also drew their swords one after another, and surrounded the white-robed man.

But at this moment, the white-robed man suddenly released a strange cold air, which was icy cold, causing all the disciples present to shiver, as if entering winter all at once.

Logically speaking, these disciples are all martial artists who practice ancient martial arts, and should not be afraid of the general cold.

However, the cold air that this white-robed man exudes is different from ordinary cold air. This cold air is very cold and can pass through the human body, making people feel that the heart is cold.

Moreover, in the next second, the swords in the hands of these disciples began to freeze from the blade and spread to the hilt.

"Ah...this...what is going on?"

"How could the sword freeze suddenly?!"

These disciples were shocked, and quickly threw the sword in their hands.

The moment they let go, the entire sword was frozen into a popsicle.

Qiang Qiang! ! ...

A sword fell on the ground with a crackling sound.

When the ice broke, the sword also broke, becoming a pile of fragments.

For a while, all Tai Chi Sect disciples were shocked.

"This guy is too weird! Get him down quickly!!"

The disciple who took the lead recovered and immediately issued the order.

So, all the Taijimen disciples gathered around, trying to catch the man in the white robe.

However, before they got close, the white-robed man released a colder breath again.

"I... why can't I move anymore?"

"Me too... I can't move either!!"

"My legs don't seem to feel anymore!!"

There was a burst of exclamation.

I saw that a dozen Tai Chi disciples surrounding the white-robed man stopped at a distance of two meters from the white-robed man, unable to take a step forward.

Because their legs are already frozen, the cold ice, under the moonlight, exudes a cold light.

Moreover, the speed of the icing accelerated rapidly, spreading directly along their legs, and in just a few seconds, these disciples were all frozen, standing there like ice sculptures, motionless.


The white-robed man sneered, waved his arms, and a strange energy surged out.

Boom boom boom! ! ...

These disciples who were frozen into ice sculptures all fell to the ground, and the ice cubes and their bodies were all broken into pieces.

Blood flowed out and stained the ground, but these disciples were all shattered to pieces, and their deaths were exceptionally miserable.

After killing these Tai Chi Sect disciples, the white-robed man walked into the bamboo forest.

Along the way, all disciples who were obstructed were frozen into ice by him, and finally died tragically in the bamboo forest.

After a while, the white-robed man came to the center of the bamboo forest.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw a middle-aged man wearing a gray robe, standing on a rock at this time, staring at him closely.

Beside the rock, there are several swords that flicker with cold light. These swords are exactly what he used to practice his exercises!

This middle-aged man is the head of Tai Chi Sect, Chen Youdao.

When the white-robed man approached, Chen Youdao had already sensed it, so he stopped practicing and waited for the white-robed man to arrive.

"Who are you, why did you break into my Tai Chi ancestor land and kill my disciple?!" Chen Youdao asked angrily.

"I came here with only one purpose..."

The white-robed man raised his eyes to look at Chen Youdao, his eyes full of cold killing intent.

"What's the purpose?" Chen Youdao asked.

"kill you……"

The white-robed man uttered two words faintly.

"Just because you want to kill me, it's a fantasy!!"

Chen Youdao was furious, his legs slammed on the rock, and his body leaped up.

Although Taijimen ranks at the bottom of the eight sects, his cultivation base has now broken through to Guiyuan, so he has more confidence in his heart.

No matter who came, he would kill me.

Huh! !

He was as light as a swallow, and when he approached the white-robed man, he slammed a punch toward the white-robed man's chest!

He is a master of Taijiquan for a long time, and he can transform the rigidity and softness of Taijiquan!

And this punch is Gang!

"Ice Battle Armor!"

However, the white-robed man snorted, his body motionless, allowing Chen Youdao to hit his chest with a fist.

boom! !

A dull voice sounded!

Chen Youdao's expression changed, he felt that his fist was not hitting a person, but hitting a steel plate!

The violent recoil made his fists numb!

"Quickly throw a thousand catties!!"

Chen Youdao saw a missed move and immediately changed it.

He stepped on the Tai Chi Bagua step, stuck out his left hand, and displayed the "Zang" tactic, trying to clasp the wrist of the man in the white robe.

However, when his hand touched the white-robed man, a layer of ice crystals formed on his arm!

A chill penetrated his clothes and skin, and it was about to penetrate into his body, making him feel that the entire arm was not his own!

Chen Youdao was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly moved his energy, and his whole body was shocked, which shattered the ice crystals on his arms!

"What kind of wicked skill are you?"

Chen Youdao stared at the white-robed man coldly, raising his vigilance.

The white-robed man did not answer his words, but jokingly said: "As expected to be the head of Tai Chi Sect, his strength is indeed stronger than those of trash..."

"Don't give me arrogance! Look at it!!"

Chen Youdao was furious in his heart, stepped on the Tai Chi Bagua step, and rushed towards the white robe man again.

He danced with his fists. Although it seemed that his fists were not fast, the power of each punch was quite large, and he took the deadly part of the man in the white robe!

But the white-robed man just stood there, using his "Ice Battle Armor" body protection, allowing Chen Youdao's fist to fall on him like raindrops, but he didn't move!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

A dull impact sounded, and after Chen Youdao blasted out a dozen punches in a row, he found that the body of the white-robed man had not taken a step back, nor had he suffered any harm!

"This... how is this possible?!"

Chen Youdao was horrified and completely stupefied.

"Your strength is too weak...not fun..."

The white-robed man said faintly, then slowly clenched his right fist, and blasted out at Chen Youdao!

"The King of Cold Fist!!"

boom! !

He punched it, not fast, and his power didn't seem to be that strong.

"Huh, with this level of attack, you also want to defeat me?"

Chen Youdao snorted coldly and raised a punch to greet him.

But at this moment, a large number of ice crystals suddenly condensed on the white-robed man's right fist, an icy chill instantly swept out, and an indescribable terrifying force was also transmitted!

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