Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2236: , Fight together!

Ye Fei hacked out several swords in succession, and the power of one sword was several times stronger than that of one sword!

However, the water monster is like a loach, it can quickly avoid every time, appearing in every corner of the lake!

Ye Fei became more and more annoyed, staring at the water monster, and did not continue to attack.

He clearly knew that the water monster was not only very defensive, but also very good at hiding.

It's definitely not the solution to hack it down with one sword at a time like this.

After all, he is not an iron striker, and in the end, if his strength is exhausted, it will be dangerous.

Therefore, we must find a way to make the water monsters unable to avoid even in the lake.

At this time, the water monster saw that Ye Fei did not continue to attack, and immediately smiled even more proudly, "Hahaha!!... Lord Purgatory, do you feel desperate now?

Do you feel like you have brute force now, but you can't use it?

Lord Purgatory, although I can't get any benefit from fighting head-on... But as long as I continue to consume it, your power will be exhausted sooner or later... At that time, your death period will come...

After you die, your women will belong to me, and I will ‘love’ them well! Hehehe...hahaha..."

"Ugly monsters! Go to death!!"

Xiao Lengyu on the side really couldn't listen anymore, flipped his wrist, and three more willow-leaf flying knives appeared. After entering the true energy, he shot directly in the direction of the water monster!

Whoosh whoosh! !

Three-handled willow-leaf flying knives, with a killing intent like breaking a bamboo, are triangular in shape and point directly at the three deadly places on the water monster!

Seeing Xiao Lengyu's attack, the water monster didn't even bother to lift his eyelids. With a wave of his right hand, he condensed a wall of water and directly blocked Xiao Lengyu's three-handled willow-leaf flying knife!


Xiao Lengyu furrowed his eyebrows, his heart was very angry.

Still not working, his strength is still not enough, and he can't help the man at all.

"Beauty, even your man can't kill me, so save your energy, save some energy, and ‘fight’ with me in bed later! Hahaha..."

The water monster glanced hard at Xiao Lengyu's figure, and Lang laughed.

"My mother fights with you!!"

Xiao Lengyu was immediately furious, and once again took out a few throwing knives, and was about to rush towards the water monster.

But at this time, Ye Fei grabbed Xiao Lengyu's hand with one hand, and said with a smile: "Yu'er, go back to the box, and leave it to me here."

"Have you figured out a way to deal with this ugly monster?" Xiao Lengyu asked.


Ye Fei nodded, with a confident light in his eyes.

"Okay, we must kill this ugly monster! I don't want to see him alive again!" Xiao Lengyu said.

"Don't worry, this ugly monster is dead!" Ye Fei grinned.

Xiao Lengyu nodded and didn't stay on the bridge any longer. Instead, he performed light work, quickly left, and returned to the box.

"Ugly monsters, aren't you good at hiding?"

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Then I want to see, how do you avoid my next sword..."


The water monster jokingly smiled and said: "Do you have a way to kill me? Haha, come, come, just make the move, I want to see how you kill me!"

"Don't worry, this time, I promise to kill you!"

Ye Fei yelled, then his legs slammed on the ground!

Click! !

The bridge on which he was standing collapsed directly!

But Ye Fei's body was like a missile ejected from the sky, flying directly into the air, rising to an altitude of more than 30 meters!

Immediately, Ye Fei relied on his powerful ability to stay in the air, tumbling in the air, head down and feet up!

Ye Fei's gaze had firmly locked on the water monster below, and then violently swung the infuriating giant sword in his hand and pierced it towards the water monster below!

cough! !

A sword stabbed, and the original white sword of innocence suddenly turned into gold, shining with bright golden light, and agitated bursts of sharp sword intent, with unparalleled sharpness, and even with a powerful and domineering force like a bamboo. Go on!

The water monster suddenly felt an incomparable coercion and crushed it towards him!

This coercion, desolate and majestic, caused the blood in his whole body to boil, and his heart beats faster!

He felt that this sword was very strange and extraordinary!

At the moment he was about to dodge, I saw that the moment Ye Fei's sword pierced down, there were suddenly thousands of golden sword shadows!

This golden sword shadow in the sky, like a golden curtain covering the sky and sun, shrouded a piece of sky on the lake, and even the lake water began to flash with a faint golden light!

"This...what is this?! Sword...many swords, countless swords!!"

"It's's horrible!!"

Xiao Li and others screamed in horror from the box.

They will never forget the scenes they saw today.

This is a battle of ordinary people, it is basically a fight of the gods.

Not only Xiao Li and others, but even Xiao Lengyu was shocked.

Having stayed with a man for so long, it was the first time she really saw the true strength of a man, the strength of destroying the world.

Of course, if Xiao Lengyu knew that this was not Ye Fei's strongest strength, she might not be able to stand her heart...

"Wan Jian...come to Korea!!!"

At this moment, a shocking shout exploded in the air!

Whoops whoops! ! ...

Before the sound fell, the thousands of golden sword shadows all shot towards the water monster below!

Because this golden sword shadow covers all the sky, even if the water monster wants to hide, it can't avoid it at all!

"no no!!--"

The water monster screamed heartbreakingly, he didn't want to die, and he didn't think he would die!

He was in a panic, desperately using various water magic to contend with it, but it didn't make any difference at all!

Rumble! !

Thousands of solid golden sword shadows finally fell down, causing the entire lake to erupt with a loud noise, like a billowing thunder, directly obliterating the horrified cry of the water monster!

Wow! !

The water of the entire artificial lake was shaken by this violent impact force. The monstrous water waves mixed with golden sword light made this artificial lake burst into a strong golden light!

The light was so bright that everyone in the box couldn't open their eyes!

This golden glow lasted for several minutes before it slowly disappeared, and all the golden sword shadows disappeared.

The violently tumbling lake water also fell into the lake a few minutes later and returned to calm.

It seems that everything just now has never happened.

Xiao Lengyu and others in the box swallowed their throats. When they looked outside again, they saw that Ye Fei, whose whole body and hair were wet, was standing straight on the broken bridge, his eyes were Staring closely at a place in the lake.

Xiao Lengyu and others followed Ye Fei's gaze and looked towards the lake...

I saw that the water monster was floating on the lake. He opened his horrified eyes and opened his mouth. There were countless holes on his body, face, arms, legs... and no one was intact. The place.

Green blood flowed out of the water monster's body, dyeing a piece of clear lake water green.


Ye Fei let out a sigh of breath, then turned around, jumped a few times, and returned to the box.

When I saw Ye Fei returning to the box, everyone in the box looked at Ye Fei like a god.

If these staff members had respected Ye Fei because of Xiao Lengyu, then at this moment, they respected Ye Fei from the bottom of their hearts, even in awe.

"Ye Fei, that ugly monster... is dead?" Xiao Lengyu asked incredulously.


Ye Fei nodded.

Xiao Lengyu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Ye Fei, who is this ugly monster? What is the League of Gods? Why did they find you?"

Xiao Lengyu asked several questions in a row.

Ye Fei wanted to take Xiao Lengyu with him, but when he thought that he was delayed by the monster here for a while, he wanted to rush to the ancient martial world, so he said, "Yu'er, when I come back, I will take care of everything. Tell you, okay?"

"it is good."

Xiao Lengyu nodded.

"Well, so good."

Ye Fei smiled and touched the woman's face.

Xiao Lengyu flushed, stared at Ye Fei, and said, "Hate, someone here is watching!"

"Have you seen it?"

Ye Fei grinned and asked everyone.

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