Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2244: , Buried directly alive!


Lei Beast was furious and directly activated the Thunder Magic.

"God descends from the sky!!"

Rumble! !

For a time, dozens of violent thunders fell from the sky, with the crazy killing intent of death, and hit Ye Fei fiercely!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

However, Ye Fei just stood there, not dodge or dodge, no matter how lightning hit him, he didn't move at all!

These dozens of thunder and lightning hit Ye Fei's body, only to smash the clothes on Ye Fei's body, the skin was hit with several red marks, and there was no damage on his body!

Now, Ye Fei's body has exercised his muscles and blood, which can be described as extremely tyrannical!

Coupled with the defense of Wanxiang's true energy, the violent thunder that Lei Beast hits, no matter how strong it is, it won't hurt him a bit!

"This... how is this possible?!"

Lei Shou looked at Ye Fei blankly, obviously feeling very unbelievable.

After all, he knew exactly how powerful his violent thunder was.

Ordinary warriors will be directly turned into coke if hit, and ordinary masters will be severely injured if they are hit.

But this kid was unscathed?

It's incredible!

Even the Fengshen, Shadow Demon, and Cold King in the rear were shocked!

"Leader is mighty!!"

"Leader is domineering!!"

Seeing that Ye Fei was not injured by the lightning, everyone present shouted excitedly.

"Purgatory King, you are just a little tougher. It is impossible to kill me!"

Seeing that one of the tricks didn't work, the Lei Beast was about to energize the magical energy of the Thunder system again.

But Ye Fei didn't give him any chance. Instead, he slammed his feet to the ground and directly smashed the rocks on the ground, and his body swept towards the Thunder Beast like a sharp sword!

Just in the blink of an eye, he has already arrived in front of Thunder Beast!

The Lei Beast's pupils shrank, and he could only give up the long-range magic attack for the time being. Instead, he twisted his punch and blasted towards Ye Fei!

"Lei Guangquan!!"


Ye Fei gave a burst, twisted a fist directly, and met Lei Beast's fist.

boom! !

The absolute collision of the two forces made a loud noise!

A crazy wave of air dissipated towards both sides, directly overturning the rocks on the surface!

Lei Beast originally thought that he could hold Ye Fei's fist, and even repel Ye Fei!

However, the next second.

He felt as if his body was out of control, rising from the ground, like a baseball that was hit and flew upside down!

Seeing that the Lei Beast flew out, Ye Fei did not stop, his right foot kicked to the ground again, the wind was blowing under his foot, and he chased it up again!

At the moment when he approached the Thunder Beast, Ye Fei's body leaped high, leaping to a height higher than the Thunder Beast, and then roared: "Go to death!!!"

The voice did not fall.

Ye Fei slammed a heavy punch and slammed it on the chest of Lei Beast!

With a muffled "bang", Leiju's huge body received a violent blow. With a "bang" like a cannonball, it fell to the ground, smashing the ground into a pit, and splashing dust!

"Cough cough cough..."

After receiving two heavy blows in a row, Lei Beast coughed up blood heavily.

He raised his eyes to look at Ye Fei in the air, with crazy anger and killing intent in his eyes!

However, just as he was about to get up and prepare to fight back, he felt that a pressure that made everyone panicked was spreading in vain!

This is a sharp, sharp, heavy, majestic and surging coercion!

It's like a generation of kings looking down at the world, overlooking their tiny subjects!

Ye Fei had already condensed a sword of true energy and held it in his hand. The golden flames in his pupils danced wildly, and the sword of true energy in his hand slowly became a true energy that was five or six meters long and half a meter wide. Qi giant sword!

The crazy sword aura whirled around him, raging, like a sword cyclone!

"Ancient swordsmanship..."

"The sword dominates the world!!!"

Ye Fei roared wildly, as if he had become a peerless **** of war, suddenly raised the infuriating giant sword in his hand, and stabled wildly at the thunder beast below!

The huge sword stabbed, and the crazy sword energy rushed in all directions, tearing the surrounding mountains, rocks, and vegetation to shreds!

"This...what is this?!"

"Is this a sword? This sword is too big?!"

"The last time the leader played against the three ghost face monster monks, he didn't seem to use this trick?!"

Everyone present started talking in shock.

Seeing Ye Fei's sword stab, Lei Beast also felt a suffocating pressure, making his body unable to move at all!

So, he chanted a few mantras, and then shouted: "Thunderbolt!!"

For a time, dozens of violent thunders fell from the sky and slashed towards Ye Fei madly!

Zi Zi Zi! ! ...

Bang bang bang! ! ...

However, before these dozens of violent thunders approached Ye Fei's body, they were crushed by the sharp, devastating sword energy!

"Magic Shadow Whip!!"

The Shadow Demon not far away saw it, without any hesitation, directly cast shadow magic, formed more than a dozen shadow whips, and swept towards Ye Fei in the air!

However, when these dozen shadow whips approached, the sharp and unmatched sword energy directly cut them off!


Seeing this scene, Lei Beast yelled in horror, completely desperate.

"No! Help! Help! ——"

Lei Beast let out a desperate cry.

The cry for help has not yet fallen.

Boom! ! ——

The great sword of true Qi in Ye Fei's hand was finally pierced, and the death shock wave formed by that terrifying sword aura instantly pierced out an area under Ye Fei's body into a huge deep pit!

And the vegetation and rocks around this deep pit are all fragmented and even turned into dust!

All this happened so fast that no one would react!

The dazzling golden light flashed, causing everyone present to close their eyes!

More than a minute passed.

When the light dissipated and the dust dissipated, everyone looked up.

I saw that where Ye Fei had just pierced with a sword, there appeared a huge pit with a diameter of more than 20 meters and a depth of half a meter!

Ye Fei was standing there straight, with a golden giant sword inserted beside him!

The golden flame in his eyes has not dissipated, and it continues to burn, indicating that the anger in his heart is just like this flame, and it continues to burn!

And beside Ye Fei's feet, it was a thunder beast that was stabbed in half by a sword from the top of his head!

The **** internal organs stained this pothole, which is especially dazzling!

Everyone in the martial arts looked at this scene in a dumbfounded manner, with complex and unspeakable eyes, surprise, admiration, awe, fear and envy...

As expected to be the leader, such a powerful Thunder Beast was killed by him with two punches and one sword? !

They thought that Ye Fei was going to fight Thunder Beast, but they didn't know that Ye Fei killed it so simply and decisively!

However, everyone also reacted, probably because of the death of the old beggar, which completely drove Ye Fei crazy, making him extremely angry!

Master Jinghui looked at Ye Fei's arrogant figure, that icy face and bleak eyes, she felt a little bit unbearable and distressed in her heart.

She clearly felt the violent, murderous, dark, and cruel breath released from the man's body. This feeling was like a sharp knife piercing her heart, making her feel suffocated.

Does he feel the same way?

Is this the real him?

At this moment, she realized that she didn't understand the man in front of her...

At this moment, the Shadow Demon and the Cold King looked at Ye Fei in front of them, their bodies tense as if they were facing an enemy.

No wonder the king of the gods has been trying to win over this kid, the strength of this kid is really terrifying.

After all, by now, the five great **** disciples, the ghost face monster monk, the burning sky, the magic bow, the water monster and the thunder beast, have all died in his hands.

He killed a quarter of the gods...

Even Fengshen looked at Ye Fei with surprise.

He didn't care about Thunder Beast's death. What he cared about was how strong this kid was.


Ye Fei spit out a deep breath and pulled out the infuriating giant sword beside him, and then with a "wheeze", he pointed at the Fengshen, the Shadow Demon and the Cold King, and said indifferently: "Next, let's go together. Killing one by one is a waste of time..."

"Purgatory Lord, you are too arrogant..."

Fengshen looked at Ye Fei and said something coldly, a touch of anger appeared on the face that had not been fluctuating in expression...

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