Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2235: , Sister Yu went crazy!

After Xiao Lengyu swept into the lake, he turned over and reached the top of the water monster's head!

Then, she flipped her hands and directly shot the four willow-leaf flying knives in her hand from top to bottom, towards the top of the water monster!

Whoosh whoosh! !

The four-handled willow-leaf flying knives broke through the air with a fierce murderous intent, exploding the lake water around the monsters, and swept them up!

Moreover, at the moment when the lake water swept up, the lake water, wrapped and condensed by Zhen Qi, turned into a sharp blade and four willow-leaf flying knives to attack the water monster together!

"Huh, beauty, you dare to hurt me even with this little trick?"

The water monster snorted disdainfully, then waved his right hand, "Water shield!!"

Wow! !

At the moment when the four-handed willow-leaf flying knife and the four-handed water blade were pierced, the magical energy of the water system cast by the water monster immediately condensed the water in the lake, forming a spherical water cover, and directly wrapped itself in it. !

Clang clang clang! !

These four willow-leaf flying knives hit the water cover and were directly flew out, and dozens of water blades were also shattered when they touched the water cover!

Therefore, Xiao Lengyu's attack did not hurt the water monster at all!


Xiao Lengyu was shocked and wanted to pull back and return to the bridge.

However, her body can't move!

I saw that two water columns as thick as a human arm rose up, like two ropes of water quality, directly wrapped around Xiao Lengyu's feet!

"Ugly monsters! Let me go!!"

Xiao Lengyu struggled desperately, waved the silver dagger in his hand, and chopped down towards the two ropes below, but it had no effect at all!

"I care about your uncle! Let go of Yu'er!!"

Ye Fei felt fierce in his heart, and did not hesitate anymore, suddenly raised the sword of true energy on his right arm!

The white sword light tore the air, brought a violent hurricane, and slashed directly toward the two ropes of water!

Huh! !


These two water ropes couldn't stop Ye Fei's sword at all, they were cut off directly!

The rope of water was cut off, Xiao Lengyu also got out of trouble, stepped on Qinggong quickly, and floated back to the bridge!

Although he was out of trouble, Xiao Lengyu was also shocked in a cold sweat, and he almost fell into the water monster's way just now.

"Ye Fei, I'm sorry, I..."

Xiao Lengyu looked at Ye Fei apologetically.

It was her recklessness just now that almost hurt Ye Fei.

"It's okay, Yu'er, I didn't blame you. This guy has a weird attack method. Just stay away from him."

Ye Fei smiled and said something.


When Xiao Lengyu saw that the man didn't blame himself for this, he let go of his heart.

However, it was also this attempt that calmed Xiao Lengyu, his strength was not enough to kill this guy, so even if he wanted to help a man, he had to protect himself first.

Lest he didn't help and cause trouble to the man.

"Yo-yo-yo, what a concubine, I haven't done anything to your woman, so are you so anxious?"

The water monster smiled unscrupulously in the water cover and said: "Hehehe...Then if I press your woman under my body and live in front of you, wouldn't you want to die with heartache?"

"Your mouth is really smelly, do you know?" Ye Fei said coldly, looking at the water monster.

"Really? Hey, thank you for the compliment..."

The water monster smiled weirdly: "Purgatory King, are you very helpless and desperate, why can't you kill me, can you?

You still give up, we are from the alliance of the gods, we are all gods... how can gods be killed? "

"Since you can't die, why did the ghost face monster monk, Burning Sky and Devil Bow die in my hands?"

Ye Fei replied with a smile.


This sentence directly blocked the water monster and was speechless.

"You call yourself gods, but in the final analysis, you are just human beings! Being a human being has weaknesses and will be killed!!"

Ye Fei shouted angrily, the golden flame in his eyes burned more and more vigorously, and then he condensed the sword of infuriating energy again!

This time, the sword of true energy in Ye Fei's hand seemed to be strengthened, and a huge sword of true energy was formed five or six meters long and half a meter wide!

Moreover, due to the richness and solidity of the true energy, this giant sword seems to have become a real sword, a truly invincible sword that kills the devil and slays the gods!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lengyu's mouth grew in surprise.

She has always known that men are powerful, but she does not know how men do it.

Even the water monster in the water was shocked.

He squinted his eyes, felt the murderous aura on Ye Fei's body, and invisibly strengthened the surrounding water cover, becoming more solid and thick!

As for Xiao Li and the staff members in the box, they were all stunned in shock, and they trembled involuntarily.

Especially Xiao Li, he felt as if he had met Ye Fei for the first time, his eyes were full of strangeness and awe.

Fei Ge is really not an ordinary person, he is too powerful...

"Ten kills in one step!!"

Ye Fei held the infuriating giant sword in his hand, without any hesitation, suddenly swung down a magnificent sword intent! !

The target is directed at the monster in the lake!

The giant blade of light formed by this white infuriating sword seemed to tear everything in front of it, and drove a violent wind!

boom! !

When a sword fell, the lake was chopped in half by this sword, and a gap of more than ten meters long appeared!

The lake raised on both sides, tumbling, roaring, swept to a height of three or four meters!

clang! !

A dull impact sounded!

Ye Fei's sword is like slashing on the invincible golden bell, he didn't split the water cover!


The water monster was still worried that the water cover he had condensed would not be able to withstand Ye Fei’s hacking, but now that he was worried a little too much, he laughed wildly, and said proudly: "Purgatory Lord, your strength is also But in this case, even my defenses can't be broken, and you want to kill me, dreaming?"

However, Ye Fei did not pay attention to the water monster, but once again raised the infuriating giant sword in his hand, moved towards the position where he had just slashed, and slashed again!

boom! !

Another roar sounded, and the second sword slammed into the water cover!

The power of the second sword was even stronger, causing the entire lake to roll, and even the ground shook slightly!

"Huh! Lord of Purgatory, don't do useless work, you can't split it! You can't split it!!"

The water monster snorted coldly and yelled at Ye Fei.

"Who said... I can't split it?"

Ye Fei opened his eyes and waved the huge sword of infuriating energy in his hand for the third time, and smashed it down again toward the water cover!

boom! !

When the third roar exploded, only a "click" sounded!

I saw a crack in the water cover that the water monster condensed on him, and the crack was spreading rapidly!


The water monster was shocked and looked at Ye Fei with an incredible expression.

He has always been good at defensively. If it is simple to defend, among the top 20 gods in the Alliance of Gods, in addition to the top five gods who can break through their defenses, the 14 big gods behind want to break through themselves. The defense is simply impossible!

Unexpectedly, this kid could break his defense with only three swords? !

It's so weird and shocking!

Soon, the water cover condensed around the body of the water monster was defeated and turned into a large pool of water!


Seeing that the defense was broken, Ye Fei swung his sword again and slashed in the direction of the water monster!

The power of this sword is more vigorous, and it is bound to kill the water monster with one sword!

boom! !

A sword fell, like throwing a powerful bomb in the lake, blowing up a huge splash of water!

However, when Ye Fei looked up, he didn't see the water monster at all!

"Hehehe...Purgatory King, even if your strength is strong, even if you can break through my defenses, what about it? But you still can't kill me!"

The voice of the water monster came over.

As soon as Ye Fei and Xiao Lengyu turned their heads, they saw that the water monster had already appeared in another place in the lake at some point!

"Go to hell!!"

Ye Fei roared, and once again struck a sword in the direction of the water monster!

However, just as this sword slashed out, the water monster escaped again and appeared elsewhere in the lake!

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