Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2241: ,a bolt from the blue!

Boom! !

A violent sound exploded!

This "big mountain" was directly torn apart by the palms of the old beggar!

The huge stone flew towards the rear, and everyone blasted it to pieces!

It was precisely because there was an old beggar blocking the front, so no one was injured!

After blocking Fengshen's move, the old beggar did not hesitate, and slammed his feet on the ground!

Huh! !

With a sound of breaking through the sky, the old beggar has disappeared in front of everyone!

When he reappeared, the old beggar had already jumped into the sky over twenty meters!

Under the shining of the sun, his whole body was shining with golden light, like a real dragon flying in the sky!

"The flying dragon is in the sky!!"

The old beggar turned into a super **** of war, staring at the Fengshen below, suddenly raised his arms, his palms blasted directly at the Fengshen below!

A golden dragon formed by zhenqi boiled and rolled, roaring, and dived down!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

The ground around Fengshen was directly shattered before it got even closer!

Pieces of boulders were swept up by the violent power, and smashed towards the Shadow Demon, the Cold King, and the Thunder Beast!


King Han gave a soft drink and directly frozen these huge rocks into ice cubes!

"Lei Guangquan!!"

Thunder Beast shouted, blasted out several punches, and smashed the frozen boulder to pieces!

"Shadow Blast!!"

The Shadow Demon urges a cloud of shadow energy to wrap all the remaining boulders, and then blow them to pieces!

Seeing this scene, Master Jinghui, Master Ku'e and others were shocked!

Not only Fengshen, the other three are also strong and perverted!

"Storm Sawtooth!!"

Seeing the old beggar slap his palms, Fengshen gave a soft drink and raised his arms!

A wave of terrifying storm energy and violent fluctuations in the air!

Click! Click! ! ...

The whole land of the valley seems to be torn apart!

Immediately afterwards, I saw that under the traction of the storm energy, the shape of the underground rock seemed to form a broad-handled sharp-like blade, glowing with a light blue light, bursting out of the ground!

The whole valley is pierced by the blade of rocks, covering the entire valley, as if bamboo shoots came out of the ground!

And the densest is naturally below the old beggar!

A rock blade with a handle soared into the sky, wishing to pierce the old beggar directly!

Boom boom boom! !

In an instant, the palms of the old beggar collided with the hundreds of rock blades!

Hundreds of rock blades shattered under the collision of the Golden Dragon, and the Golden Dragon also disappeared!


At this moment, screams sounded not far away.

Those warriors who failed to react were directly pierced by the rock blade and died very tragically!

"Da Luo fights the law!!"

Zen Master Ku'e was holding a golden Zen stick and swept out toward the rocky blade that broke out of the ground!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Accompanied by bursts of roar, several rock blades were directly smashed to pieces!

"Emei Sword Technique!!"

Master Jinghui also stepped on light power, and his light body soared. The white long sword in his hand turned out a sword flower, and threw a sword energy towards the rock blade below, directly smashing several rock blades!

The disciples and elders of other sects also showed their magical powers, sweeping away the rocky blades that constantly broke out of the ground!

"See the dragon in the field!"

At this time, the old beggar saw that the second move did not prevail. After landing, he kicked his legs on the ground, accelerated suddenly, and continued to attack Fengshen violently.

"Today I am no longer the one I was two hundred years ago. No matter how strong your Dragon Palm is, I won't be afraid!!"

Fengshen spoke proudly, and then rushed towards the old beggar!

"Leave this old guy to Master Fengshen, let's get rid of these wastes!"

Lei Shou pointed to Master Jinghui Tai and Zen Master Ku'e and others.

Shadow Demon and Cold King also nodded, expressing agreement.

All of a sudden, the Shadow Demon, the Cold King, and the Thunder Beast rushed towards the Jinghui Master Tai and Ku'e Master and the others like wild beasts at the gate!

"Dear heroes! No matter how strong they are, there are only three people! Let's kill this group of **** together!!"

Master Jinghui was holding the white long sword too much, and screamed, with a sharp cold light flashing in her beautiful eyes.

"it is good!!"

"Kill these bastards!!"

Everyone responded one after another, and they also knew that if the Shadow Fiends were not destroyed, they would not have a chance to live, let alone escape.


Master Jinghui screamed too sweetly, and took the lead to rush towards the Shadow Demon, King Cold and Thunder Beast.

Although there are eight sects and a dozen small and medium sects, there are thousands of them, but the three Shadow Demon have no meaning to be afraid.

After all, no matter how many people there are, it is just ants to them.

"God descends from the sky!!"

Leiju's hands condensed two waves of lightning energy, and then he waved his hands.

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A series of violent thunders landed towards the place with the largest number of people!

"Everyone get out of the way! Don't get together!!"

Master Jinghui was shocked and shouted.

At this time, Master Jinghui seemed to be the leader of the crowd.

Everyone did not refuse. After all, Emei was in the forefront of the eight major sects, and Jinghui Master was too young to be a master at the realm of Dacheng in the Yuan Dynasty.

People in other sects also obeyed the orders and dodged in all directions.

Although a large number of people escaped, some people were directly smashed into coke by the violent thunder.

"Kill this woman first..."

The Shadow Demon frowned and said lightly.

"no problem!"

Lei Shou grinned, and then rushed towards Master Jinghui too madly.

"Lei Guangquan!!"

Lei Beast's speed was very fast, and he approached Master Jinghui in a blink of an eye, and then directly punched Jinghui Master!

Zi Zi Zi! !

The purple lightning flashes with a fierce killing intent!

Master Jinghui exploded with the strongest strength, slammed out with a sword, to contend with it!

"Master Jinghui, I'll help you!"

Zen Master Ku'e swept over, and then gathered the strength of Gui Yuan Dacheng Zhenqi, and slammed it at Lei Beast!

Master Jinghui is too alone, it is indeed difficult to contend with Lei Beast, but because of the help of Zen Master Ku'e, it did share some of the pressure!

But at this time, the Shadow Demon who had killed dozens of people on the side suddenly turned around, directly stimulating the shadow magic energy!

Whoosh whoosh! !

Shadows tentacles, like poisonous snakes, swept towards Master Jinghui and Master Ku'e!

Master Jinghui and Zen Master Ku'e are already very difficult to deal with Thunder Beast, and now they join another Shadow Demon, they can't handle it at all!

"Quick! Go and help Master Taihe Zen!!!"

Several sects saw this scene and immediately rushed towards this side.

However, before they were close, the Cold King had already activated the frozen magic energy.

Wow! !

An icy cold air was released from King Han's body, and all the two dozen people who rushed over were frozen into popsicles!

King Han waved his hand again, and these two dozen people who had been frozen into popsicles all fell to the ground, shattered into ice slag, and all died!

However, at this moment, Guo Baoshan, who was injured, rushed forward, waved his double whip, and smashed toward the shadow tentacles spurred by Shadow Demon!

Boom boom boom! !

With bursts of crazy explosions, although the shadow demon's attack was blocked, Guo Baoshan screamed "Ah" in pain, and his body flew out again!


Guo Baoshan fell heavily to the ground, spouting blood again, obviously unable to survive.

"Elder Guo!!"

"Guo Donor!!"

When Master Jinghui Tai and Master Ku'e saw this, they cried out in grief.

Seeing that his attack was blocked, the Shadow Demon was angry and directly released more powerful shadow magic energy!

"Dark Dragon!!"

The voice fell.

I saw that the shadow energy released by the Shadow Demon suddenly formed a huge and terrifying dragon with wings!

This magic dragon waved its giant wings and rushed towards Master Jinghui and Master Ku'e!

Wei Bufan and several other elders sensed the extraordinaryness of this magic dragon, and they all rushed up to resist together!

Boom! !

The collision of several strands of energy detonated a loud noise!


Accompanied by screams, Master Jinghui, Master Ku'e, and the elders of several schools who came to help were all blasted off by this energy and fell to the ground, vomiting blood one by one. It's not a small injury...

Seeing Master Jinghui, Master Ku'e, and the elders of several major sects were all injured, everyone else in the room trembled.

There were more than two thousand people, but now, there are only one thousand and several hundred people left.

The valley was full of corpses, and blood flowed into rivers.

Everyone is almost desperate, this is completely a unilateral massacre.

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