Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2243: , Super battle!

Everyone looked up, and saw thousands of golden sword shadows shooting towards the Fengshen four like a violent storm!

The sky full of golden sword shadows shrouded the sky above the entire valley, exuding brilliant golden light!

Fengshen, Shadow Demon, Cold King and Thunder Beast frowned, and they all felt a powerful and terrifying coercion and aura!

However, they couldn't understand, who on earth possessed such terrifying coercion and aura?

Is there any master hidden here? !

"It's Ye Fei! Ye Fei is here!!"

Master Jinghui saw the golden sword shadow, and a smile of joy suddenly appeared on her face.

"Is the leader coming?!"

"It must be! The leader must be here! The last time I saw the leader perform this sword trick!!"

"Leader! Lord!"

For a while, everyone present felt inspiring, and everyone cheered loudly.

Before, Ye Fei killed the ghost face demon monk, Burning Heaven and Devil Bow alone, everyone is vividly remembered.

Therefore, the arrival of Ye Fei at this time also allowed them to regain hope.

"Shadow Demon, Cold King, Thunder Beast, open defense!"

Fengshen sensed that the golden sword shadow in the sky was a bit extraordinary, and immediately issued an order.


The three shadow demons nodded, and then began to mobilize magical energy for defense.

"Storm Shield!!"

Fengshen raised his arms, and a gust of wind swept above him, emitting a light blue light, forming a thick wind wall!

"Shadow Shield!!"

"Ice Wall!!"

"Thunder shield!!"

Shadow Demon, Cold King, and Thunder Beast also displayed their magical energy at the same time to form a protective shield to resist the golden sword flying in the sky!

In an instant.

Ding Ding Ding! ! ...

There was a burst of crisp and violent impact!

The infuriating qi blasted away a few pieces of surrounding rocks!

For the golden sword shadow flying in the sky, the wind god, the shadow demon and the cold king were able to stop them, and they were not greatly affected!

However, the weaker Thunder Beast was affected!

A few seconds passed.


Thunder Beast screamed suddenly.

I saw that the thunder shield he condensed had already been smashed, his arms, legs and lower abdomen were shot by more than a dozen golden swords, and blood flowed out!

Although the one who was stabbed by the golden sword shadow was not fatal, but with more than a dozen swords in his body, he still grinned in pain, and his face was slightly pale!

Seeing the sword shadow continue to shoot towards him, Lei Beast gritted his teeth and waved his fist, "Ka Ka Ka" suddenly smashed several golden swords!

However, in the face of these thousands of golden swords, the few golden swords that Thunder Beast smashed were not worth mentioning!


Fengshen frowned and saw that Thunder Beast seemed to be unable to dodge the golden sword in the sky, and with a wave of his left hand, another wind wall was condensed to block the top of Thunder Beast!

Because of Fengshen's help, Lei Beast was not shot to death by Chaos Sword!

"Thank you Master Fengshen!"

Lei Shou broke out in a cold sweat and thanked him.

Thousands of golden sword shadows lasted about a minute.

When all the golden sword shadows disappeared, everyone looked up and saw that the ground around Fengshen and Shadow Demon had been pierced with countless holes, as if they had been blown up by missiles!

It is conceivable that if they had no defense, they would have been beaten into a sieve long ago!

When the golden sword shadow disappeared, Fengshen raised his eyes to the top of a low mountain, squinted his eyes, and said: "Purgatory King..."

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, and saw that on the low mountain on the side, a young man with eyes like stars, face like a knife, and a weak javelin stood proudly there!

This young man was Ye Fei who had just rushed here!


"It's really the leader!!"

Everyone present with excited smiles shouted at Ye Fei.

Although Ye Fei's sword trick didn't kill the Four Fengshen, at least it hurt the Thunder Beast, which was enough to shock people.

Ye Fei leaped, and with a "boom", landed firmly in front of the four Fengshen.

"The Purgatory King... it's really you..."

Fengshen looked at Ye Fei indifferently, without any fluctuations in his eyes.

In his opinion, no matter how strong Ye Fei was, he would not be his opponent.

This is his pride as the Lord God.

"You think you can send an ugly monster to stop me?"

Ye Fei met Fengshen's gaze and smiled disdainfully.

"What's the meaning?"

Fengshen asked back.

"Oh, it's meaningless, I just want to tell you that that ugly monster has died under the chaotic sword." Ye Fei replied.

The Shadow Demon, King Han, and Thunder Beast were shocked, looking at Ye Fei's gaze, they became extra vigilant.

"Interesting, you deserve to be a person who is optimistic about the king of the gods... the strength is really good..."

Fengshen's face still didn't fluctuate, and he didn't care about the death of the water monster.

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, feeling that the blue-haired man in front of him is a little different from the Shadow Demon and others, and said: "It looks like you are the leader of these people, let's say, are you a **** disciple or the main god?"

"Ye Fei, this guy is the 12th main god, Fengshen!"

Master Jinghui reminded him later.

"Hey, finally there is a main god..."

Ye Fei smiled and said: "I have always heard about how powerful your lord **** is. Today, I would like to see how strong your lord **** of the alliance of gods is..."

"Ye Fei be careful! This guy is very strong!!"

"Yes, lord, the old beggar was killed by him just now!!"

"Leader, the old beggar was suppressed by him to the bottom of the mountain, you must avenge him!!"

Several sects shouted one after another.

"What...My big brother is dead?!"

Hearing what everyone said, Ye Fei's heart was shocked, his face changed drastically, and he couldn't believe it.

He glanced at everyone present, and indeed only saw the little beggar of the gang of beggars, but did not find the old beggar.

Is the old beggar really dead?

How is this possible?

He has always known that the strength of the old beggar is unfathomable and very powerful. With his current strength, it is already very good to be able to draw with him.

However, he never expected that the old beggar would die...

Although the old beggar is a cheap eldest brother he has worshipped, he knows that the old beggar treats himself sincerely.

The old beggar taught his martial arts and saved his life.

And Ye Fei had already regarded the old beggar as a real eldest brother.

"Ye Fei, senior... was killed by their partnership..."

Master Jinghui held back the tears too strongly, stepped forward, choked up and said something.

She looked at the four Fengshen's gazes, full of anger. She hated these four for killing the old beggar, and also hated that she was not strong enough to help.

The other people present were also heartbroken, and their faces were full of sadness.

"I see……"

Ye Fei faintly replied, his face became extremely indifferent, even with a trace of desolation.

It doesn't seem to have any expressions.

But people who are familiar with Ye Fei know that once Ye Fei's anger reaches the extreme, there is usually no expression on his face.

"Leader, you must avenge the old beggar!"

The head of a school screamed heartily.

"shut up……"

Ye Fei turned his head and glanced hard at the people present, and said coldly, "If you weren't stupid and caught the tricks of others, my eldest brother would not rush here to clean up the mess for you!!

You all fools who succeeded less than failed! You can't fight the enemy, but cannibalism is good! The death of my elder brother has nothing to do with you either! ! "

Hearing Ye Fei's almost roaring roar, everyone present bowed their heads, not daring to refute it.

After all, this time they were indeed struck by the plot of Fengshen, which caused so many deaths and injuries, and also affected the old beggar.

Ye Fei did not look at these people again, but turned to look at the four Fengshen, with golden flames beating in his eyes, and the power of the great power of Vientiane swept out directly, like a mountain torrent that broke the bank, covering the whole valley!

He faintly said: "Today, I want the four of you to bury my eldest brother!!"

"Arrogant kid, don't think you're invincible if you kill a few gods!!"

Seeing Ye Fei's arrogant words, Lei Beast immediately went forward and said, "I want you to understand today what is the difference in strength!"


Ye Fei chuckled and said, "I should tell you this..."

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