Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2242: , Real strength!

At this time, Master Jinghui, Master Ku'e, and several elders from other schools wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths and slowly got up from the ground.

Although they were injured, the injuries were not too severe and they could continue fighting.

However, the strength of the Shadow Demon, the Cold King, and the Thunder Beast is very strong, and coupled with the tacit understanding, if you continue to fight, I am afraid that there is no chance of winning at all.

Master Jinghui frowned Liu's eyebrows too much, and was very worried in her heart.

Even if there are more people on your side, in front of the real strong, no matter how many people there are, it's just ants.

Unconsciously, the figure of Ye Fei appeared in Master Jinghui's mind.

If that man comes, maybe the result will be different.

"Exterminate these ants as soon as possible!"

The Shadow Demon said lightly.

"it is good!"

"Right on my mind!"

Both King Han and Thunder Beast nodded.

Immediately, the three people of Shadow Demon, Cold King, and Thunder Beast screamed and urged their strongest shadow, ice, and thunder magic energies, ready to wipe out all the warriors present at once!

Moreover, they believe that with the strength of the three of them, it is enough to kill all these more than 1,000 warriors!

In an instant, the air in the entire valley began to fluctuate, and the air pressure in all directions suddenly increased, making it difficult for some weaker warriors to breathe!

"Run! Run!"

"It's horrible! It's horrible!!"

"These people are the devil!!"

The warriors of the small and medium sects really couldn't stand this pressure, and coupled with the sea of ​​blood and corpses piled up in front of them, they had already collapsed, and they were madly preparing to escape here.

"Don't run around!"

Master Jinghui yelled too much, trying to remind these people.

However, these people's emotions have broken down, and she can't even listen to her words.

"Death Ice Prison!"

At this time, King Cold took the lead in stimulating the ice magic energy.

A monstrous cold air swept out like a tide, and the icy cold air seemed to form a huge ice prison, covering the entire valley in it!

And more than a thousand people, including Master Jinghui Tai and Zen Master Ku'e, are the prey trapped in the ice prison, and they can be slaughtered!

For a time, the temperature of the entire valley dropped by tens of degrees, making everyone feel as if they were in the north and south poles.

Originally, the martial artist had been cultivating ancient martial arts for many years, and he was not afraid of the severe cold. However, the cold temperature released by the King of Cold was too low, and it could penetrate into the bone marrow through human flesh and skin.

It's really cold and bitter, I'm afraid that's it.

"Everyone can resist, don't be disturbed by his chill!"

Master Jinghui hurriedly worked too quickly to resist the cold, and reminded everyone.

Everyone didn't want to be frozen alive, so they all began to perform their exercises.

Although it can withstand a part of the cold, but after a long time, there is still only the end of freezing to death.

"Ah... my legs, why are my legs frozen!!"

"My hand! I don't feel my hand anymore!!"

"What's the matter? I don't want to die! I don't want to die yet!!"

However, at this moment, bursts of exclamation came.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, and they saw that those warriors who were about to escape were directly frozen because they touched the barrier of the "Death Ice Prison"!

Dozens of warriors were frozen into popsicles in the blink of an eye!

Seeing this scene, everyone else was terrified, and secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, they didn't run around. Otherwise, they would be the one who died!

"None of you guys want to run away today..."

King Han said lightly, and then rushed to the Shadow Demon and Thunder Beast: "What are you waiting for?"

Shadow Demon and Thunder Beast nodded, and then directly displayed their strongest tricks!

"Dark Dragon!!"


However, before their voices fell, when the Dark Dragon and Kuang Lei had not been released, they just heard the sound of the dragon's roar!

Immediately afterwards, a violent and violent coercion swept toward them!

The Shadow Demon, King Cold, and Thunder Beast turned their heads and looked around, and saw that two dragons formed by infuriating energy smashed into the three of them!

Therefore, at the moment, the old beggar slapped the Shadow Demon, Cold King and Thunder Beast directly after shaking off Fengshen!

Feeling the horrible pressure of the old beggar’s palms, the three shadow demons did not dare to give up, but for the time being, they gave up slaughtering Jinghui Shitai and others, and instead spurred the magical energy towards the old beggar. go!

boom! ! !

The two roaring golden dragons directly collided with the magical energy of the three Shadow Demon!

The collision of the four energies is like the collision of four meteorites and the explosion of an atomic bomb. The power of the explosion can be described as terrifying!

The earth shook wildly, the boulders flew up, the smoke was filled, and the frantic sound rushed away in all directions!

The collision of the four energies directly caused the landslide, and the rocks rolled down!

However, because of the old beggar's relief, the "Death Ice Prison" urged by the Han King was directly broken, so Master Jinghui and others were free from the shackles and performed light efforts to evade!

Some are swinging their fists and palms to shoot the falling boulders into the air!

The palm of the old beggar not only smashed the magical energy of the three shadow demons, but also shook them all out!

"It deserves to be an old guy who has killed the Lord God, his strength is really terrifying..."

The Shadow Demon steadied his body and said in a daze. He clearly knew that if he was alone, he would definitely not be the opponent of the old beggar.

Both King Han and Thunder Beast were also very shocked. How could ordinary people be able to repel the three of them with one person's power?

But just after the old beggar repelled the three Shadow Demons, he was about to turn around and continue to attack Fengshen, but suddenly felt a terrifying pressure coming from behind him!

The old beggar turned around subconsciously, raised his palms to meet him!

boom! !

A muffled thunder sounded!

The old beggar's palms hit a boulder directly!

No, this is not a boulder at all, but a broken mountain more than 20 meters tall!

Therefore, when the old beggar was distracted, Fengshen directly used the wind magic to cut off a low mountain, then moved it, and crushed it towards the old beggar!

However, the old beggar is a martial artist with both internal and external cultivation. The cultivation base is in the Lichen Realm, and his strength is majestic. This broken mountain can't help him!

"Huh! Old thing, I see how long you can support it!!"

Fengshen snorted coldly, then waved his hands.

Several violent tornadoes rolled up a large amount of rock and soil, compressed and condensed, and once again formed a mountain of more than 20 meters high, superimposed on it, and continued to suppress the old beggar!


Even if the two mountains of more than 20 meters were added together, the old beggar was still not afraid. He burst into a shout, and his feet collapsed, but he was not suppressed!

"Dark Dragon! Go!"

Taking advantage of this gap, the Shadow Demon directly urged the Dark Dragon and rushed towards the old beggar's back!

At this time, the old beggar was all about fighting Fengshen, and he had no scruples behind him. When he reacted, the dragon had already slammed into his back!


A mouthful of thick blood spurted out of the old beggar's mouth, and then, only a loud noise was heard, and the two mountains were suppressed, and the old beggar was directly "buried" alive!

"Old beggar!!"

"Old man!!"

Seeing this scene, Master Jinghui and others shouted heartbreakingly.

They clearly know that if the old beggars weren't trying to help them out, they would not be at a disadvantage at all!

For a time, everyone was heartbroken and beaten their chests and feet!

"Despicable and shameless dog thing, how dare you plot against the old man!!"

Wei Bufan shouted at the Shadow Demon.

"As long as you can win, it's a trick, so what?"

The Shadow Demon looked at Wei Bufan indifferently.


Everyone stared at Shadow Demon in a daze, and was so speechless that they were blocked by this guy's shamelessness.

Fengshen frowned, feeling that Shadow Demon suddenly intervened a little uncomfortable, but thought that the result was good, so he didn't say anything, but said indifferently: "Okay, the old things have been solved, kill all these wastes. ..."

"Yes, Master Fengshen!!"

The three Shadow Demon nodded, and then prepared to do it.

Master Jinghui, Master Ku'e, and everyone present showed bitter expressions. Now even the old beggars are buried alive, and no one here is an opponent of the Fengshen four...

They are also expecting the five great ancestors to come over, but the journey is so long, how can they get there in a while?

It seems that this time, everyone has to die here...

"Look! Look at the sky!!"

"That... what is that?!"

"Swords! Lots of swords!!"

At this moment, there was a burst of exclamation in the crowd...

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