Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2240: , Disparity in strength!

"Hehe, old beggar, it's been a long time..."

Fengshen smiled slightly and looked at the old beggar.

In Fengshen's view, all the people present, except for the threat of the old beggar, did not pay attention to everyone else.

"It turns out to be the twelfth Fengshen in the Alliance of Gods..."

The old beggar squinted his eyes and said, "It's really a pity that I couldn't kill you two hundred years ago..."

"Oh, isn't it?"

Fengshen jokingly smiled, and said: "Old beggar, I didn't expect your life to be really hard. After such a serious injury, you can survive..."

"Old beggars have a hard life, not so easy to die."

The old beggar smiled, then looked at the shadow demons and said: "Yeah, even the 21st ranked Cold King and the 20th ranked Shadow Demons have come? It's been so many years, you haven't What about death?"

"Old guy, you are not dead, how could we die?" The Shadow Demon looked at the old beggar coldly and said.

The old beggar curled his lips, then looked at Lei Beast, and said, "Hey, who are you? I don't seem to have seen it before?"

"Old thing, I only joined the League of Gods in recent years. My name is Thunder Beast, and I rank 23rd in the League of Gods!" Lei Beast said proudly.

At this time, the others on the scene looked at the four Fengshen, one by one, as if they were facing an enemy, they clenched the weapons in their hands and heightened their vigilance.

After all, the four who came this time are all ranked high, and there is also a main god!

Everyone understands that I am afraid that today will be a fierce battle!


The old beggar smiled and said, "Then what is the purpose of the four of you here today?"

Fengshen smiled slightly and said, "Of course it is killing all of you..."

Although Fengshen said these words very casually, the terrifying killing intent could not be concealed at all.

Especially the terrifying coercion emanating from him is even more heart-palpiting, as if an invisible big hand caught their throat, making them breathless.

Is this the oppressive power of the Lord God?

However, the old beggar's inner strength is profound, but he hasn't been affected much.

He suddenly thought of something, staring at Fengshen closely, and said in a deep voice: "If I'm not mistaken, you should have deliberately instigated the discord, just to cause a melee in our ancient martial arts, and then want to kill us all. Right?"

"Hehe, yes, that's right. We did this, and we killed the people..."

Fengshen smiled, shrugged, and said: "Although there is no shortage of smart people among you, stupid people account for the majority. We used a little trick, and these stupid guys were caught.

It's a pity that we can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. We only need to clean up the mess... But we didn't expect you to come at a critical time...

That being the case, let's move a little bit, anyway, killing these ants is nothing more than a little more effort..."

At this time, when everyone present heard Fengshen's words, they were all annoyed and turned into anger, and their eyes burst into flames.

Unexpectedly, their head and elder were killed by these guys, but they were still here like idiots fighting each other for so long.

"Asshole!! You played us like idiots, I **** with you!!"

Guo Baoshan roared, holding a double whip, and rushing towards Fengshen.

He is the elder of Kongtong, the cultivation base is in the return to Yuan Dacheng, and his strength is not weak.

As soon as his body moved, a gust of wind was directly caused, and the gravel on the ground was lifted off.

"Guo Baoshan! Come back to me!!"

Upon seeing this, the old beggar hurriedly yelled.

But it's too late!

"Flying Dragon Whip!!"

Guo Baoshan had come to the front of Fengshen, he directly gathered the double whip of Guiyuan Dacheng's power, and directly hit Fengshen's chest!

Huh! !

When these two whips were only 20 centimeters away from Fengshen's chest, a wall of wind rose out of thin air in front of Fengshen's chest!

Next second.

Only heard a muffled sound of "bang", Guo Baoshan's body was directly shocked and flew out for more than 30 meters, and with a "bang", he fell heavily to the ground!


At the moment when he landed, Guo Baoshan directly vomited a mouthful of blood, and his internal organs were shocked.

Suddenly, except for the old beggar, everyone present was stupid, staring at Fengshen with dumbfounded eyes.

Everyone didn't realize what was going on?

Why did Fengshen stand there motionless, not only did Guo Baoshan not touch Fengshen's half of the vellus hair, but he was also shaken out and vomited blood? !

It's already so terrifying without doing it. If you do it, is it worth it?

Although some people looked at Fengshen in horror, they fully understood the gap between themselves and Fengshen.

"Don't come up to the waste to die..."

Fengshen said indifferently, then looked at the old beggar and said with a smile: "Old beggar, let's have a fight, how about?"

"Right on my mind!"

The old beggar responded, and then shouted at the crowd: "Everyone, all back!"

Everyone naturally didn't dare to disobey, and one after another backed away behind the old beggar!

Then, the old beggar stomped on the ground with his right foot!

With a loud noise, the rocks on the ground were directly shattered and shattered!

Even the entire valley seemed to tremble!

All of a sudden, the old beggar's momentum changed drastically. His eyes flickered, his beard and hair fluttered, and his patched clothes also followed the hunt!

A strong masculine zhenqi burst out from the old beggar's body, majestic and majestic, like a real dragon's breath!

Everyone in the martial arts at the scene looked at the old beggar in astonishment, and trembled involuntarily!

It was the first time they saw the old beggar show his true strength!

Moreover, everyone present couldn't see through the old beggar's cultivation level before, and now they can't see through it even more!

Because facing the main god, there are three big gods on the side staring at him!

Therefore, the old beggar didn't dare to be big, and as soon as he came up, he released the most powerful force and prepared to fight against the four wind gods and shadow demons at the same time with one person's power!

This is not to say how arrogant the old beggar is. The main reason is that the other people present are not the opponents of these four guys at all!

At this moment, Fengshen saw the old beggar show his strength, and he waved his arms, his blue eyes flashed with dazzling light!

Shattering! !

The wind was violent, and the airflow in the entire valley was completely mobilized, and the sharp wind roared like a fierce typhoon!

Click! ! ...

The violent and ferocious typhoon ran across the valley like a flood of beasts, knocking out huge gaps in the rocks of the mountain!

Rumble! ! ...

The huge rocks rolled down and hit the old beggar and everyone behind!

"This this……"

"so horrible……"

"This guy is simply not a human!!"

Everyone hurriedly worked, dodged, or smashed the broken rocks!

However, the old beggar stood there without moving, and the rocks flying towards him were crushed by the fierce masculinity surrounding him before they touched him!

"Devil Storm!!"

Fengshen yelled, and suddenly waved his arms!

Huh! !

In an instant, dozens of tons of soil, rocks, turf and trees in all directions were as if they were out of gravity, and the strong storm spurred by the wind **** swept into the air for tens of meters!

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the dozens of tons of rock and soil began to gather and compress, and they were crushed directly in the direction of the old beggar!

In just a few seconds, these dozens of tons of rock and soil seemed to solidify together, like a big mountain!

Seeing this "mountain" pressing down towards themselves and others, everyone instinctively wanted to retreat, but the speed of this "mountain" was so fast that it was impossible to retreat!

Just as the "big mountain" was pressed down, the old beggar opened his eyes, his eyes flickered, and he lifted his palms and patted the "big mountain"!

"Jianlong Zhang! Kang Long has regrets!!"


The moment the old beggar slapped both palms, it seemed that the sound of dragon chants came out, resounding throughout the valley!

Immediately afterwards, I saw a golden dragon condensed from infuriating energy, roaring, spreading its teeth and dancing its claws, and rushed towards this "big mountain" moved by Fengshen!

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