Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2239: , Unprecedented melee!

"I didn't expect this old guy to come..."

Fengshen squinted his eyes and said: "In the battle two hundred years ago, this old guy was seriously injured by the old king of the gods. I thought he would have died long ago... I didn't expect that he was still alive. , Fate is really hard..."

"Master Fengshen, who is this old guy?" Lei Beast asked suspiciously.

Because he had only joined the Alliance of Gods in these years, he didn't know much about the battle two hundred years ago, and naturally he didn't know the old beggar.

"This old guy is the leader of the Beggar Gang. He is very powerful. Two hundred years ago, he killed many people in our Alliance of Gods, and several main gods died in his hands.

Although he was seriously injured and almost died, he should have recovered in the past two hundred years. I can feel that his strength has not only recovered, but also surpassed the original..." Fengshen said lightly.


Lei Shou's face was startled, and said: "This old beggar is really such a powerful man. He has killed the Lord God before?!"


Fengshen nodded solemnly and said: "If it were two hundred years ago, I would really not dare to fight him. Because at that time, my strength was not as good as him.

However, over the past two hundred years, I have worked hard to practice wind magic, and my strength has long been no better than before. Even facing this old guy, I can kill him..."

"Master Fengshen, shall we do it now?" Lei Beast asked.

"Wait, if these guys continue to fight, then we don't do it for the time being. If they don't fight, then we just do it. In short, don't let any of the people here today..."

Fengshen said faintly, a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes.


Shadow Demon, Cold King and Thunder Beast nodded, paying attention to the movement in the valley, ready to fight at any time.

At this time, in the valley.

Because of the arrival of the beggar gang, Shaolin and Emei three major sects, the fighting temporarily ceased.

"Dear heroes, old beggars are right, what we have to do now is to unite, practice hard, and work together against the Alliance of Gods, instead of killing each other!

If we continue to fight like this, then we don't have to wait for the people of the Alliance of Gods to come, we will have already collapsed!

Do you really want to watch the people of the Alliance of Gods kill our relatives and friends and violate our homeland? ! "

Master Jinghui took the floating dust too much and stood up and said something loudly.

Although she is only a woman, she does not lose to anyone in terms of momentum.

"Amitabha, good and good..."

Zen Master Ku'e also stood up and said indifferently: "Dear benefactors, please put down the butcher knife, take a step back, the sky is brighter..."

Hearing the words of the old beggar, Master Jinghui and Zen Master Ku'e, half of the people present bowed their heads a little guiltily.

Especially when they saw the corpses on the ground and the valleys stained red with blood, their hands with weapons trembled slightly.

What did you do?

However, half of the people present were still blinded by hatred, frowning, without any guilt.

At this time, Guo Baoshan, who was holding a double whip, stood up and said imposingly: "Old beggar, Jinghui Master Tai, Ku'e Zen Master, this is our grievance, and it has nothing to do with your Beggar Gang, Emei and Shaolin! So, I hope you will not interfere with our affairs!"

"What's the meaning?"

The old beggar squinted his eyes and said, "Do you still want to continue fighting and fight to death and life?"

"The people of Kunlun killed our Kongtong head and two elders. Of course we must avenge our Kongtong head and elders!

If we can't take revenge, then how can we gain a foothold in the rivers and lakes in the future, Kongtong? ! "

Kongtong deputy head Shen Yan also echoed loudly.

"Vengeance! Revenge! Revenge!"

Kongtong's disciples all raised their arms and shouted.

"Fart! Obviously your Kongtong people killed our Kunlun head, and they are still confused here! It's shameless!"

Kunlun deputy head He Zhanpeng also stood up.

"Who is shameless? It's you Kunlun who is shameless!!"

Shen Yan, the deputy head of Kongtong, roared at He Zhanpeng.

For a while, people from other sects also quarreled, and they wanted to continue fighting.

"Shut up all to me!!"

The old beggar screamed, then looked at Kongtong deputy head Shen Yan, and said: "Shen Yan, since you said Kunlun killed your head and elders, do you have any evidence?"

"Of course!"

Shen Yan responded and said: "At the scene of the incident, we found Kunlun's token!"

"He Zhanpeng, then why do you say that the people in Kongtong killed your head?"

The old beggar asked He Zhanpeng again.

"We also found Kongtong's token at the scene of the incident!" He Zhanpeng replied.

At this time, Wudang, Huashan, and Taijimen three sects also stood up and said that they had found tokens of other sects.

Hearing what the crowd said, the old beggar frowned slightly, and said, "A token can't prove anything! As the saying goes, catching a thief and taking stolen goods, catching a traitor and taking a pair!

Since you haven't seen the murderer exactly, and caught the murderer himself, then you can't make so rash conclusions!

Also, don't you think this thing is weird? Why does the murderer leave evidence after killing someone?

Moreover, the evidence is all the tokens of other schools? Didn’t you ever think that someone was deliberately instigating discord? "

"What the old beggar said is reasonable, please calm down and think about what's wrong with this matter." Master Jinghui also agreed.

Hearing the words of the old beggar and Master Jinghui, everyone fell silent.

Before, everyone was dazzled by the hatred, and they only took revenge without thinking about it.

Thinking about it now, they think what the old beggar said is somewhat reasonable.

"Old beggar, in fact, I felt this thing was weird before, I am afraid it is a conspiracy..."

Kunlun elder Wei Bufan also took the sentence. He told Guo Baoshan just now, but this guy always yelled at him and didn't give him a chance to explain.

The old beggar glanced at the crowd and shook his voice: "Everyone, I hope everyone can give the old beggar a face. Let go of grievances and grievances for the time being, and then go back and check it out!

If the result found later is still the same, then you have to avenge your head and elders again, and I will never hinder the old beggar! "

"Okay, old beggar, you are a senior, my Guo Baoshan will naturally give you a face!"

Guo Baoshan replied, then looked at Wei Bufan and said bitterly: "If I find out that this is really done by people from Kunlun, then I, Guo Baoshan, will definitely kill everyone in Kunlun!"

"Humph! If we find out that my head of Kunlun was killed by you, I will not let you go!" Wei Bufan also replied loudly.

"It's OK, don't make any noise, let's get out of it!"

The old beggar picked up the wine gourd and took a sip of the wine and waved his hand.

Boom! !

Just when everyone was about to leave the valley, suddenly, a thunder and explosion sounded in the sky, like a bolt from the blue!

"what happened?!"

Everyone was shocked, and when they looked up, they saw a purple violent thunder falling from the sky, slashing towards them!

"what is this?!"

"Quickly get out of the way!!"

A large number of people felt the pressure of this violent thunder and quickly backed away to dodge.

However, some people didn't react at all.

boom! !

This violent thunder fell down, and directly chopped a dozen people who hadn't run away from below into coke, and he didn't even have time to scream before he died!

As for the surrounding rocks, they were all blown to pieces!

The boulder is flying, and the dust is full!

Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked, and their horrified eyes widened.


The old beggar's eyes sank and looked up.

I saw that the four figures jumped down from a low mountain, and then steadily landed on the ground.

Seeing these four figures, the old beggar narrowed his eyes and exclaimed: "Alliance of the Gods?!!!"

"What?! Alliance of the Gods?!"

"Are these four guys from the Alliance of Gods?!"

"This...what the **** is going on? Why are the people from the Alliance of Gods here?!"

Hearing what the old beggar said, everyone present started talking in shock.

Therefore, at this time, it is the Wind God, Shadow Demon, Cold King and Thunder Beast that are blocking everyone...

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